[Q] Installing Mobileiron and Divide PIM - ZenFone 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I need to install Mobileiron and the secure apps from there that include Divide PIM mail, tasks, calendar and contacts. I am able to install Mobileiron and download the Divide PIM apps. But these apps do not open. I have not had this problem on my previous mobiles, Nexus 5 and Note 3 neo. Does anybode else have this problem? Any solutions, suggestions?
Thanks for your help.

Were you able to get this working? I just got my new ASUS Zenfone 2 and I am having the same issue.

Have either of you managed to get this working? I'm in the exact same boat. Zenfone on latest update. Mobile Iron and Divide PIM at latest version. Selecting any of the secure apps results in a pause and then no response.
Any help would be appreciated.

Bump - anyone have any success with this?
There is a post on Reddit, search reddit.com for "Mobileiron work for anyone else?"; it suggests that someone got it working, but it's short on details. (My account is too new to post links.)
If you read the Mobile Iron documentation (for Divide PIM or Secure Apps Manager), it says they actually only support Android running on ARM. I don't know if that's just a blanket statement to give them an out, or if their programs have pieces that use native ARM compilation. If it's the latter, then we're likely completely out of luck; but if it's the former (and the Reddit post suggests that is the case), then there is some hope.

I have same problem, this is answer from mobileiron.
In the Android Limitations Document it is noted that only 32 Bit ARM CPUs are supported. Support for x86
devices is not a roadmap item.
AppConnect for Android is not recommended for devices with an Intel chipset (please see http://
software.intel.com/en-us/android/get-device for a list of these devices)
Also MobileIron is aware that some Asus devices such as Asus MeMo Pad 7 incorrectly identify the CPU
architecture as "armv71" rather than "Intel, this device is not supported and is currently a vendor issue.

Little late to reply to this but I do have MobileIron working for my corporate mail and apps.
I've personally never had an issue with this in the past with any of the mobileiron versions nor with the ZF2 firmware upgrades.
Make sure that you are running stock and are unrooted. You should be able to receive the certificates and proceed like any other Android phone.


Anyone able to get JavaFX on their Dash?

Hi People,
If you go here: Google "javafx for windows mobile download" you can DL the JavaFX update from SUN, which I did. It installed fine. (Sorry, my account is apparently too new to post the link).
It also comes with a few demo apps to try. But when I try to run it, I get an error:
"Calculated only a partial product UUID!This can cause problems with the correct device identification."
I called T-mobile and explained this, and that I had just updated the Dash to the latest T=Mobile/Windows CE OS version 5.2.1236, build 17741.0.2.1.
Of course they said they can't support any 2rd party apps. They also questioned whether the Dash was "too old" to run JavaFX. I have a hard time believing that last part. It runs plain old Java just fine.
I am hoping someone could try the DL I mention above and post the results, with the goal of getting JavaFX working on my/other peoples Dash.
As a footnote,I found this error posted a few other places with no answer.
likesjava said:
Hi People,
If you go here: Google "javafx for windows mobile download" you can DL the JavaFX update from SUN, which I did. It installed fine. (Sorry, my account is apparently too new to post the link).
It also comes with a few demo apps to try. But when I try to run it, I get an error:
"Calculated only a partial product UUID!This can cause problems with the correct device identification."
I called T-mobile and explained this, and that I had just updated the Dash to the latest T=Mobile/Windows CE OS version 5.2.1236, build 17741.0.2.1.
Of course they said they can't support any 2rd party apps. They also questioned whether the Dash was "too old" to run JavaFX. I have a hard time believing that last part. It runs plain old Java just fine.
I am hoping someone could try the DL I mention above and post the results, with the goal of getting JavaFX working on my/other peoples Dash.
As a footnote,I found this error posted a few other places with no answer.
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i just downloaded it and it does work. my thoughts are that you probably need to upgrade your rom. your version 5.2.1236 is a bit dated and my guess is that's why it's not working for you. currently im running 3vo 6.5 and it's working just fine, overclocked to 274. try updating your OS/rom first, it should work after that.
