Radial gradient not rendered properly - Web App Development

I'm trying to develop an app, web based, using phonegap.
I trying to create a radial background, but it's rendered as a linear gradient on my mobile.
I put this code (from the microsoft gradient generator):
/* IE10 Consumer Preview */
background-image: -ms-radial-gradient(center, ellipse farthest-corner, #FFFFFF 0%, #A63C3C 100%);
/* Mozilla Firefox */
background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(center, ellipse farthest-corner, #FFFFFF 0%, #A63C3C 100%);
/* Opera */
background-image: -o-radial-gradient(center, ellipse farthest-corner, #FFFFFF 0%, #A63C3C 100%);
/* Webkit (Safari/Chrome 10) */
background-image: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 497, color-stop(0, #FFFFFF), color-stop(1, #A63C3C));
/* Webkit (Chrome 11+) */
background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse farthest-corner, #FFFFFF 0%, #A63C3C 100%);
/* W3C Markup, IE10 Release Preview */
background-image: radial-gradient(ellipse farthest-corner at center, #FFFFFF 0%, #A63C3C 100%);
When I open the web page on my desktop, the gradient is displayed properly.
However, after compiling with phonegap and sending it to my phone, the gradient is doing something like this:
color - white - color
from the left to right, but it's uniform from top to bottom.
It looks like a linear gradient from left to right.
I'm running CyanogenMod 11.0 (Kitkat 4.4.2) with webkit 537.36
I spent lot of time looking on the web for a solution, but the only solution proposed is to add the prefix (-webkit, etc...) that I already have.
I couldn't find a similar issue.
Can anyone please help me with that ?
Thank you.

I finally figure it out.
I had to add this in my css:
html { min-height:100%; }


Spb Mobile Shell v3.0.0 Build 6411

Overview : Spb Mobile Shell is the first program a Pocket PC user needs to install. It dramatically improves the standard user interface and adds features that most users expect from a modern PDA phone.
The most important information on one screen:
-Date and time
-Missed calls and unread messages
-Phone profile
-Next alarms and appointments, calendar
-Battery and signal levels
Version 3.0 (April 21, 2009):
* Widgets (Lifestyle Home Screen)
* Facebook integration
* 3D carousel
* Widget-based photo contacts
* Finger friendly agenda view
* Call log
* Finger friendly profile editor
* Ringtone management
* Management of contact photos (crop, rotate etc.)
* Work as a home screen
* Media Player widget
* Wireless Manager
* New launcher
* 3x3 phone menu is back
* Finger friendly settings
* Kinetic scrolling everywhere
* Email indicators for individual Email accounts
* Improved task manager
* Back/Restore settings
Requirements : PPC WM6
We know...
NOT... v6411 ... this thread v6362
tamercan said:
NOT... v6411 ... this thread v6362
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Whats the difference?
jup.. need changelog
many many thanks from Greece
There's already a topic about this subject ->
and it's NOT allowed to place a link to cracked software!
Correct link:
This is the name of the LEGAL CAB-file: SpbMobileShell3.arm.cab !!!

Coding a webpage so Android doesn't show the sidebar

Does anyone have any idea how to code a webpage so that the sidebar doesn't show in Android's browser? Usually when writing a page for Firefox/IE etc you'd include overflow: hidden; in the CSS and the overflow/sidebars would be gone but this doesn't work in Android's browser.
Any suggestions?
What is the sidebar? Maybe set the width of the page to 320 pixels...?
View a webpage with a background that isn't white and you'll see the sidebar. Changing the page size to match the screen resolution has no effect.
Try this meta tag:
<meta name="viewport" content="minimum-scale=1.0, width=device-width, maximum-scale=1">
It works on the iphone. If not try setting the width to just under the screen width, say 318px in the body tag.
I can't get that to work either. Basically I need a plain black background that I can put some content on top of but nothing I try gets rid of that damn sidebar!
In your CSS try:
body {
width: 315px;
width: 315px;
overflow: hidden;
if you are using ASP.NET you could try using masterpages with different layout styles and dynamically set them depending on the browser used by the client.

