R.I.P my moto 360(10 days old) - Moto 360

Just got my 360 two weeks ago.
Everything works fine for me.
4 days ago, when I was walking in the mall.
Suddenly my wrist with 360 hit the wall by accident, but I didn't feel the impact was so big.
But when I looked at my 360 which only showed few stripes since then.
I was not able to fix it by myself and nor can the local phone repair guys.
So I have no way to order the second one.
Please, beware of sudden impact upon your precious 360.

I also don't recommend wearing it while cutting the grass and using a trimmer. I liked being able to control my music on my wrist while working in the yard until a rock from the trimmer hit my g watch and cracked the screen.

Hmm, this is why I got myself a Spigen Glass Screen Protector for the Moto 360. I don't trust myself, better safe than sorry.

I remember the last watch i actually tried to wear day to day was a Star Trek Watch in late 90's. I had just put my Tigger watch down due to battery problems (replacement batteries kept dying withing a week). First day wearing it I got home from work and looked down. Glass is cracked. Still have it. Cracked glass and all. I am more conscious about something on my wrist now that I started wearing the 360. I stopped my self from reaching under the car seat to pick something up. Hopefully I can keep it out of harms way for a while.

You can push on the bottom left or right edges and see the screen change colors... I'm guessing OP didn't break the glass but actually damaged the components underneath... I don't think any kind of protector would have helped.

i would imagine you shouldnt be able to hit the watch hard enough to cause dmg and not break the screen. id send it in and say you dont know how it got like that..
they might charge you to fix it, or they might just replace it for free.. id still try.

matika said:
But when I looked at my 360 which only showed few stripes since then.
I was not able to fix it by myself and nor can the local phone repair guys.
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Are you saying that the display cracked/shattered? Or, are you saying that it's just displaying a static, garbled image, but the glass is otherwise fine?
Here's why that matters. If the glass is not cracked, it MAY fall under warranty repair, because it's a solid state device, and such a small impact would not have jarred something internally unless it was poorly assembled (mistakes happen). If the glass is cracked, Motorola gives one free screen replacement on their phones during the 1 year warranty period. So, it's worth calling them to see if it applies to their watches as well.
Give it a shot.

I wouldn't be surprised if the connector for the display didn't pop out enough to
loose some of their data lines/clock, but still have power, that would explain the lines on your display.
If only it was easy to take the watch a part.....