btw there are plenty of forums around here that give good tutorials on updating your OS/rom if you've never done it before. study and up and take the plunge!
likesjava said:
I called T-mobile and explained this, and that I had just updated the Dash to the latest T=Mobile/Windows CE OS version 5.2.1236, build 17741.0.2.1.
Of course they said they can't support any 2rd party apps. They also questioned whether the Dash was "too old" to run JavaFX. I have a hard time believing that last part. It runs plain old Java just fine.
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one more thing, tmobile isn't very tech savvy when it comes to this sort of thing. they have much info at their fingertips but they have to search to find it and most of them aren't that good at it. they are trained on newer phones but not the older ones. trust me i'd know, i used to work at a tech center. they have a decent database with logs on problems customers have had in the past and solutions, but the rep on the phone isn't always able to find the info. i was one of the better ones but they didnt want to move me to permanent tech even though that's what i was good at, and instead shuffled me to cust service to argue with people about their bills... so i quit
anyway, it's best to come here first and ask rather than ask them. we'll probably save you some time
Thank you Young!
I took the plunge and downloaded and flashed EXCA-3VOLUTION_WM65_3VO.3.00.112509. Along the way I applied the app unlock as instructed. I wonder - would the app unlock alone have been enough?
Well, in any case JavaFX is up and running! Yay! - thanks to you
I had no idea that there were people writing all sorts of new OS etc for these phones - I'm just a phone user.
Now - silly question but - none of these new ROMS allow free wifi or Internet access do they?
hey, what is JavaFx ??? Does it like JBed Java ?
It runs on any device that can run Java. Think of it as a prettier, fancier, high tech looking java. Its actually pretty fun to program as well. And its free (the development environment).
Here are some Google results for your question:
JavaFX is a software platform for creating and delivering rich Internet applications that can run across a wide variety of connected devices. ..
What is JavaFX?
JavaFX is a rich client platform for building cross-device applications and content. Designed to enable easy creation and deployment of rich internet applications (RIAs) with immersive media and content, the JavaFX platform ensures that RIAs look and behave consistently across diverse form factors and devices.
The JavaFX platform release includes the following components:
* JavaFX SDK which includes the JavaFX compiler and runtime tools, graphics, media, web services, and rich text libraries to create RIAs for the desktop, browser and mobile platforms.
* NetBeans IDE for JavaFX which provides a sophisticated integrated development environment for building, previewing, and debugging JavaFX applications. The editor features a drag-and-drop palette to quickly add JavaFX objects with transformations, effects and animation. This IDE also comes with its own set of Building Block samples and the JavaFX Mobile Emulator, a mobile phone simulator.
* JavaFX Production Suite is a suite of tools and plugins that enable designers to export graphical assets to JavaFX applications.
likesjava said:
Thank you Young!
I took the plunge and downloaded and flashed EXCA-3VOLUTION_WM65_3VO.3.00.112509. Along the way I applied the app unlock as instructed. I wonder - would the app unlock alone have been enough?
Well, in any case JavaFX is up and running! Yay! - thanks to you
I had no idea that there were people writing all sorts of new OS etc for these phones - I'm just a phone user.
Now - silly question but - none of these new ROMS allow free wifi or Internet access do they?
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np, glad to be of help. it woulda been nice if my email program let me know i had a reply earlier though
anyway, about the free wifi and internet... no programs can do that, that i know of. there are ways to hack into other peeps networks for free bandwidth from pc's (as i've seen it done), but if you want free internet on the phone there's only a few simple options...
1. pay for it, either through a phone carrier ex: tmobile, at&t, etc. or get a router for your home network and at least then you can connect to your home wifi.
2. find a starbucks, local coffee house, hospital, or any place that is pumpin out free wifi and hop on the network.
anyway, even if there were those types of 'programs' you couldn't post about it here cuz it would get taken off immediately and the person posted would probably get banned. they're not too friendly about that stuff