Create PopUp with dimmed background

Hello devs
Im developing an application for Windows Mobile in Visual Basic.NET.
Now I would like to make some kind of PopUp with all the stuff seen in background "dimmed". This can be seen on all newer Manila-Style applications and of course HTC is making those popups.
But, how do I create such popups? I know that it has something to do with AlphaBlending, but I don't really understand how to make it.
Does anyone of you probably have a working sample solution in VB.NET?
Many thanks in advance for any help...
Here you go. http://blogs.msdn.com/priozersk/archive/2009/03/31/dimming-the-background.aspx
This guys blog is great. All kinds of tips and tricks to make mobile apps work and look better.
Many thanks for the link. I'll try to get this code changed to VB.NET.
Seems to lock pretty easy and it's exactly what I was looking for
OK, I've managed to change the code into VB. This is the code:
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
Dim dimBackground As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Me.Width, Me.Height)
Dim gxTemp As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(dimBackground)
e.Graphics.drawalpha(dimBackground, 100, 0, 0)
End Sub
The code is working execpt "DrawAlpha". DrawAlpha seems to be unknown in VisualBasic.NET with .NET CF 3.5.
Can anyone help me how to get the DrawAlpha method working?
Public Module opacity
Public Structure BlendFunction
Public BlendOp As Byte
Public BlendFlags As Byte
Public SourceConstantAlpha As Byte
Public AlphaFormat As Byte
End Structure
Public Declare Function AlphaBlendCE Lib "Coredll.dll" Alias "AlphaBlend" (ByVal hdcDest As IntPtr, _
ByVal xDest As Int32, ByVal yDest As Int32, ByVal cxDest As Int32, _
ByVal cyDest As Int32, ByVal hdcSrc As IntPtr, ByVal xSrc As Int32, _
ByVal ySrc As Int32, ByVal cxSrc As Int32, ByVal cySrc As Int32, _
ByVal blendFunction As BlendFunction) As Int32
Public Enum BlendOperation As Byte
End Enum
Public Enum BlendFlags As Byte
Zero = &H0
End Enum
Public Enum SourceConstantAlpha As Byte
Transparent = &H0
Opaque = &HFF
End Enum
Public Enum AlphaFormat As Byte
End Enum
Public Sub DrawAlpha(ByVal gx As Graphics, ByVal image As Bitmap, _
ByVal transp As Byte, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
Using gxSrc As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image)
Dim hdcDst As IntPtr = gx.GetHdc()
Dim hdcSrc As IntPtr = gxSrc.GetHdc()
Dim bf As New BlendFunction()
bf.BlendOp = CByte(BlendOperation.AC_SRC_OVER)
bf.BlendFlags = CByte(BlendFlags.Zero)
bf.SourceConstantAlpha = transp
bf.AlphaFormat = CByte(AlphaFormat.AC_SRC_ALPHA)
AlphaBlendCE(hdcDst, x, y, image.Width, image.Height, hdcSrc, _
0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, bf)
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.log("Device dont support alphablending.", Logger.logLevel.NOTICE)
Logger.log(ex, Logger.logLevel.NOTICE)
End Try
End Sub
End Module
opacity.DrawAlpha(e.graphics, bmp, 128), 0, 0) 'draw your bmp with 50% opacity
Hope it help it's the quicker method that I found. I have cutted out some specific code from my app, so you ca find error, I've not test the code. Let me know if you have trouble.
If you are intrested there is an other way to make opacity bitmap that work pixel per pixel but is too slow.
If you found better method please post it.
Many thanks for your code. It seems to work pretty using the code I have posted initally. There I was using a new form with WindowState = Maximized etc.
But now I don't really understand on how to exactly use your code in my project.
I have one form and multiple controls on it. The controls are normally invisible and set to Visible = True if I need to show them.
How can I now dim the background with your code, before setting a specific control to Visible = True?
I tried something like this:
Private Sub ShowPanel()
Dim dimBackground As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Me.Width, Me.Height)
Dim gxTemp As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(dimBackground)
modOpacity.DrawAlpha(gxTemp, dimBackground, 128, 0, 0)
Me.Panel2.Visible = True
End Sub
But if I do this code, I get an error in your code at the line:
Dim hdcSrc As IntPtr = gxSrc.GetHdc()
It seems, that the object gxSrc does not have a method GetHdc(), but I simply don't understand why...
Could you probably get me into the right direction?
As explained in the blog I've created a form 'BackgroundForm'
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Drawing;
namespace UI
public partial class BackgroundForm : Form
public BackgroundForm()
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
using (Bitmap dimBackGround = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height))
using (Graphics gxTemp = Graphics.FromImage(dimBackGround))
opacity.DrawAlpha(e.Graphics, dimBackGround, 100, 0, 0);
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
and changed it to be fullscreen (in the designer):
FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized;
Then I've created a static helper class
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace UI
public static class FormHelper
public static DialogResult ShowMessageBox(string text)
return ShowMessageBox(text, string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
public static DialogResult ShowMessageBox(string text, string caption)
return ShowMessageBox(text, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
public static DialogResult ShowMessageBox(string text, string caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon)
BackgroundForm form = new BackgroundForm();
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(text, caption, buttons, icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
return result;
And now you can simply use one of the three methods to show a message box with dimmed background e.g.
FormHelper.ShowMessageBox("Text", "Caption", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
To convert from C# to VB.net use for example convert csharp to vb.
Thanks for your answer. Meanwhile I was already able to get it working with your blog info about using a new form.
Thanks to everyone helping me

