2 Questions, Want to design my own launcher, and trying to find a decent HU - MTCB Android Head Units Q&A

Hi guys, been a while since i posted on these forums so bare with me...
But lately as I'm soon going to be restoring a Z3 ive been looking into the headunits going around.
And truth be told i prefer the Chinese ones to the international branded ones like pioneer.
But i have a few questions so I hope this is the right forum.
My coding experience is limited but not non-existent. I've grabbed android studio and had a nice look around at it. Going to try come test projects on it to get the hang of it before I start any serious work.
My plan is to build a new homescreen launcher with a built in radio/music player. As I feel when looking at the android launcher they put on just doesnt sit right with the main function of this device... IE its a radio and music player...
So Im going to build a new front end with all the controls available to the driver in a safe easy to use way.
So now the questions
Are there any tips on building launchers for these units?
The USB DAB+ stick thats been mentioned many times here. How do you access the steams and communicate to change frequencies and such with it? (I realise thats likely an indeph question and is probably detailed in an SDK somewhere if you can point me to that SDK or detail that would be great)
The CD/DVD unit built into the headunits. how is the audio stream handled? Does it bypass android completely and go to the preamp in the unit? Or is there some sort of interface with android? Even to only provide software controls?
Also can the CD/DVD drive be used for data? I guess if it bypasses android thats a no
Now for the Units.
Theres many nice ones with decent facades, but im having trouble finding the right one. Joying seem good but being in the UK, where can i order it without being charged duty. Is there any UK/EU distributors?
Also im looking for ones with the higher res screen and 2gb ram... That seems very hard to find together along with a nice facade... There are ones that have touch sensitive controls and no CD/DVD drive, but that defeats the purpose and tbh make the unit less safe to use. This is for a car remember...
So any tips?
Sorry if this is a bit rambling... Its been a while

Either no one knows or my questions too disjointed....
Lets try to simplify it.
1) Are there any tips of guides to building your own launcher?
2) Is there any kind of SDK for the realteck DAB+ stick, how do you read streams and manipulate frequency ect...?
3) How do the Units handle the DVD/CD drive, does it bypass android and go straight to the amp or is there some sort of interface with android?
4) Do the drives read data? Such as MP3 cds that android can pick up? (my assumption is no, im not sure android supports optical drives)
5) Are there any confirmed decent UK or EU distributors for the headunits we see from joying/ownice......?
Hope that helps

Not to discourage you but your plans about a new launcher might not be worth it as you can already replace the launcher in these units with any Android launcher. There's even some that are already geared towards driving.
If you want to go full-on custom you could use something like Lightning Launcher and pretty much customize every little thing.
For the music and radio controls there are some re-skinned widgets in the Software forum. Without source code I don't believe you are going to be able to go much further than this. I prefer Poweramp over the stock music player so I just use one of its widgets, would be nice to have something similar for the radio though (although internet-based radio apps are always an option).
The other questions I don't have answers for.

Thanks for getting back... Not discouraged. I probably will still have a go though ill look into the other ones available though


Application HUB ??