s620 broken screen please help

Fragility of the Dash
I am new in this forum and i am considering buying this phone. I need a phone that will last me at least a YEAR and a cheap smartphone. This seems to be a good phone. The problem is that i have heard many people breaking the lcd screen . How fragile is this phone? If it is that fragile of a phone, please recommend a good cheap screen protector. Thanx
I personally think the phone is built very well, and is quite solid.
No phone is meant to be dropped, but it does happen from time to time by accident of course.
The bigger the screen, the more chance it has to crack.
I have dropped my Dash twice on concrete in the case, no problem..
If I had dropped it outside of the case, chances are it would probably crack the screen at least one of those times.
Smartphones are not meant to be slipped into the back pocket, their target audience is the business person.
I agree with you guys, but a silicone skin is in part like to buy an insurance. I´ve dropped accidentally my dash a couple of times and the story would have been different if no skin is wrapping my phone.
Investment of 5 bucks is worth.
I droped my dash a few times and is still working, one thing i did was get myself a case to cover the phone, i hate when the screen gets scratch when you have it on your pocket. But overall personally the dash its a really good and reliable phone.
Great Phone
This phone is the best ive had ever... before this one was a blackberry pearl, hated it. I have loved every second of owning my dash. got it for 50 bucks and have dropped it on a couple of occasions, just dings and dents on the hard plastic/rubber casin, thats it... nothin wrong with the screen
p.s. runnin rickwyatt's newest rom and it is freakin awesome
I am probably the most anal person you would ever meet when it comes to my phones (as an example I have phones well over 5 years old that look brand new). No scratches, dents or dings will do. I bought a hard shell cover that snaps over the entire phone and I use a scratch proof screen cover. I have on occasion dropped my Dash and it never has had a problem.
This is a good phone, I dropped it a few times and works perfect still... Haha and especially if you upload the new rom you will rock it straight pimpin haha...
I live a little rough, and where I go, Dash goes.
When it falls out of my lap as I get out of my truck, and it lands on asphalt it seems to be okay, though I hold my breath till I see it function. It has slowly collected dings in the chrome edge. My truck is a bit high, to be fair.
If the alarm goes off in the middle of the night and you fling it with all your semi-conscious might because the end button wore out and you cant turn it off, however, it will probably break. Depends on your arm, I suppose.
It is not fragile compared to your average phone, but it has glass parts and they have their limits. As for the buttons losing function, I do use the bechooie out of it all day, every day. A lot.
Get insurance, take care of it. Respect your tool.
I had the same reservations about this phone as I considered it over a Blackberry Curve this past November. I googled on it and the stories of the cracked screens really made me nervous. People were stating that they would just crack on their own it seemed.
But since Suncom ran out of inventory on the Curve during that time, it narrowed my choices and I really liked the features of the HTC S621, so I decided to go with it.
So far (knock on wood), the screen has held up just fine. I even dropped it once on our very unforgiving hardwood floor, that rests on top of a concrete slab. It was not in any sort of protective case. It fell hard enough for the battery cover and and battery to fall out. I just knew that was it for my phone. But I picked it up, looked at the screen, no cracks. Reinstalled the battery and turned it on, everything functioning the same. Of course every drop could have a different result, depending how it lands and such. I may not get so lucky if that happens again.
Going back to all the nightmare stories about the screen cracking. I'm wondering if these were earlier versions of the HTC S620's issued by T-Mobile. Perhaps with later revisions of the HTC S620's or S621's they fixed what was ever causing the cracks to occur.
Anyways, I love the flexibility and the level of customization that can be done with this phone. I've already flashed my phone many times, and have tried all sorts of stuff on it. This phone is great for people who really like the ability to tweak their phones.
Thank you,
I don't know why people think the S620/Dash is "fragile"; mine has held up wonderfully. The only thing that is remotely fragile is the screen, which WILL break if you hit it hard enough (as it does on EVERY phone). The good news is that the screens are pretty cheap on eBay (US $25), and they are decently easy to replace. I made a tidy profit repairing and reselling a friend's Dash that he smashed while he was drunk.
I have owned my dash for a year and a half and have had no problems. I think a lot of the cracked screens were from back pockets and tight jeans...lol. I always use the pouch and have dropped it a few times. Nothing has ever broken, even the time I got out of my truck with the phone in my lap and it fell and I ended up punting it a good 8 feet with the battery going one way and the cover and phone another. Treat it well (most of the time) and it will last.
what a GREAT TOUGH phone
i have dropped my dash 3 or 4 times.. hard too! i have seen it land on its edge and once face dowm... not a thing happened to it except a ding where it hit on the cornner,, and the face looks great... not to mention,, the phone itself rocks too... (as long as you ditch the T-MO ROM) lots to do with it, and holds a good charge...
well worth the $$$$$
I dropped my Dash a few times on the concrete and it never got anything more than some scratched on the silver outer band.
I decided to do a little test for you all. So this weekend I ran my Dash over with my car just to tell you all what would happen. (Yeah, that's why I did it. I knew there was a reason.) It broke. The LCD is busted and the body no longer fits perfectly together. The middle of the keyboard looks a little indented as well. I can still make and receive calls, even via bluetooth.
Now since I helped you all, anyone want to help me get a new one? I don't mean to hijack the thread (and I've read a few others on the subject.) Am I pretty much hosed at this point ore should I try sending it to one of the repair places like pocketpctechs.com?
How to remove single scratch from screen?
Hello. I make stupid single scratch to my screen. How to remove it? I expect some home-style solution .
IS it bad
littleclown said:
Hello. I make stupid single scratch to my screen. How to remove it? I expect some home-style solution .
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Mine has buncha little ones but dont distract from a beautiful machine
Most commercial scratch coverups are liquid acrylic-based. Even some liquid floor polishes (like "Future" in the US) can be used to hide some scratches. If it bothers you that much, there are people on eBay selling full housing replacements for the phone.
Try to use toothpaste, I heard that it works just run a little toothpaste and brush for a few minutes on the screen and then wipe it off. Usually this helps out quite a bit so give it a try.
Depending on how deep the scratch is, there are different methods you can use.
If you use Future to cover it up, be aware that water dissolves it.
My screen Died!!
Hi, my Dash screen turned completly white with a Black Stain in the middle like ink..does this means my screen died completley or do u think there is anything I can do to fix it?? I think something got burned inside...
It sounds like your lcd is broken. It should look like a puddle almost. I imagine you hit it or something. That does not have to be the case. It could just happen. that's wha they do sometimes when they go black like that. There is nothing you can do to repair that. Replace the lcd or the phone. That's it.