[Q] Maybe Going from Windows Mobile to Android (Captivate Glide) - Newbie Questions

All of my past devices (Siemens SX56 & SX66; HTC Kaiser; and presently HTC Rhodium - see ROM below) have been Windows Mobile, so I'm hoping to appeal to those of you who made the leap to Android from WM to answer several newbie questions...
A Little Background History About Me & My Mobile World
As device technologies are steadily and rapidly advancing faster than they ever have before, I am finding myself wishing that my current device was capable of many of the tasks/speed that the newer devices are. Unfortunately, my lack of knowledge of other OSes are keeping me from making an informed decision that I will be able to confidently live with.
Coming from Windows Mobile, I bought a used LG Quantum (Windows 7 Phone) cheap from Ebay hoping to play with it for a bit to help me understand the new Windows OS and enable me to transition more easily to it's newer technology and features. Unfortunately, the most critical aspect of transitioning to Windows Phone is the ability to seamlessly and accurately transfer my data (calendar, contacts, tasks, etc.) from Microsoft Outlook to the new device. I was appalled to learn that Microsoft has completely removed the ability to sync via USB as I have always done with ActiveSync all these years!
Sure for many, this isn't a major problem, but for me it is an absolute deal breaker! My data is tied to my work PC and my company (being a very large global company) is very serious about it's data security, so they have blocked access to all third-party email and file storage options, therefore syncing my data to the Quantum in the conventional manner is impossible. I've tried extracting/importing the various Outlook data files with Google, Hotmail, etc., but the data's integrity proved to be worthless, as many contacts were missing their contact names and all of my recurring appointments were broken out into separate events making future rescheduling a complete and utter nightmare. So, needless to say, I ran screaming back to my Rhodium in less than 2 days!
I am an AT&T customer and an avid fan of a 'real' hard keyboard (an absolute MUST for my next device!), so I am considering the Samsung Captivate Glide as an upgrade option, hence why I am posing my questions in this subforum.
My Questions/Concerns to Users Who Made the Transition from Windows Mobile to Android:
I've been searching the web looking for newbie guides to Android and am finding that many of them are tailored to those users who have no prior experience with smart phones at all, as it basically describes what a smart phone can do and what 'apps' can be found for various simple tasks. What I need to know from you all is:
What obstacles have you encountered switching from WM to Android and how did you overcome them?
What are the biggest pro/cons that you have come across and how have you managed them?
How are you managing your data? It appears to me that Android also utilizes OTA syncing, however, I have read that there are programs out there that will allow you to work around this and sync via USB. Is this correct and which applications do you find work the best?
My Device Needs:
I am not a 'gamer' by any sense of the word, so I have no use or interest of what Android is capable of in that aspect. My interests clearly lie in contact, calendar, notes, & task data management; email (multiple AOL accounts); GPS-guided navigation; Internet access; photo/video capturing capabilities; and, of course, as a reliable phone.
I do not typically listen to music on my Rhodium, as I have a 60GB Zen which can store far more music than my phone can, but I do enjoy the ability to listen to FM radio or whatever MP3s that I do choose to store on my Rhodium. I don't usually watch videos/movies on my current device, but may choose to more often, as I expect the experience to be much more pleasant on the newer technology anyway.
In Conclusion
First and foremost, I appreciate you reading my post, as I am sorry it has gotten so long, but I wanted those responding to know what my experience has been, what my needs are... Basically, where I'm coming from. If there are other scenarios that any of you have encountered in your transition from WM to Android that I haven't addressed, I would be most grateful if you would care to share them with me.
Given all of the above, is the Captivate Glide a smart choice? I understand that the Android 'Ice Cream Sandwich' update is expected later this year, as well, and that the Captivate Glide is rumored to be among the devices slated to receive the update. Is the SCG a solid device that will be able to make good use of this anticipated update? Are there rumors of any new Android devices coming to AT&T (with a hard keyboard) that I should look out for before I consider my transition?
Thank you all again for the time that you have taken out of your busy lives to read my post and for your consideration in taking even more time to respond to my questions. I've been a member of this community for a few years now and have the utmost respect for the collective knowledge and selfless assistance that I've received thus far, so please feel free to direct me to any outside forums/sites, which are better suited to my needs as I may have missed them in my initial searches on the subject. Of course, I am open to conducting my research/questions via private messages, if forum administrators think that my inquiry is too elementary for the forum.
I have not own a Win Mobile before so I can't answer most of your questions. But I can tell you what my android device(s) do for me.
-It performs well and can do almost anything you need while you're mobile
-SMS, MMS, email, calls, calendar, etc are most (let's say 90%) used functionality for me, and my Glide (and previous android devices) never failed me on those. So pretty much, telephony and PDA features are awesome.
-Android supports auto sync, so your apps (like Calendar and contacts) will push all changes as long as you have data active. This feature can be disabled.
-Email: the stock Samsung Email app does the job for me and can hold about 10 emails or so.
-Contacts, is very rich, from first name to nickname, to organization , you can add many details in one. Contacts merging is also available.
-Virtual Keyboard, just make sure you turn off some features like "Quick Fixes" and XT9 if you don't want your Android to mess up you're text. Many 3rd party Virtual Keyboards are available, for different styles, functionality, and looks. For a hardware Keyboard of the glide, it's not that great, but not bad as hell for the reason that the keys are almost flat that there is a little to no tactile feedback on some keys.
-Web Browsing, I am having a very good experience in terms of web. Renders pages in reasonable speed, supports flash, and there are third party WEb browsers that supports HTML5 as well.
-Wireless tethering (Rogers), I use this quite a lot too, and connection is solid and pleasant. (You may need to Root to activate tethering on ATT ROMs/Versions)
-APPLICATIONS all-in-all, a ton of apps are available
-Battery life: in my case, battery is about 50% from the morning I wake up til the night I am about to sleep. This is fine with me.
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If you're gonna ask me about the 10% of my usage:
-7% goes to hacking: I am no developer, but I do learn a lot of tweaks (like Rooting) to make the fast device faster. I admit, it's was not easy for me at first, screwed up my androids(s) lots but everything paid up. Learn from mistakes i guess.
-3% goes to games....
Your post is very much appreciated, gabby131!
I just revisited the local AT&T store and they indicate that this device is the only Android model offered by them that has a hard keyboard, with no ETA on when other keyboard/Android devices will appear on the horizon. Therefore, it's very good to know that you are having pleasant experiences with your SCG. I have a few more months before I am eligible for an upgrade, so I have that much more time to conduct my research.