I would like to know if there's gonna be an application HUB in the new Windows Phone 7 Series??
Would be nice to have a hub where you can add your favorite 3rd party applications like:
- Location/Navigation software (Google Maps, TomTom, iGO, CoPilot etc.)
- Browser software (Opera, Skyfire etc.)
- Games
- Multimedia software (CorePlayer, TCPMP etc.)
Sorted by example on Category or Most used.
Would be nice, usefull and marketable.
I don't get why Microsoft would introduce an "Application Hub" when the point of Hubs was to get rid of the "applications".
Games would be in the games hub, multimedia would be in the multimedia hub. There's an applications list in alphabetical order on the start page if the right arrow is pressed...
according to http://www.modaco.com/ there's a marketplace hub. does this mean this is the only entry point to install applications? Makes me get panic attacks!
I guess that there'd be another way to install applications, unless they want to have corporate users stay with WinMo 6.5.* for the future, as when a company wants to have a mobile app tied to there custom company software for in house use, they for sure wouldn't want it to take the way over the Marketplace.
As for having the most used applications easily available: you could just pin them to the Startscreen a.k.a. Live-Tiles. You can pin single contacts, single albums, single songs there and I believe somebody already said, that u could pin programs from the App-List to the right too. Depends on the application how it then uses the Live Tile (to display highscore, in-game scenes or what not).
StevieBallz said:
I guess that there'd be another way to install applications, unless they want to have corporate users stay with WinMo 6.5.* for the future, as when a company wants to have a mobile app tied to there custom company software for in house use, they for sure wouldn't want it to take the way over the Marketplace.
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That is a good point. I hope you are right. Not being able to run whatever program I want to is a big deal breaker for me. If this were the case I would go Android unless WP7 gets jailbroken (I feel so sad using this term for WM/WP; it is so open right now. Why restrict it in such ways?).
the reason that they are restricting the apps, is to make the system more stable. They want the experience to be amazing on every phone, eg making the hardware requirements so strict. They want to be able to evaluate what an app does to the system before it is released. They are making the submission parameters easier to comply with, so it will be easy to put your work on marketplace. They new marketplace specs for 6.5 will give developers the ability to make links straight to the app on the marketplace.
Initially I was starting to kinda freak out, but I think this is for the best. It will force people to use the marketplace, and since it won't support old apps, it will move all the applications for windows mobile to one spot, it is just one more way they are trying to compete with apple.
And on a side note, I'm not actually sure that winpho7 has a file explorer... Nothing in the demo gave me reason to think that one would be there. I think they are trying to replace explorer with the hubs.
If you swipe left on the start page, you get a list of all your applications.
I don't think there's a seperate, categorised hub.
I believe you can also add shortcut tiles on the start page, but that's all I know.
(And yeah, I too would like to find out whether WP7 has a file explorer...)
webpatrick said:
I would like to know if there's gonna be an application HUB in the new Windows Phone 7 Series??
Would be nice to have a hub where you can add your favorite 3rd party applications like:
- Location/Navigation software (Google Maps, TomTom, iGO, CoPilot etc.)
- Browser software (Opera, Skyfire etc.)
- Games
- Multimedia software (CorePlayer, TCPMP etc.)
Sorted by example on Category or Most used.
Would be nice, usefull and marketable.
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I don't mean to be rude but this doesn't make any sense.
Add your favorite applications to your Start Screen. All the rest are in a list when you swipe to the right.
Apps that fit a certain category would go in that category's hub. Why would you have Games in an Application hub and then have a Games hub? Remember under the Music&Video hub there was Pandora (right now they have it under a list of apps under the hub).. that's your Multimedia software.
I do agree that additional hubs would make sense.. we don't only care about people and pictures etc. but also things like RSS news updates, or like you said, location and navigation. An Internet hub would be a good place for Favorites/Bookmarks, History (shared across every installed browser), RSS, IE8 Web Slices, website notifications (not every update on Twitter and Facebook is by an actual person/contact), etc. If you give the same treatment to Location/Mapping, then suddenly you don't have the standalone apps of IE and Bing sticking out in the hub-centric experience.
but a bunch of shortcuts to different programs doesn't make sense as a hub, just pin them to Start.
reformedctrlz said:
the reason that they are restricting the apps, is to make the system more stable. They want the experience to be amazing on every phone, eg making the hardware requirements so strict. They want to be able to evaluate what an app does to the system before it is released. They are making the submission parameters easier to comply with, so it will be easy to put your work on marketplace. They new marketplace specs for 6.5 will give developers the ability to make links straight to the app on the marketplace.
Initially I was starting to kinda freak out, but I think this is for the best. It will force people to use the marketplace, and since it won't support old apps, it will move all the applications for windows mobile to one spot, it is just one more way they are trying to compete with apple.
And on a side note, I'm not actually sure that winpho7 has a file explorer... Nothing in the demo gave me reason to think that one would be there. I think they are trying to replace explorer with the hubs.
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The problem is that you have to pay $100 for your spot at the marketplace table. Even if your app is free. Simply not fair. No more xda members coding up their own programs and releasing free.
And hubs is not a file explorer. I dont want a device that thinks it knows what I want to do with my files. If I want something that restricts where I get apps and what files I am allowed to store on my device I will get an iphone.