Manufacturing Floor - Cracked Screen

Good Morning Guys and Girls,
Just wondering if anyone has experienced the same issue as me and how they got on.
I have had my phone exactly 3 weeks today I was using my phone and it was absolutly fine (no scratches/dents etc) put it face up on a table went had a showever when I came back there is a very large split in the screen perfectly straight (which would indicate manufacturing problem) going from top left corner half way down the phone to the right side.
I have spoken to HTC and they say its a chargeable fix as the warranty doesn't cover accidental damage but its not accidental damage! I have just phoned up my provider who said it would have to be sent back for them to determine whether it was accidental or not before sending out a new one but then they realised I actually got it through the carphone warehouse (as T-mobile direct were out of stock) and have now said I will have to take it to them as its their phone even though my contract was taken out with T-mobile direct.
This is a pain!
can you upload a photo?
Sure you had no impact before that? Or excessive pressure like in a pocket. Maybe it cracked later.
If not I don't know, maybe some faulty panel indeed that had a weak area that cracked due to thermal stress or something. In the lab it is probably easy to determine if it was cracked from the inside or due to external impact or torsion.
I have had a couple of light bumpbs but no damage/scratches after them and it was sitting all night on charge in my front room got up this morning picked it up used it for a minute (still fine) walked away came back 15 minutes later to find a crack. Noone had touched it.
Normally when I break a screen its a tiny crack and not normally in a perfect straight line. This one is 2.6" long
Pretty upset with this as its only 3 weeks old. I have had HD / HD2 / TD / TYTN etc and really abused them and I only end up with minor chips and scratches after about 10 months. Where as this one I have really tried to look after it
Also to add I never put my phone in my back pocket wher eI can sit on it.
It never shares a pockets with coins / keys or anything else that can damage it
And I will try and get a photo of it somehow - only cam I have at the moment is on the phone so don't think I can use that
Heres a picture, you can see where the light is reflecting is roughly the start point of the crack and it goes out both ways. I just don't see how a crack like this can form on its own sitting face up on a table.
That really sucks man.
I am going to get a hard cover for my phone. Don't want a cracked screen.
Having a look at your picture though - there doesn't seem to be a pressure point of impact etc. So what you're saying looks to be correct.
Hope you get it sorted.
I know thats what is frustrating me. Everyone telling me its accidental damage and I know I am not lieing, I have broken screens in the past and seen many more and I know how accidental damage looks you normally have a point of inpact as you say, its normally small or if it is big normally has multiple fractors no just one long steady line.
Yes, exactly.
However - you're going to have a hard time proving this to any retailer. As they normally have a very strict policy on warranty claims.
I'll get my way I have a nack of getting things I want from shops and businesses
I am hoping like the guy said at T-mobile as its only 3 weeks they might just do a handset swap rather than fixing it.
Anyone by any chance know how much it is to get a screen replaced?
Done some research for you - you're looking at 70 + pounds to replace it.
Thanks. Hmmmm thats quite a bit that I don't really have. Just hope I can get them to accept it as warranty. Might have to visit all stores in Sussex until one agrees to repair it lol.
Well it is even more, if you didn't actually cause the crack on the screen!
Hoping my Desire doesn't suffer the same fate as yours!
Good luck. My advice is do not put it on a table and walk away!
Ill post here how I get on.
I will be sure to keep a constant look on it, while I leave it on the table. Will test later if the same situation arises when leaving it on a chair.
Jokes aside: mine fell twice already. Once it was after a week I had it, it landed from about 1 meter high, 50cm far away after it slipped from my hand when picking it up from ... a table ! (I see a pattern, the desire doesn't like tables). Landed and rolled on my polished floor and I still can't see no visual damage. From that day on, I grip it so firmly, that it almost behaves like an iphone4
Second time it was from about 30cm and obviously no damage.
I had it for about 2-3 months and -knock wood- screen is ok.
It does look as a factory defect.
Is ur handset not insured either mobile phone insurance or as it happened in your house - your house insurance
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Well, don't know how the law is over there with you. But here in the Netherlands (and I thought it was EU, but not sure). Within a certain period of time the seller of the device is the one that should prove it wasn't used properly etc.
So.. they can say whatever they want about it being accidental damage. But at least here in this country, it's not up to you to prove otherwise. THEY have to prove you mistreated the device.
Your screen cracks without mistreating the device, sounds like a proper warranty claim to me!
It could be there has always been some tension on the screen, and when it got hot or cold it finally cracked. Who knows. I'd say let them prove you mistreated the device.
i work for carphone warehouse mate i wouldnt no what to do really say some thing elswe is wrong with it like crashing or some thing. depends on how noticeable try putting a cheap screen protector on it and see if it cant been seen then take it back LOL gimme a message if you want any more info =]
Don't CPW give you 3 months insurance for free as a come on?
That's nasty. I dropped mine from 30cm onto a wooden floor and the battery cover flew off and it sticks up in one corner now so had to bend it back to shape!
Good luck getting it sorted out.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

Screen crack very easily?