I will continue to keep an eye on the forum for other members' experiences with the ICS OS update when it comes out. 'Til then, I will continue to read this and other devices' forums for additional information.
All the best,
I had windows Mobile 6.1 for many years. I went from a Dell axim X51V to a Samsung Omnia and now to the Samsung Glide.
Windows mobile had many downfalls but for the people who got used to it, we were able to use it quite well. Web browsing was always a pain on Windows Mobile. Android does fix this and I find I surf on my phone quite well ,especially using the Dolphin browser with the gestures that I have created.
I love the Glide for its ease of use with Excel and word files. The ability to open those and modify them on the fly with a hardware keyboard is great I just wish the hardware keyboard had a dedicated Number row.
Active sync had its benefits and its downfall. I loved that I could sync my phone with outlook and do miss that. I have come to move all my information in my outlook contacts to Google contacts and I just sync in the cloud. I also switched to using Google Calendar instead of the Outlook Calendar. This way I can access my calendar anywhere from any computer or my phone.
The touch display is 1 million times better on my glide then my Omnia as now we are talking capacitive over resistive. I will never go back to resistive!
Funny thing is that on My Windows Mobile device the voice command I find was better than on my Android. I used to tell Windows mobile to play a song and it would with no issues. With Android I am still learning how to do this, and if the screen is locked Bluetooth can not be used for voice commands.
The Glide is a better phone then many out there and the Hardware keyboard is what drew me to it, I just hope you will as happy as I am with mine.
Thanks, dudejb!
Did you load Microsoft Office onto your Glide, or does it already come equipped with an application that will allow you to work with those files? I haven't had to use my device for MS Office files (outside of Outlook, Notes, Tasks, of course), but I really liked that I was able to, if the need ever arose.
Unfortunately, as all of my calendar/contact data is tied to my work PC, setting up this data on Google, etc. is really useless to me. Direct USB syncing is an absolute MUST for me, due to my company blocking other email services, so I have no choice. I'm hoping someone else who also syncs via USB on Android will chime in with suggestions on the best application to use.
I'll need to get used to the screen more. Looks fantastic, but I'm used to using my fingernails a lot and I noticed that the screen doesn't respond quite like my Rhodium does... Hey, I'll adjust! LOL
I used Voice Command a lot with my Kaiser and when I first got my Rhodium, but I've stopped using it after loading Jacko's ROMs, because his ROMs don't recognize/make use of the PTT button, which I always assigned to VC. Sure, I know that I could have used a 3rd-party software to assign the PTT button to that command, but I've just been too damned lazy.
I'm not totally sold on the keyboard, but even the Rhodium took some getting used to after coming from a Kaiser, as my fingers were used to the Kaiser's key layout. I gotta admit though, once I got accustomed to the layout, I determined that my Rhodium has one of the best keyboards out there and I will truly miss it. I played with the Glide on display at the AT&T store for quite some time the other day. To me, it felt that the keys on the Glide are spaced too far apart and didn't have a great feel to them. Shame it's the only keyboard Android model for AT&T right now. What I will truly miss that I never thought I would is the tilt screen of my Rhodium (and Kaiser)... I can't tell you how many times that thing came in handy and it would totally mesmerize my friends when they saw it in action! LMAO!
Again, thanks so much to the both of you for responding. I do believe that I may be taking the 'Android' plunge soon. I just gotta have a plan in place for USB syncing before I actually commit though.
I had WinMo 5.x then 6.x devices for many years as well, still have the last one though (Touch Pro 2, runs great !).
But, I decided to move to Android because it had some great capabilities that WiMo 6.x didn't have:
- Managing Outlook sync OTA with more than one Exchange Server
- Managing / Merging Calendar Display (from different accounts : outlook, gmail, ...)
- Managing / Merging multiple contact lists (from different accounts : outlook, gmail, ...)
- User friendly Web browsing
- ...
Of course, I had to save some SMS/MMS and call logs in order to get exactly what I had when leaving WiMo world.
So over a year ago, I used (payed) for one of these migration apps from SPB (or any other) to migrate all my data. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spb.migration&feature=search_result).
Migration worked great. All data were restored on the Android device.
My first WiMo device replacement was a HTC Desire Z .. with a keyboard. No the same keyboard experience than the touch Pro 2, but it worked.
I then switched to a far more powerful device : the Glide.
I rely mainly on OTA sync : Outlook, hotmail, gmail, yahoo mail.
No USB sync at all (used to do that with Desire Z, but IMO OTA is better).
The Glide lacks a few things (FM tuner, ...) but it has a great processor, a great display ... and huge software library ! (TomTom is still missing !)
Keyboard is nowhere near the Touch Pro 2 experience, but it does the trick and you get used to it.
So Glide (and Android) is my day to day phone. It runs great and is reliable.
I kept the Touch Pro 2 just in case ...
frav said:
I had WinMo 5.x then 6.x devices for many years as well, still have the last one though (Touch Pro 2, runs great !).
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That's what I am currently using on AT&T... OMG, I *so* love that device!
frav said:
But, I decided to move to Android because it had some great capabilities that WiMo 6.x didn't have:
- Managing Outlook sync OTA with more than one Exchange Server
- Managing / Merging Calendar Display (from different accounts : outlook, gmail, ...)
- Managing / Merging multiple contact lists (from different accounts : outlook, gmail, ...)
- User friendly Web browsing
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I'm becoming more and more aware of how ancient my Tilt 2 is getting, although it's still an impressively performing phone with Jackos ROM below. The biggest reminder is when I use it's camera at only 3.2MP, no flash/zoom, and poor video quality. The SCG's camera doesn't zoom, from what I can tell either, does it?
frav said:
So over a year ago, I used (payed) for one of these migration apps from SPB (or any other) to migrate all my data. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spb.migration&feature=search_result).
Migration worked great. All data were restored on the Android device.
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I'll look into that to see if it would help me out as well, thanks!
frav said:
My first WiMo device replacement was a HTC Desire Z .. with a keyboard. No the same keyboard experience than the touch Pro 2, but it worked.
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I was initially looking at the Desire Z as well, but it never came to AT&T and I don't want to sacrifice my data speed or call quality by not being able to utilize all the bands that I should have access to on the AT&T network, so I thought it best to wait a bit for something else to pop up.
frav said:
I rely mainly on OTA sync : Outlook, hotmail, gmail, yahoo mail.
No USB sync at all (used to do that with Desire Z, but IMO OTA is better).