Free SliderList control (kinetic scrollable list with functional items)

Hi all!
I've written a small library and hope it is useful for some other software developers, too. As I got so many hints/tweaks/apps from xda-devs for free, I also want to give this lib out for free. But that does not mean that you are not welcome to donate if you like my work
Attached to this post you will find a zip file containing the library and a demo project showing the capabilities of the library.
As you can see on the screen shots below, the list items can be simple text, check items with and without thumbnail and radio items. All items can be grouped, but do not have to. If you use grouping, you can decide, if the group is collapsible/expandable or not (see also screen shots)
Each item may have ChildItems (despite to the group items, which have *SubItems*). The child items slide in view either by using a ParentItem, which has a "button" to scroll the children in view, or by sliding the finger from right to left after tapping on the item.
If you need another functionality for your item, you can either inherit and extend the item that fits best, or implement IItem on your own.
Of course you can use any graphics you like to skin the list items. To see how it all works, please have a look at the demo project.
I hope this helps others a little bit!
Best regards,
Thanks a lot to my friend amird, who spent hours of his spare time to convert my sample from C# to VB. The sample is also available for download here. If you VB users want to contribute for his hard work, please use this thread to find his paypal button
2.3 improved click stability (list won't move while clicking)
2.2 minor changes
TextItem can now have empty text
fixed: Exception if SliderList has no items
GroupItems have events for Before-/AfterCollapse and Expand
SliderList has events for Before-/AfterSlideToChildren and -Parent
VirtualMode for SliderList (not internally managed items for a huge number of items)
1.8 HeadlineItems don't care about text, only if Color and Font are set
1.7 Added new Items: HeadlineCheckItem and HeadlineRadioItem
1.6 New Item: ControlHostItem
sliderList.Recalculate is now public (was internal)
OnItemFocused fired when FocusedItem is manually set
1.4 GroupItems have now published property SubItems
CheckItem Property: CompleteItemCheck (to check/uncheck the item by clicking anywhere (not thumbnail) on the item
internal Recalculate() in SLiderList. Used by GroupItem to be sure after adding/removing SubItems to have the internal list parameters recalculated
new methods (see next Post)
GroupItem and RadioGroupItem constructor changed and problem fixed when used in a ChildItem list
pInvoke added (BasItem) to exactly calculate multi line text height in TextItem
Static string SliderList.Version to get the current Version (would be nice to see this in your about screens )
Used some Invokes to make it WM5 compatible and thread save
1.1 event chain changed
1.0 Initial release
If you like my work, you can buy me a glass of wine
Some annotations and sources...
- To skin the control you can use PNG graphics. The transparent color will be the bottom right pixel.
- If you use a graphic as background the height of the item is determined my the bitmap.
- If you inherit from TextItem (as it is done by CheckItem) you have to specify the textRect for the underlying item to render the text correctly.
- the SliderList has an event OnFocusedControl that is fired after tipping on an IItem. After this event the event chain for the items is fired.
event OnItemFocused
is fired when an item is clicked
event BeforeSlideToChildren OnBeforeSlideToChildren
is fired fired before the list slides to ChildItems of the focused item.
event BeforeSlideToParent OnBeforeSlideToParent
if fired before the list slides from the ChildItems back to the parent.
event AfterSlideToChildren OnAfterSlideToChildren
is fired fired after the list slided to the ChildItems
event AfterSlideToParent OnAfterSlideToParent
is fired after the list slided back to the ParentItem.
event GetMaxHeight OnGetMaxHeight
is fired in VirtualMode to determin some values.
event GetItem OnGetItem
is fired in VirtualMode to get the currently rendered item.
event GetIndexOf OnGetIndexOf
is fired in VirtualMode to determin the index of an item for the SliderList
List<IItem> Items { get; }
Retrieves the list of items.
bool ShowIndicator
Determines if the indicator bar (Scrollbar) is shown
Color IndicatorColor
The color of the indicator.
Bitmap IndicatorBitmap
Is used as the list indicator. If this is used, the height of the indicator is determined by the height of the bitmap. The indicator color is ignored.
int TopIndex
The index of the IItem that is shown on top of the list.
IItem FocusedItem
The IItem that is currently focused.
Image BackgroundImage
The background image to use.
void AddItem( IItem Item )
Add one item to the list
void RemoveItem( IItem Item )
Removed the item from the list
void IndexOf( IItem Item )
Get the index of the item.
void InsertItem( int Index, IItem Item )
Inserts the Item at Index position.
void Clear()
Clears the list of items.
void SlideToChildren()
If the focused IItem has children, the list slides to the left and from the right the list with the children appears.
void SlideToParent()
When a list with children is displayed, it slides out to the right and the list with its parent item appears from the left.
void ScrollInView( IItem Item )
Ensure that the IItem is visible (this could be improved, because the IItem will always be the top item)
void BeginUpdate()
Prevent the list from updating while adding/removing items. If you call it twice, you also have to call EndUpdate twice before the list invalidates itself.
void EndUpdate()
Internally counts back how many BeginUpdate were called. If non is left the control invalidates.
internal Recalculate()
Used by GroupItem to be sure after adding/removing SubItems to have the internal list parameters recalculated
void StartVirtualMode()
Starts the virtual mode. Can be called whenever changed on the items were made to reflect the changed in the SliderList.
IItem interface
Implement this interface for own items.
Additional to the events and properties of IItem the items can have own events, methods and propertis