I've had my s3 since store release date and been cracked since 2 days later, just getting progressively worse, meaning cracking more. The phone still works but got littl pieces of glass falling out now.IS anyone having an issue with a faulty screen? I don't have any clue what happened to it in the first place that it cracked, that is why I ask this!
3 hours away from best buy where I was talked into getting their protection plan. Little did i know that they wouldn't ship ANYTHING!
What do you suggest I do. Anyone had any long distance dealings with the geeksquad?
the screens crack easy because of the curved glass.
mine was cracked but i had it replaced already.
did it through sprint.
funny theres a video in another thread showing a guy attaching a brand new s3 to a string along with an iphone 4s and dragging both behind a car at 30 mph... after wards the s3 screen is fine but the phone is toast...
yes,indeed, so you should wear it a case, and the screen should avoid hit the hard things, it is also easy to be scrached and damaged.

Any cracked screens?

Just wondering how everyone's phones is holding up since there aren't any real good protective cases or user drop test videos yet. I haven't dropped my oppo yet but I'm curious to find out who has and how the phone stood up to the fall.
I have for sure had some issues and I am not happy with them. somehow my screen has scratches on it, in 2 or 3 places. In the very top right corner it is starting to look like air bubbles under a screen protector, where the screen glass actually looks like it is coming off. It has fallen once, and bounced, the bottom corner of the bezel is damaged due to the fall. The scratches appeared on my screen weeks before the fall.
jawain said:
Just wondering how everyone's phones is holding up since there aren't any real good protective cases or user drop test videos yet. I haven't dropped my oppo yet but I'm curious to find out who has and how the phone stood up to the fall.
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I took off the screen protector as it wasn't fitted properly in one of the corners, I have ordered more as the screen is a dust magnet. I have ordered the iFace Mall cases for my phone, it's so annoying having to order accessories from China because no-one in the UK seems to sell them.
I dropped my oppo twice by now.
The first time from about 30cm on tiled flor, and the second time yesterday from about one meter on tiled floor.
At the first fall it falls on the upper left edge, there you can see that the metalframe had prevented more damage.
At the second fall it fall on the display side. Now the "plastic frame" arround the screen prevented damage to the screen.
Ha I managed to drop mine today as well about 3 1/2 feet on to hard concrete and it bounced on 3 corners and the back cover popped off. I just knew once I picked it up that it was done for but the screen was untouched and the metal bumper took allot of the impact. If this would of been my old iphone it would of certainly cracked. Very happy with the durability of this phone.
Sent from my X9076 using xda premium
I just bought oppo find 7 last week because of the good spec they offer but I was dissapointed with it after only 1 week. My oppo have been heating up frequently and sometimes a bit lagging. My phone was very hot on the first day itself while I was just setting up my new phone such as installing app and sync my account. I can feel it even with the casing. And it also a bit laggy when wake up from sleep. When I double tap, the screen will wake up but I need to wait few second before it respond. Sometimes I need to double tap to off and on again a few time only it works. Its sometimes get annoying when you want to access your phone quickly. But this, I still can bare with but what finally drew the last straw is the fragility of the phone. I always put my phone in the small pouch inside my handbag. And yesterday when I come back home, I found out the screen on my phone is crack. I was so shock and try to recall what I did and I remember when I ask my friend to pass me my bag, she did put down my bag on the table a bit harder. And that's the only thing I think can think of that cause the most impact. I was so sad and disappointed with oppo because the screen crack just because of this small impact even though its protected with a casing and a curve hd tempered glass. Its so different from what was advertised with the toughness of their guerilla glass if it can't even withstand this small impact which other phone brand have no problem with it. This experience is making me doubting the quality of oppo phone and its only been a week since I bought it. Now my friend and family also starting to doubt oppo phone since what happen to my phone.
Well a week ago my oppo fall on the road, cracking on the left side, top of it
I use a protective case of transparent plastic, but on the corners, near the screen, doesn`t protect well....:crying:
Finally, some days ago i discover that the cracks, are from my Nilkellin screen protector, and not the Gorilla itself!:laugh::laugh:
I order another Nilkellin H9 and im very happy to make the investiment on this, because it seems it really protected my screen!:angel::angel:
cracked and dead
Lets start this out with a disclaimer... I HAVE NEVER HAD A CRACKED SCREEN BEFORE... but I managed to be in a hurry one day at the store getting my son out of his car seat and dropped my phone from waste height onto the concrete... poof, the screen is killed and all touch responsiveness gone.. So, I order a screen off aliexpress, it gets here and I install it.... Two days later I'm on a bike ride up my favorite trail (phone in a padded pocket of a backpack) and I ate hit a rock coming down forcing my balls into my handlebars but overall still staying on the bike. Get to the bottom of the mountain, take phone out to turn off the gps, and there is my nice and new screen cracked again... again with no touch response.
Fast forward like 4 months and I finally calmed down enough to order another screen and try again. Let's see how long this one lasts, lol.... This time I did order a tempered glass screen protector from the get-go, so hopefully that helps.
Hi giznad. You replaced the screen or led the task to a technician? I can't find a video for the Find 7a. It was dificult to do?