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I wish that I could use OTA syncing (because that would make my life SO much easier & open up a whole ****load of options to me), but my company will not allow me to upload my Outlook data to any 3rd-party email/file storage repositories, so I am left with no choice but to find a suitable USB-syncing method.
frav said:
The Glide lacks a few things (FM tuner, ...) but it has a great processor, a great display ... and huge software library ! (TomTom is still missing !)
Keyboard is nowhere near the Touch Pro 2 experience, but it does the trick and you get used to it.
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I will actually miss the FM Tuner on my device, and I never thought that I would, because it sure came in handy sometimes! LOL Yeah, I adore the keyboard on my Tilt 2 and it will really suck to have to give it up, but as you say I'll adjust.
frav said:
So Glide (and Android) is my day to day phone. It runs great and is reliable.
I kept the Touch Pro 2 just in case ...
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Oh, make no mistake... I will never totally give up my Rhodium! As a matter of fact, I've already got another one in reserve (but it's got an effed up USB port) in case I ever need it. Hell, I won't even give up my Kaiser (original AT&T Tilt), because that thing rocked, too!
Thanks so much for your feedback on the Captivate Glide... I'm feeling more and more confident that this is the device for me (until something better comes out, that is), so you may be seeing me around this forum more often.
Thanks again!
i believe that if you set up your Office Email on the Glide, you will also get the events, tasks, appointments, etc. You can use the stock Samsung email or any 3rd party apps that support outlook and/or exchange servers. (Please disregard if this is not allowed by your company you're working). As in my case, I need to download TouchDown app, and because I am happy with it, i purchased the license (yes it's kinda pricy, about $20). It does the job very well.
gabby131 said:
i believe that if you set up your Office Email on the Glide, you will also get the events, tasks, appointments, etc. You can use the stock Samsung email or any 3rd party apps that support outlook and/or exchange servers. (Please disregard if this is not allowed by your company you're working).
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Unfortunately, they got that locked up tight, too. There is no way that they will give me the Exchange server credentials to allow me to do that unless I am using a company-provided device, which would be a Blackberry... Yuk!
gabby131 said:
As in my case, I need to download TouchDown app, and because I am happy with it, i purchased the license (yes it's kinda pricy, about $20). It does the job very well.
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I'll look into that, but I suspect that it may not help me much, so I'll be researching USB-sync software. If I poke around here enough, I might find someone who can recommend a reliable one.
Thanks for responding again!
I believe the Samsung synch application for windows will allow you to synch with outlook and your android/Samsung Phone. I just found the application to be buggy and a pain to install. I tried at work and it did not communicate with my glide, but at home it worked but I did not attempt on connecting with outlook so I can not tell you how well that works but have heard others mention that it works.
Many Sync Options Apparently, But Which Actually Work???
dudejb said:
I believe the Samsung synch application for windows will allow you to synch with outlook and your android/Samsung Phone. I just found the application to be buggy and a pain to install. I tried at work and it did not communicate with my glide, but at home it worked but I did not attempt on connecting with outlook so I can not tell you how well that works but have heard others mention that it works.
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Really??? Can it actually be *that* simple? LOL! Is the application that you speak of the one called "Kies" or something different?
My problem is a bit complex: I have Outlook 2003 at work and Outlook 2007 at home. My work PC is the one that contains all of my important data since that is where I get meeting requests, etc. My home PC's Outlook has never been accurate, since it is Vista and utilizes Device Center for syncing my WM Rhodium, which conflicts horrendously with MS ActiveSync on my work PC (which is NT), so I've ended up with tons of empty appointments and duplicate (even triplicate) contact entries. Back when both PCs were XP, I was able to sync both of them perfectly with ActiveSync and have my data agree at home *and* at work... I miss those days.
I've been giving the web search engines a work out on this one topic alone! Found this thread in the Android Software & Hacking General forum, which helped point me to SyncDroid.net. They have a listing of several sync applications (paid & free) that syncs various types of data using various methods of syncing. Out of that list, it appears that these softwares are the best for my particular problem and syncing needs:
- Android-Sync
- MyPhoneExplorer
- VCOrganizer Pro
- SyncRoid
Some are free, some not, and others have free trials or light versions. I'm not fussed with paying for an application if it actually works reliably. So, I'm hoping that others who share my scenario (which may be difficult to come by) can chime in on which are best. Even if I didn't have these limitations, I'd still be wary of putting my data out on the web. Are there others that I should be looking into, that I haven't come across yet?
Damn, why is something that should be so simple proving SO difficult?!
Many thanks!
Did you try Kies first? I tried it again and it said it can synch with outlook contacts and Calenders.
Not yet, but will give that one a try first. Thanks!
dudejb said:
Did you try Kies first? I tried it again and it said it can synch with outlook contacts and Calenders.
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I'm glad I found this thread as I'm thinking about switching to android also.
My quick phone history
1. Samsung sph i330 (palm 3.0 or .5 don't remember)
2. ppc 6700
3. HTC touch pro 2 (current Phone)
All of these phones have been great, and as you can see once I find something I like I stick with it.
Okay Debbie, did you switch? What do you think of android?
For me my biggest concern is loosing my stylus, and other functions that come so natural to me like cut & paste. My wife has an Epic 4G (android) but I'm not yet sold the thing doesn't even have spell check!
The main reason for me to switch. I run a small business and want to accept credit card payments with Square (Android and I phone only), and I will never own anything made by Apple
Frav: do you miss the stylus?
If I do switch I'll be going with the galaxy S III
any input would be great!
If you are dead set on stylus you may want to look at the note as it also has a stylus. It is rather large but for businesses it may be worth it for you. A friend of mine has 1 and she loves it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I927R using xda app-developers app
Thats a good point dudejb. I have thought of that, but i worried about the size. I'll have to give it a test run at the store
Stylus... $3
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I927 using xda app-developers app
Wow very cool thanks ajt1995. I didn't even know that existed! I guess I have been kind of sheltered with my Touch Pro 2.
you could always go with the Sausage Stylus:
Though it sounds dumb and funny, but I hear it really works well.
84mopar said:
Wow very cool thanks ajt1995. I didn't even know that existed! I guess I have been kind of sheltered with my Touch Pro 2.
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Glad I could help.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I927 using xda app-developers app