Bitmap Background : the background image that is used. If background image is used, the item height is determined by the image. Otherwise it can be set by property or constructor.
string Text : the text to draw.
Font Font : the font to draw the text.
Color TextColor : the text color.
protected Rectangle textRect : internal used rectangle in which the text is drawn.
RadioItem (derived from TextItem)
Bitmap IconUnchecked : the bitmap displayed right hand side of the item as unchecked state
Bitmap IconChecked : the bitmap displayed right hand side of the item as checked state.
bool Checked : get/set checked state.
CheckItem (derived from TextItem)
event ItemChecked OnItemChecked : fired by cheking/unchecking the item
event ThumbnailClicked OnThumbnailClicked : fired by clicking on the thumbnail (if set)
Bitmap Thumbnail : the image that is displayed left hand side (if not set the corresponding event cannot be fired)
Bitmap IconUnchecked : the bitmap displayed right hand side of the item as unchecked state
Bitmap IconChecked : the bitmap displayed right hand side of the item as checked state.
bool Checked : get/set checked state.
bool CompleteItemCheck : get/set whether to check/uncheck the item by clicking anywhere (not thumbnail) on the item
ParentItem (derived from TextItem)
event ThumbnailClicked OnThumbnailClicked : fired by clicking on the thumbnail (if set)
Bitmap Thumbnail : the image that is displayed left hand side (if not set the corresponding event cannot be fired)
Bitmap IconShowMore : the icon used to indicate that children are available.
when clicked on that bitmap the list slides automatically to the childrens list.
GroupItem (derived from TextItem)
BeforeCollapseOrExpand OnBeforeCollapseOrExpand : fired before items is collapsed or expanded.
event AfterCollapseOrExpand OnAfterCollapseOrExpand : fired after item is collapsed or expanded.
Bitmap IconExpanded : the icon used to indicate the list can be collapsed.
Bitmap IconCollapsed : the icon used to indicate the list can be expanded.
bool Expanded : get/set the expanded/collapsed state
AddSubItem( IItem SubItem ) : add a new item to the group.
RemoveSubItem( IItem SubItem ) : remove an item from the group
List<IItem>SubItems : gets the IItems list of this group. Don't forget to call sliderList.Recalculate() after changing the list directly!
RadioGroupItem (derived from GroupItem)
takes care that only one RadioItem can be checked. Other items are allowed in that list.
Control Control : the control to be hosted (may be TextBox or UserControl. See DemoProject)
depending on the guest control scrolling may be slow!
HeadlineCheckItem (derived from TextItem)
same settings as CheckItem
Font HeadlineFont (must be set to get headline displayed)
Color HeadlineColor (must be set to get headline displayed)
String HeadlineText
HeadlineRadioItem (derived from TextItem)
same settings as RadioItem
Font HeadlineFont (must be set to get headline displayed)
Color HeadlineColor (must be set to get headline displayed)
String HeadlineText
As example for extending the control with own items I post the source of CheckItem here.
The most common problems
using the items and not setting the Font property!
Using GroupItems and not adding them to the SliderList before adding SubItems to the group
Using Headline items and not setting Font/Color/Text for the Headline (results in headline not drawn)
Have fun!
for German speaking developers: http://www.pocketpc.ch/news/78204-fuer-entwickler-innen-sliderlist-control.html
Very cool.
... thanks!
I thought nobody will comment in any way...
I hope some suggestions and hints will show up. Maybe devs will use it in real world apps and will post screen shots and links to their software.
Thank Obelix_A nice work !
Thanxs for your hard work
how to use?
looks nice. will try it in one of my next projects!
Thank you! Very good! Whether you plan to make library with an open source?
P.S. Sorry, my English is so bad.
P.P.S. ClickedItem example:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using Microsoft.Drawing;
namespace ARBOControls.PPC.SliderList
public delegate void ItemClicked(IItem Item);
public class ClickedItem : TextItem
public event ItemClicked OnItemClicked;
public Bitmap Thumbnail { get; set; }
protected Rectangle ThumbRect = new Rectangle(-1, -1, -1, -1);
public ClickedItem(SliderList SL)
: base(SL)
#region IItem Members
public override void Paint(System.Drawing.Graphics G, int Top, int Width)
int lMargin = 3;
int thumbWidth = 0;
if (Thumbnail != null)
int h = Thumbnail.Height;
thumbWidth = Thumbnail.Width;
lMargin = (this.height - h) / 2;
ThumbRect = new Rectangle(lMargin, Top + lMargin, Thumbnail.Width, Thumbnail.Height);
int rMargin = 3;
int bWidth = 0;
textRect = new Rectangle(2 * lMargin + thumbWidth, Top + 4, Width - (2 * lMargin + thumbWidth) - (2 * rMargin + bWidth), height - 9);
base.Paint(G, Top, Width);
if (Thumbnail != null)
G.DrawImageTransparent(Thumbnail, ThumbRect);
public override void Click(Point Position)
if (OnItemClicked != null)
wei2005yh said:
how to use?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
...download the demo project from the 2nd post and have a look at the source. If anything left unclear please ask a more specific question. I will answer as good as I can
Obelix_A: What else can I say!! Thanks!
Looks very impressive and you have surely put in a lot of hard work creating this library.
When I start my next project, I will try them out.
Once again, many thanks!
Thanks! It's great!
This looks VERY nice mate. Thanks for your hard work.
If there was a cross-over between michyprima's manila SDK and your work, that would be fantastic!
looks awsome. This will help with my learning. Thank you very much.
Obelix_A said:
...download the demo project from the 2nd post and have a look at the source. If anything left unclear please ask a more specific question. I will answer as good as I can
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ok I see ,thank you..
How to determine the SelectedItem
This looks very promisefull. But how can I check which item is selected or changed in the Sliderlist.
Hi Nico,
by catching the OnItemFocused event from the list you get the last selected/focused item
Looking very promising, going to check it up.
Thanks mate...
very nice work! thx a lot