The only thing wp7 might have over iphone os (besides interface; I do think wp7 has a very cool and original ui; that is a matter of opinion though) is multitasking. While details are slim and it sounds like multitasking capability will be very restricted, it sounds like background processing will be available to third party apps at least in some form. Thats more than iphones can say.
Unfortunately I think its android time for me. But I'm not sad about it. Ive started really looking into it and it seems pretty cool. It has full multitasking now and the latest phones are sporting some awesome hardware. I will probably get my first android phone over the summer and i'm excited.
I'm not waiting nearly another year to get hands on an actual wp7 device. Maybe when more details come out it won't be so bad but I doubt it and I'm not waiting to find out. The direction of Microsoft is back in time toward more restriction and control of the product. It's time I jump ship to an open source OS. Sad because I love MS desktop products. My computing world is a constant battle between google and MS. I use windows 7, outlook, exchange, windows mobile office ect. But I choose google over ie, google over bing, and soon android over wm. Will be interesting to see how well this combination will play together.
I don't think installing Cab files will change all too much..I believe it will be much like it is today except we aren't putting the cart before the horse this time. I mean Marketplace just launched months ago even though WinMo has been around for over a decade...its hard to have an effective marketplace when people who want apps know the better places to find them. This time around the app store will launch with the OS so i think it puts more emphasis on the App store (to the average consumer) as well as being better integrated into the phone...but who's/what's stopping us from just downloading Apps the same as usual? Microsoft has mentioned that Activesync will still work with WP7 (Zune will be just for music, pictures, movies) so why is it all of a sudden impossible just to do what we've been doing for years?
It seems odd the exodus that seems to be happening lately. Its like you guys were perfectly happy with with Windows the way it is now?!?! If you are then stay with it the way it is now..lol. I personally can't wait to the what the guys here are gonna come up with for HUB's...hell I can't wait for HTC to put their special touch on WP7..I can imagine the HUB put together in a TF3D fashion...with their own additions of Weather (with that gorgeous UI) stocks...etc. I'm not gonna lie...the possibilities are as endless in the future as they are with the current OS. I think it will be fun to see in about a year, how many of you guys who are riding the fence or doubting the upcoming release will change your minds.
I once had to drag my best friend on a double date....he didn't want to go, he complained the whole way there...saw the girl, and did everything he could to make an excuse to get out of there (she wasn't his type)...now they're married, crazy things happen when you give something a chance. I've waited 2+ years for this and won't back out now just because I see something I don't know the answer to...once I get the OS in hand I will make my decision. I think thats the most logical way
style1 said:
I don't think installing Cab files will change all too much..I believe it will be much like it is today except we aren't putting the cart before the horse this time. I mean Marketplace just launched months ago even though WinMo has been around for over a decade...its hard to have an effective marketplace when people who want apps know the better places to find them. This time around the app store will launch with the OS so i think it puts more emphasis on the App store (to the average consumer) as well as being better integrated into the phone...but who's/what's stopping us from just downloading Apps the same as usual? Microsoft has mentioned that Activesync will still work with WP7 (Zune will be just for music, pictures, movies) so why is it all of a sudden impossible just to do what we've been doing for years?
It seems odd the exodus that seems to be happening lately. Its like you guys were perfectly happy with with Windows the way it is now?!?! If you are then stay with it the way it is now..lol. I personally can't wait to the what the guys here are gonna come up with for HUB's...hell I can't wait for HTC to put their special touch on WP7..I can imagine the HUB put together in a TF3D fashion...with their own additions of Weather (with that gorgeous UI) stocks...etc. I'm not gonna lie...the possibilities are as endless in the future as they are with the current OS. I think it will be fun to see in about a year, how many of you guys who are riding the fence or doubting the upcoming release will change your minds.
I once had to drag my best friend on a double date....he didn't want to go, he complained the whole way there...saw the girl, and did everything he could to make an excuse to get out of there (she wasn't his type)...now they're married, crazy things happen when you give something a chance. I've waited 2+ years for this and won't back out now just because I see something I don't know the answer to...once I get the OS in hand I will make my decision. I think thats the most logical way
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I think you have misunderstood the announcements. Activesync (as in sync with PC) will NOT be available. It also seems that there is no way to access the file system on the device. The only way to install apps is through the marketplace. They are removing the ability to just install a cab as we have always done. That is the problem. I am not saying I won't give it a chance. These points may turn out to be wrong. All I am saying is that current info suggests that this is the case and if so WP7 is not for me. Of course I am not going to pass final judgement until it is released. But since all indicators point to the negative I am not going to wait to find out for sure when there are tempting alternatives. And no I am not satisfied with WM as it currently is. The problem is that WP7 fixed what was wrong with WM6 and at the same time trashed everything that was good about WM6 (once again, nothing is for certain but this is what evidence points to).
ok even if it's like that it's microsoft.
Even iphone has jailbreak. In our case we will not have to worry for warranty.
The so called no oem sw will return as bumerang on them.
This is the most hardcore forum on pda's and every one says bhaaaa on MS.
When they did their survey they mast asked only iphone and simple phone users, sertainly not wm users. )

NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV Box Review Or: How I learned to dislike the Shield TV

I’d like to start off by saying some of these views are totally personal to me, and how I use these kind of boxes day to day. I have been looking at the NVIDIA Shield TV 16gb model, with the controller and remote.
The Shield TV is right at the top of list of Android TV boxes, it has the spec and the features to make it a future proof Android TV box. The Tegra X1 makes it incredibly fast and snappy. I found myself clicking around with ease, without a single stutter.
The initial setup was easy, once turned on, I did a couple of updates and was logged straight into the Shield TV home screen. This leanback launcher can only be controlled with the “dpad” on either the controller or the remote. There are various rows, including suggestions, Nvidia apps and your own downloaded apps. The suggestion row is bizarre, as I have no idea what the recommendations are based on. I can alter what sources are used (Youtube, Google TV/Movies etc), but the recommendation engine isn’t very good.
Installing apps is easy, but this may be due to the lack of apps you can download. I found very little of my daily driver apps to download, and had to resort to second or even third rate alternatives. This isn’t really NVIDIA’s fault, as this is more an issue with Android TV. Apps have to be compatible and made for the “leanback” generation. Apps like Solid Explorer, TTorrent, and Transdroid are always installed on any Android box, but I was unable to here.
There are ways around these app limitations, involving sideloading, and alternative launchers. But I just want to install an app and use it, I don’t want to have to turn around the box so it’s facing east, wait till the time includes a 9 and then chant whilst installing an APK file! This may be a slight exaggeration though.
Though I was happy to see Kodi and SPMC were compatible. Though SPMC is the only one which utilising the passthrough audio correctly. So I installed SPMC, and plugged in my external HDD and started updating. Now came another issue, I always delete the files via SPMC after watching, and set it to physically delete the file. This has worked on even the worst Android boxes, but on the Shield TV it didn’t. The app would “delete”, yet when I went back and updated, the show/movie came back. After some Googling I found this was a common problem for a lot of people.
I ended up installing one of the two FTP servers on the TV app store, and connected via FTP. Selected the file, delete, but just got back an error! This again was a widely reported issue, and I ended up having to install ES File Explorer (Ugh!) and delete the file that way. Finally I was able to do it. But this was after a couple of hours of research. That was one of the big nails in the coffin for me.
I even reported this to the NVIDIA support team, and they weren’t very helpful. I was passed around a lot, and was sent to level 2 support about 3 times, only to be told to do something I had initially told support I had done!
I am so glad I got the box with the remote, as I was getting annoying navigating around with the bulky controller. I would of liked the remote to be included, and the controller to be sold separately, though I can see why as there is the gaming element.
Now speaking of games, I was massively impressed with the SHIELD games app. There is a long list of games you can play, some for free and some have to be purchases, you check them all out here shield.nvidia.com/games/android
Playing Batman Arkham City, I didn’t notice a single bit of lag in the controls. They were quick and easy to pick up, and felt just like a console game. This alone is a great feature, and I would totally buy a lower priced box, if it just offered this feature and nothing else.
I was happy to see that the thumb sticks on the controller could act like a mouse, but only on some apps. This was my next issue, I use an app called TTorrent, as it does exactly what I want, but this cannot be navigated with the remote or the controller. So now I had to get a bluetooth mouse, which works, but I am now using 3 bloody controllers to navigate one box. Why not give the remote air mouse properties, and then everything would be great.
If they released just a console version of this, for £129 then I would probably buy it. But for what I used my Android boxes for, and how I use them, this box is just too restricted to work into my life. That’s not to say it won’t be awesome for the other 99% of the people out there, this is just my opinion.
I cant tell you how many cuss word filled rants I've started typing in the google and nvidia feedback activities expressing many of these same feelings. Sometimes I even avoid messing with it altogether just to prevent the rage I feel about some of the implementations (or deliberate omittance of) by google who for whatever reason decided to cripple these devices with whatever nonsense ideas they have in their heads when they are making their decisions about what the "leanback" experience should be like. Maybe it makes a little sense to limit some parts of Android Auto but I cant believe what I'm seeing in my living room. Its absurd. Then I just delete it like a good end user and try to focus on the things that it does do really well. The device itself is awesome but being a tinkerer makes for a lot of frustration and it totally blows my mind seeing what I think is a perfect example of the direction I think google intends to take with the Android OS