[Q] Onlive Desktop natively on Mobiles

I found a few similar posts relating to this issue, but were all from over a year ago, and didn't want to restart a dead topic.
I live in Australia, and I would like to install Onlive Desktop to run macros within excel.
The first issue was with past editions, screen density would need to be changed to run the app, whereas, according to the change log, the newest version, 2.1, "Removed the screen size check within the app". Therefore I assume it should run natively on my S3.
The only problem is all the APKs in the forums, and on other sites only have an outdated version.
Can somebody please upload the newest APK if Onlive Desktop so that myself, and others like me can install the newest version?
Any assistance you can offer is much appreciated.
Sincere regards,
Ryan Carmichael

Finally dumped Apple for Galaxy Tab S - A few questions if I may....

Hi all, I have finally had enough of Apple (and planned obsolescence!). I have never used Android before, got myself a Galaxy Tab S and once I learn how to use it well, I will be dumping my faulty iPhone in favour of a Galaxy phone as well.
I bought a used Tab S with 4G in lovely condition. Just turned it on and it says Insert Sim. I skipped that and it said "Many features will not work without an active Sim".
Therefore the first question I have is how much to read into that message?! Do I believe it? I don\'t plan on using a data Sim, only want to use WiFi. Will the Tab S work just fine without a cellular SIM or is it going to give me constant errors and problems? If the latter I may have to sell it in favour of a non SIM version. Any advice appreciated. I quite like the idea of being ABLE to use a data SIM if I want to some time, hence why I bought it.
Second question is I DESPISE Google and all the tracking stuff. I use a VPN much of the time. A friend of mine has a Galaxy Tab and said I should "root" the device. Can anyone tell me the main benefits of doing so? I am trying to work out how necessary is it (as I am short of time so won't do it unless it will give me benefits). I intend to use VPN and try my best to prevent google tracking what I watch on youtube, what searches I do, and just about anything else I can. I also notice that for Earth and Maps to work, I obviously need to let it know my location (which I don't generally like doing but understand the trade off and will do it in this case). Is there a way (perhaps via rooting) to enable GPS location sharing without feeding GOOGLE my whereabouts (i.e. using other map software instead of Google's)?
I am blown away by the quality of this device. thanks for anyone who has time to offer their thoughts on the above. Thanks
Welcome to the real world, Neo!
SIM Card allows having such things like mobile data (this works just the same as the iPad LTE) and voice calls from a tablet (this feature is unique to Android - you can make voice calls just like it is a big phone, using either built-in mic and speakers or via Bluetooth headset). If the SIM is not inserted, there will be no problems - you can safely dismiss the warning.
Regarding the Google-free experience and rooting. Rooting is direct equivalent to iOS jailbreak. Both result in getting root shell (# or uid 0).
To root the Tab, you must flash the CF-Autoroot via Odin: https://www.theandroidsoul.com/root...10-5-lte-sm-t805-one-click-cf-auto-root-tool/ This is for 10.5 LTE aka SM-T805, for 8.4 LTE aka SM-T705 the instruction is similar: https://www.theandroidsoul.com/root...-8-4-lte-sm-t705-one-click-cf-auto-root-tool/
Also it is good to flash the TWRP recovery after you get root to get a rich recovery environment helping you to backup and restore your device, flash custom ROMs etc.nMore info here: https://twrp.me/FAQ/
Dont hesitate to ask questions once they arise.
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------
Ph, and forgot to mention Google free experience. Once you get root, you can debloat your stock ROM but I'd advise flashing a LineageOS ROM for newer Android version and latest security patches. Also, Google services are not present by default in LineageOs but can be flashed separately. However, I am already more than a year without Google services and apps.
For example, I use K-9 Mail + OpenKeychain from F-Droid open-source app market to use GMail with OpenPGP support.
F-Droid is the primary marketplace app having opensource applications. For closed-source apps available on Google Play, the open-source Google Play client app named Yalp Store offers the same functionality as play market but not requiring Google services.
Youtube client I use is Newpipe, opensource app available in F-Droid. There are other clients too, like SkyTube.
Google Maps can be replaced by OsmAnd+ - an opensource client for OpenStreetMap infrastructure, again available from F-Droid app store.
Office application suite I recommend is Hancom Office - it is free for Samsung devices, and it processes documents faster than Office365.
Also, I made it work on LineageOS and other custom ROMs.
I use Brave Browser as a primary Web browser, as it is opensource app based on Google Chromium code but heavily de-Googled and having some cool features like embedded ad-blocker.
Hope this helps you a bit.
gellmar said:
Welcome to the real world, Neo!
SIM Card allows having such things like mobile data (this works just the same as the iPad LTE) and voice calls from a tablet (this feature is unique to Android - you can make voice calls just like it is a big phone, using either built-in mic and speakers or via Bluetooth headset). If the SIM is not inserted, there will be no problems - you can safely dismiss the warning.
Regarding the Google-free experience and rooting. Rooting is direct equivalent to iOS jailbreak. Both result in getting root shell (# or uid 0).
To root the Tab, you must flash the CF-Autoroot via Odin: https://www.theandroidsoul.com/root...10-5-lte-sm-t805-one-click-cf-auto-root-tool/ This is for 10.5 LTE aka SM-T805, for 8.4 LTE aka SM-T705 the instruction is similar: https://www.theandroidsoul.com/root...-8-4-lte-sm-t705-one-click-cf-auto-root-tool/
Also it is good to flash the TWRP recovery after you get root to get a rich recovery environment helping you to backup and restore your device, flash custom ROMs etc.nMore info here: https://twrp.me/FAQ/
Dont hesitate to ask questions once they arise.
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------
Ph, and forgot to mention Google free experience. Once you get root, you can debloat your stock ROM but I'd advise flashing a LineageOS ROM for newer Android version and latest security patches. Also, Google services are not present by default in LineageOs but can be flashed separately. However, I am already more than a year without Google services and apps.
For example, I use K-9 Mail + OpenKeychain from F-Droid open-source app market to use GMail with OpenPGP support.
F-Droid is the primary marketplace app having opensource applications. For closed-source apps available on Google Play, the open-source Google Play client app named Yalp Store offers the same functionality as play market but not requiring Google services.
Youtube client I use is Newpipe, opensource app available in F-Droid. There are other clients too, like SkyTube.
Google Maps can be replaced by OsmAnd+ - an opensource client for OpenStreetMap infrastructure, again available from F-Droid app store.
Office application suite I recommend is Hancom Office - it is free for Samsung devices, and it processes documents faster than Office365.
Also, I made it work on LineageOS and other custom ROMs.
I use Brave Browser as a primary Web browser, as it is opensource app based on Google Chromium code but heavily de-Googled and having some cool features like embedded ad-blocker.
Hope this helps you a bit.
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Crikey!! Can't thank you enough for the time and effort there, what a great welcome to the other side