[Survey] How many of you have experienced the screen peeling problem?

Hi everyone,
I am seriously considering buying the Moto Z2 Force as a replacement of my old Moto X 2014 (I still love it but my screen got a bit shattered one year ago:crying.
The only thing that is holding me back is that screen peeling problem I heard of. So, after reading some threads I would like to see how spread the problem is by proposing you this survey.
In case you had the issue, it would be very useful for me to know how you solved (got a replacement, removed the shutterproof screen protector, ...?)
Thanks a lot!
Here I am, replying to my own survey!
Unfortunately, not as I would like to...
I bought it and on day 2 I noticed this issue https://youtu.be/KfEjQWtvckQ which is how everything starts I suppose...?? So, I think this will be a "In the first month case".
Now I have to think of what to do:
Keep it and wait for it... (what then?!)
Send it back to seller asking for a refund => Buy another model, other brand (It would be really sad though)
Send it back to seller asking for a change with another one (what if the new one will have the same issue?)
Removing somehow the screen protector and the glue (any tutorials? Will it void the warranty?)
Any suggestion is much appreciated
Thanks a lot
I knot sure what that video was suppose to show. But to me it showed nothing of importance.. I have had my z2 Force for about 2 months with no issues.. Use a screen protector or a case with one, and you should have zero issues.
doubledragon5 said:
I knot sure what that video was suppose to show. But to me it showed nothing of importance.. I have had my z2 Force for about 2 months with no issues.. Use a screen protector or a case with one, and you should have zero issues.
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The video is supposed to show a problem with the shattershield screen where the outer screen protector lense is detached from the inner layer.
Some people on Lenovo forums reported screen peeling issue after experiencing something like the video shows.
On the same forum, some other people claim they had a screen protector on when the peeling started.
Anyway, I contacted Motorola Support and they:
Confirmed that if you remove the outer layer, the warranty is permanently voided for the whole phone... Not good
Suggested me to refer to the seller for a substitution since I am in the first two weeks after buying the phone
Still deciding what to do...
I tried the tempered glass screen protector I ordered.
It doesn't adhere correctly on the top of the screen but especially on the bottom, near the fingerprint scanner.
So, the screen is not perfectly flat.
kir89 said:
I tried the tempered glass screen protector I ordered.
It doesn't adhere correctly on the top of the screen but especially on the bottom, near the fingerprint scanner.
So, the screen is not perfectly flat.
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I purchased a Otter Box Defender, and that might be why I have no issues.. On my G5 Plus I had a Otter Box commuter and a screen protector and they worked well as well.. If your nervous about that pone, best bet might be to replace with a different model.. I sure as hell would. Good luck.
kir89 said:
Here I am, replying to my own survey!
Unfortunately, not as I would like to...
I bought it and on day 2 I noticed this issue
which is how everything starts I suppose...?? So, I think this will be a "In the first month case".
Now I have to think of what to do:
Keep it and wait for it... (what then?!)
Send it back to seller asking for a refund => Buy another model, other brand (It would be really sad though)
Send it back to seller asking for a change with another one (what if the new one will have the same issue?)
Removing somehow the screen protector and the glue (any tutorials? Will it void the warranty?)
Any suggestion is much appreciated
Thanks a lot
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Have the same issue and can hear that. But it seems to be normal. I can push in the screen a little bit. I think it's not the original foil of the top, which is pelling. I think it's hearable because it's plastic and elastic. I can see (by screen on) that's not the foil while I'm pressing the screen in. It's more the complete screen. Would it be the foil, I wouldn't see what I see by pushing in the screen. Plastic is easly elastic. That's all.
Here is an update.
Yesterday I received the other plastic screen protector I ordered.
It fits perfectly, since it's not as rigid as glass.
Since many of you have the same "clicking" noise while pressing the screen, I think I will try to use it in the next days to see how it goes. I have some weeks to think about keeping it or sending it back to the seller.
Hope everything will be ok, I'll keep you updated
kir89 said:
Here is an update.
Yesterday I received the other plastic screen protector I ordered.