[Q] HELP! with WP7 app.

I’m very new to programming, but I wanted to see if I can write a simple application that uses a dictionary API to query a server somewhere (if I said that right). I have some ideas for a few more difficult apps so I wanted to start with this simple one.
I’m mostly using Expression Blend to create these apps.
The first thing I would like to know is:
* How do I use a wp7 icon (from the icon pack) as a clickable button? I have an input search TextBox, but instead of using a simple button control (for the click event) I would like to use the magnifying glass icon as the search button --something similar to how Bing (on WP7) uses the mic in the search box. How can I accomplish this?
The second thing I would like to know is:
* How is an API use in app? I found a few APIs/ RSS feeds and XML data sources that I would like to utilize in my future apps, but I’m not sure how to implement them.
EXAMPLE: hxtp://api.somewebsite.xxx/xsomething=item1&sip=somethingelseI’ve read some about URI. What is this?
So basically, I would like to create an app that goes out to a server somewhere and fetch information based on a user’s keyword input and click event.
Please help!!!
- Learning developer
Welcome to silverlight programming
First up, here's a xaml snippet for showing an image in a button:
<Button Padding="4"
<Image Source="Images/Search.png"/>
I removed some of the attributes on the button and the image for clarity. Basically, a button can be used to show any UI element in this way.
Regarding your second question:
I haven't got a lot of experience outside of using WCF services, but for reading a feed I basically use a WebClient to download the xml file and then parse the file with linq:
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.OpenReadAsync(new Uri([I]address[/I], UriKind.Absolute));
client.OpenReadCompleted += (sender, e) =>
if (e.Error != null)
/* Error Processing */
else if (e.Cancelled)
/* Operation was cancelled */
XElement feed = XElement.Load(e.Result);
foreach (XElement item in feed.Descendants("item"))
/* Process here */
I'm open to suggestions for a better way to do this though...