I confess most of what you said went straight over my head, ROMS and such like, but I will learn as there are clearly some great tips in this post.
So - fine without SIM, cool thanks.
Flashing - gonna take some time to learn but I think the link you posted is what I need, I have the SM-T800
So Lineage is an OS, is that right? And it comes free of Google bloatware/spyware?
I can't believe there are ways to view youtube and maps etc without giving Google your retinal scan. JUST what I hope to do!
Brave Browser - not heard of that, was gonna look for Firefox or Waterfox and set it up myself with RTC discabled, Ublockorigin etc etc (if poss) but maybe don't need to now as Brave sounds built to do what I want already.
Thanks again, great post
marrteee said:
Crikey!! Can't thank you enough for the time and effort there, what a great welcome to the other side
I confess most of what you said went straight over my head, ROMS and such like, but I will learn as there are clearly some great tips in this post.
So - fine without SIM, cool thanks.
Flashing - gonna take some time to learn but I think the link you posted is what I need, I have the SM-T800
So Lineage is an OS, is that right? And it comes free of Google bloatware/spyware?
I can't believe there are ways to view youtube and maps etc without giving Google your retinal scan. JUST what I hope to do!
Brave Browser - not heard of that, was gonna look for Firefox or Waterfox and set it up myself with RTC discabled, Ublockorigin etc etc (if poss) but maybe don't need to now as Brave sounds built to do what I want already.
Thanks again, great post
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Strange the T800 has no dedicated SIM slot, it is WiFi only. T805 does have a SIM card though. You can check it opening Settings - Phone info. Also you can use the dialer to enter a magic code *#1234# to get info about your firmware (pay attention to PDA and CSC values). Would be good if you provide these here before you start any flashing.
LineageOS is a community built distribution of Android OS (like Ubuntu or Debian are GNU/Linux distributions) with some additional tweaks like Privacy Guard (a framework giving you control about permissions application ask, like a consent or denial to read contacts, GPS location, phone number etc). Full disclosure: I am an official maintainer of LineageOS for SM-T805 and I belong to the team creating LineageOS for other devices on the same chipset, like SM-T800, SM-T705, SM-T700, SM-P600 etc. There are also ResurrectionRemix ROM based on LineageOS and also there are de-bloated stock ROMs based on latest available Android 6.0.1 official factory OS. The official LineageOS is based on Android 7.1.2, and there is a (not very stable) 8.1.0.
I was a long-term fan of Firefox on Android (and I still am on PC!), but Chromium engine is twice as fast on our tablet (90.08 for Brave vs 45.04 for Firefox in browser benchmark)
SORRY! The seller called it a T800 but I checked and yes it's a T805.
I am SO busy at the moment with work and family stuff, not sure when I can get round to this and it looks like I have a lot of learning to come which I am dreading a bit with my schedule as it is! Don't suppose there is any chance someone (if not yourself) on this forum offers any kind of service? By that I mean, I post the Tab with cash to cover the job, and someone roots it and does the things you have mentioned then post it back? Probably a bit too much wishful thinking, but if you don't ask.......
marrteee said:
SORRY! The seller called it a T800 but I checked and yes it's a T805.
I am SO busy at the moment with work and family stuff, not sure when I can get round to this and it looks like I have a lot of learning to come which I am dreading a bit with my schedule as it is! Don't suppose there is any chance someone (if not yourself) on this forum offers any kind of service? By that I mean, I post the Tab with cash to cover the job, and someone roots it and does the things you have mentioned then post it back? Probably a bit too much wishful thinking, but if you don't ask.......
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This can be done remotely via TeamViewer - you can be around and follow my commands like press home button etc. The rest is done via ADB on PC side. But write me in PM next week - I have some things to do that I promised before.
That's too kind of you. Not sure if you mean Teamviewer with the actual device or another computer. I am in no hurry at all. My device is factory stock right now, been reset and I am not doing anything with it for now.
Thanks again
I don't suppose (given your knowledge of privacy issues etc) you know of a secure alternative to Skype? I am talking mainly about a desktop app. I have researched many times over the past year and it seems to me that every time something decent gets going, they get shut down or just close down without much explanation. Sure seems suspicious in some cases. Best I could find was ViPole, which is good although has some weaknesses. I can't believe nobody has made something that can do the basic stuff Skype can do! (text, video/voice, screenshare and file share). It's so simple by today's standards! Of course plenty of options until you get to P2P or encryption, then there seems to be nothing which actually works very well at all! Just in case you know of anything?
marrteee said:
I don't suppose (given your knowledge of privacy issues etc) you know of a secure alternative to Skype? I am talking mainly about a desktop app. I have researched many times over the past year and it seems to me that every time something decent gets going, they get shut down or just close down without much explanation. Sure seems suspicious in some cases. Best I could find was ViPole, which is good although has some weaknesses. I can't believe nobody has made something that can do the basic stuff Skype can do! (text, video/voice, screenshare and file share). It's so simple by today's standards! Of course plenty of options until you get to P2P or encryption, then there seems to be nothing which actually works very well at all! Just in case you know of anything?
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Look for Signal and qTox.
Thanks. Tried and still use Signal, although it's got some flaws and not at all sure I trust the privacy side. I really need screenshare too which it doesn't have.
qtox and utox i have tried, tried all the tox chat programs. Completely buggy and unusable. Nice and secure though , which makes it a shame they can't make the software work properly! notifications dont work, cam, calls completely broken. unusable.
I looked at variuos others but it's all going over to apps for smartphones and tabs now, I want a desktop app. Maybe Skype through VPN would help a bit, but not ideal!
Thanks again
marrteee said:
Thanks. Tried and still use Signal, although it's got some flaws and not at all sure I trust the privacy side. I really need screenshare too which it doesn't have.
qtox and utox i have tried, tried all the tox chat programs. Completely buggy and unusable. Nice and secure though , which makes it a shame they can't make the software work properly! notifications dont work, cam, calls completely broken. unusable.
I looked at variuos others but it's all going over to apps for smartphones and tabs now, I want a desktop app. Maybe Skype through VPN would help a bit, but not ideal!
Thanks again
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To accelerate the process of bringing up the quality of opensource projects, one must at least report the bugs timely. Have you filed a feature request? We all donate either our money, or our time to the community. Some of us donate both
Ha, yes I do make reports whenever I spot anything. I am talking to one of the developers about it but I don't see it getting fixed as the impetus seems to have gone and no way they will add screenshare I dont think. I will try though yes, least I can do in the hope that someone produces something useful but not "in bed" with the government!