It fits perfectly, since it's not as rigid as glass.
Since many of you have the same "clicking" noise while pressing the screen, I think I will try to use it in the next days to see how it goes. I have some weeks to think about keeping it or sending it back to the seller.
Hope everything will be ok, I'll keep you updated
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It's not the foil, right? That's the plastic which is"clicking". I'm short-sighted and I'm pretty sure that I can see that's just elastic at the bottom. Looks so that the foil is ok and 100% save on the screen. But it's nice to have a elastic screen :laugh: No scratches after month. So, don't need a screen protector. The quality seems good. It's like wings of a airplane. Elastic, too And there is all ok, too. Normally
allrightlite said:
It's not the foil, right? That's the plastic which is"clicking". I'm short-sighted and I'm pretty sure that I can see that's just elastic at the bottom. Looks so that the foil is ok and 100% save on the screen. But it's nice to have a elastic screen :laugh: No scratches after month. So, don't need a screen protector. The quality seems good. It's like wings of a airplane. Elastic, too And there is all ok, too. Normally
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I am not sure it's the foil or not... However, I don't think is the screen which is moving, that's probably more a refraction effect. We should ask to those that removed the protection layer, if they where experiencing this and after the removal it stopped.
Foil or not, if the "clicking" sound is so common even in devices without peeling issues, I will give it a try.
I just need to use it, only time will say if it was a good idea to keep it :fingers-crossed:
kir89 said:
I am not sure it's the foil or not... However, I don't think is the screen which is moving, that's probably more a refraction effect. We should ask to those that removed the protection layer, if they where experiencing this and after the removal it stopped.
Foil or not, if the "clicking" sound is so common even in devices without peeling issues, I will give it a try.
I just need to use it, only time will say if it was a good idea to keep it :fingers-crossed:
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Screen is moving down at the bottom, for me it's 100% so. And if I do it carefully, I can see it without hearing it. But yes, would be nice if anyone can test it without the foil. But, I can trust what I see, all real. So, it's the plastic. Hope anyone else can confirm this.
Another problem, what I have seen. I have burn in at the bottom. The navigation buttons keeps/burn in. Now I have set up the moto fingerprint navigation and it should gone next time. And that's really good. Works very well. And the space of the screen is now bigger, nice effect.
But, good to know with the burn in. This smartphones are made for a short time, maybe 2 years. On my computer monitor I have never seen burn ins like that. So, it's a market/business. Screen not made for working over years
And what really is very very good is the battery. Have last time good 8.5-9h sot. So, that's better than many people think.
But back to the screen. That's the topic here. Maybe we have to bring it to the repair center after 1.5 years. Maybe because burn ins, peeling and so on. We will see
If you guys do the warranty replacement through Motorola and not your carrier they will send you a new moto z2 force with a 2nd gen screen if you ask em about it. They have a fix for it lol I just got mine back and it's totally different
ninjakira said:
If you guys do the warranty replacement through Motorola and not your carrier they will send you a new moto z2 force with a 2nd gen screen if you ask em about it. They have a fix for it lol I just got mine back and it's totally different
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Ok, maybe I have a newer one. Here no scratches after months. Foil ok. Just the clicker at pushing. You don't hear that on your device? Which versions are 2. generation, after which produce date?
allrightlite said:
Ok, maybe I have a newer one. Here no scratches after months. Foil ok. Just the clicker at pushing. You don't hear that on your device? Which versions are 2. generation, after which produce date?
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What am I supposed to be hearing on my device lol? And idk I just personally call it a 2nd gen screen cause it's easier to explain it like that to the people that I live around in my area ??there not to bright lol. I do know it's not the original shatter screen stuff that was peeling. it honestly was pretty hard for me to understand what my moto agent was saying to me when he explained it so I only caught bits and pieces. My model number is still xt1789-04 TMobile variant. I don't have a clicker also