Medical app not compatible - is it potentially achievable for me to get it to work?

I use continuous glucose monitoring to monitor my blood sugar, as I am a type 1 diabetic. The CGM I use uses Bluetooth to sync with an app (Medtronic's Guardian Connect app) and gives blood sugar data, safety alerts etc., but this app is only compatible with selected Android phones, which doesn't include any Oneplus phones. I really like the Oneplus 7t so I would rather not sell it if possible, so I was thinking of trying to make it compatible with the Oneplus and removing the phone model block. This has been done before with a different medical manufacturer's CGM app ( https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-7t/help/medical-app-compatibility-t4015519 ), so I think it should be possible. Given my lack of programming ability, I was wondering if there are resources anywhere that might help with learning how to do this? Obviously they're not going to tell me "This is how you make this specific app work", but I'm just hoping to find some general resources on this type of coding. I have searched around with no success as I am not sure where to look. I gather it would take more than simply changing the buildprop file to trick the app into thinking it's a compatible phone.
Would help to know the app and what issues you're having. Is it not showing up in the play store? Does it give an error?
ziddey said:
Would help to know the app and what issues you're having. Is it not showing up in the play store? Does it give an error?
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Sorry, not sure how I managed to omit all those details. The app is Guardian Connect (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.medtronic.diabetes.guardianconnect&hl=en). I am able to download it, but when I open it it says "incompatible with your device", as it's only officially compatible with a limited subsection of Android phones (https://guardianconnect.medtronic-diabetes-mena.com/en_gb/app-compatibility). However, the Dexcom app that I linked in the first post also has limited compatibility, yet people have managed to get it to work with other android phones, so I'm cautiously optimistic that it will be possible for me to do the same.
I can't link URLs properly yet as I'm a new user, so I had to add those spaces in the links.
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Riveon said:
Sorry, not sure how I managed to omit all those details. The app is Guardian Connect (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.medtronic.diabetes.guardianconnect&hl=en). I am able to download it, but when I open it it says "incompatible with your device", as it's only officially compatible with a limited subsection of Android phones (https://guardianconnect.medtronic-diabetes-mena.com/en_gb/app-compatibility). However, the Dexcom app that I linked in the first post also has limited compatibility, yet people have managed to get it to work with other android phones, so I'm cautiously optimistic that it will be possible for me to do the same.
I can't link URLs properly yet as I'm a new user, so I had to add those spaces in the links.
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Hello. Just wanted to inform you that I inserted the working links on your behalf (at least I assumed so).
I hope you'll find a solution for the issue soon.
Oswald Boelcke said:
Hello. Just wanted to inform you that I inserted the working links on your behalf (at least I assumed so).
I hope you'll find a solution for the issue soon.
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Thanks for that
I have diabetes and want to use this app for checking my blood glucose level continiously on my oneplus 8pro phone but the app says its not compatible with the device. I don't know how to solve this problem.
Is there anybody who can help us with this?
Have you you guys tried to email the developer of the app to fix this?
I have diabetes and want to use this app for checking my blood glucose level continiously on my oneplus 8pro phone but the app says its not compatible with the device. I don't know how to solve this problem.
Is there anybody who can help us with this?
v.konvict said:
Have you you guys tried to email the developer of the app to fix this?
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Yep, they weren't helpful at all though, unfortunately - they just gave a generic "keep an eye on the compatible device list" response. In the end I gave up and sold a Oneplus and got a Samsung.
I just had contact with medtronic Belgium and they said; the more people call us the more 'problem cases' go to the IT'ers in America. So they mean how faster the problem will be solved so just give them a call
Needs stock, unrooted, bootloader locked, oos10
How can we fake the phone ID for an app?
HueyT said:
Needs stock, unrooted, bootloader locked, oos10
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Can this unlocking of phone be done for two other apps from Medtronic as listed below please?
CareLink™ Connect - Apps on Google Play
Diabetes data sharing
MiniMed™ Mobile - Apps on Google Play
Insulin pump display
Same error message as original post...
I am using an Asus ROG 5s Pro
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help
Can't use unlocked bootloader or rooted phones for medical apps as less secure
volkslove said:
Can this unlocking of phone be done for two other apps from Medtronic as listed below please?
CareLink™ Connect - Apps on Google Play
Diabetes data sharing
MiniMed™ Mobile - Apps on Google Play
Insulin pump display
Same error message as original post...
I am using an Asus ROG 5s Pro
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help
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Here is the list of all Medtronic's apps. Download the APK, then select the file from your Downloads folder in the Files app.
You may be prompted about the app being from an unknown source or risk to your device. Ignore the warning, tap OK, yes, or allow if prompted.
Hope this helps and as the post above already said I would consider calling Medtronic customer service and asking them to make the app available to all phones.
KemikalElite said:
Here is the list of all Medtronic's apps. Download the APK, then select the file from your Downloads folder in the Files app.
You may be prompted about the app being from an unknown source or risk to your device. Ignore the warning, tap OK, yes, or allow if prompted.
Hope this helps and as the post above already said I would consider calling Medtronic customer service and asking them to make the app available to all phones.
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Was actually hoping for a work around to use on phones that are not on the compatible list, i.e. for the app to not check for phone compatibility before starting.
volkslove said:
Can this unlocking of phone be done for two other apps from Medtronic as listed below please?
CareLink™ Connect - Apps on Google Play
Diabetes data sharing
MiniMed™ Mobile - Apps on Google Play
Insulin pump display
Same error message as original post...
I am using an Asus ROG 5s Pro
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help
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I second this; rooted OnePlus 8 Pro running an A12 custom ROM
Personally I've actually come pretty close and was able to hide both Root and Developer Options from being detected using XPrivacyLua, but was unable to get MagiskProps working properly to get around the final "Your Phone is Incompatible" by spoofing as a Google Pixel (one of the primary "approved" devices) message, even after trying multiple older APKs combined with clearing data/cache
Zilch163 said:
I second this; rooted OnePlus 8 Pro running an A12 custom ROM
Personally I've actually come pretty close and was able to hide both Root and Developer Options from being detected using XPrivacyLua, but was unable to get MagiskProps working properly to get around the final "Your Phone is Incompatible" by spoofing as a Google Pixel (one of the primary "approved" devices) message, even after trying multiple older APKs combined with clearing data/cache
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Actually the logic behind limiting the compatible devices boggles my mind because, other than replicating the screen of the insulin pump and sending data downloaded from the pump to health care providers, the app does not allow pump to accept commands from external devices. So I do not see what the concern is with allowing more devices to use the app...
volkslove said:
Actually the logic behind limiting the compatible devices boggles my mind because, other than replicating the screen of the insulin pump and sending data downloaded from the pump to health care providers, the app does not allow pump to accept commands from external devices. So I do not see what the concern is with allowing more devices to use the app...
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There is no logic, just retarded medical industry bureaucracy BS.
I've contacted customer support multiple times and asked them the same question, only to get the same useless response of pretending to "pass on my feedback".
It's actually one of the reasons I wanna find out how to work around the problem even more; like who needs them to take proper control of a medical device that I own.
Would also be amazing to get a Wear OS app that displays the same or similar information to the app, but I don't see that being made by Medtronic for at least a decade.
Zilch163 said:
I second this; rooted OnePlus 8 Pro running an A12 custom ROM
Personally I've actually come pretty close and was able to hide both Root and Developer Options from being detected using XPrivacyLua, but was unable to get MagiskProps working properly to get around the final "Your Phone is Incompatible" by spoofing as a Google Pixel (one of the primary "approved" devices) message, even after trying multiple older APKs combined with clearing data/cache
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Hi! Im struggling with getting this app working on my rooted xiaomi. Do you remember how exactly did you bypass those checks with xprivacylua?