USB Accelerometer on Joying radio

Sorry, I had already posted this on another section but I think this one is more appropriate and can't delete other post.
I have a Joying JY-NL124 android car radio, which does not have an accelerometer. I bought the Yocto 3d V2 http://www.yoctopuce.com/EN/products/usb-position-sensors/yocto-3d-v2 to see if I could get it to work with torque and other android apps for the track but although android sees the device the apps do not. I am not a programmer, but is there a way to get the apps to recognize an external accelerometer like some do for an external GPS?
Very interesting. I would like to know as well. It might also be usefull in navigation to get a faster direction orientation.
I was reading up on this again and this bit means someone with the know how would probably need to code something
The main advantage of this solution is that you don't need to install a driver to communicate with a Yoctopuce module, as the HID layer is always present. You only need to add our library, that we provide in source form, to your driving software for it to be able to directly talk to Yoctopuce modules.
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Have you tried contacting them directly and asking if they can do this for you?
sinnedone said:
I was reading up on this again and this bit means someone with the know how would probably need to code something
Have you tried contacting them directly and asking if they can do this for you?
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Uff, sorry for the late reply. Life has a way of getting in the way of interesting projects. I'm about to restart this project since I'm using the car a lot on the track. It's weird that the units don't come witha compass, gyroscope, accelerometer, etc, considering they are meant to be used in moving vehicles.
Definitely post up if you figure it out.
It would be nice to get it to work with Android as a whole. If that's the case you might need to talk to one of the ROM developers to see if it's something they can do ROM wise or even a custom kernel.(the kernel bit might be a little harder)
Did anybody get this right. It would be cool if these usb accelerometer could work in the apps
flash_xx said:
Sorry, I had already posted this on another section but I think this one is more appropriate and can't delete other post.
I have a Joying JY-NL124 android car radio, which does not have an accelerometer. I bought the Yocto 3d V2 http://www.yoctopuce.com/EN/products/usb-position-sensors/yocto-3d-v2 to see if I could get it to work with torque and other android apps for the track but although android sees the device the apps do not. I am not a programmer, but is there a way to get the apps to recognize an external accelerometer like some do for an external GPS?
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I'm very interested to understand whether this is possible as I am thinking about a similar setup. You tried the three Bluetooth tips in the roll up thread?
"Bluetooth Tethering & BT Settings", "Difficult to pair BT devices" and "Modified stock bluetooth app to allow connection to all devices"
Have you tried external GPS for higher refresh rates or is the Head Unit gps refresh good enough for the track?
MX5DrIver said:
I'm very interested to understand whether this is possible as I am thinking about a similar setup. You tried the three Bluetooth tips in the roll up thread?
"Bluetooth Tethering & BT Settings", "Difficult to pair BT devices" and "Modified stock bluetooth app to allow connection to all devices"
Have you tried external GPS for higher refresh rates or is the Head Unit gps refresh good enough for the track?
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Sorry....USB not Bluetooth... Also discouraging. I was hoping USB would be an alternative to BT for track add-ons...
I too have an Android head unit and do track days, and have the exact same interest as you. I use Harry's Lap Timer. I have the Pumpkin AE0273B head unit. It too lacks the compass and accelerometer. I too found this to be a very unfortunate omission.
I have developed apps actually so I do know Android program to some degree (although I am sortof a hack, not a pro). I have apps on the Play Store (since I can't post links just search Play Store for developer JimRoal). I saw the Yocto stuff. When I get some time I will look into this some more.
Any update on this? Would also like to add a compass / accelerometer to my joying.
Also interested. But on a newer 10.0 unit. Something I am going to look into.
nFiniti said:
Also interested. But on a newer 10.0 unit. Something I am going to look into.
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Sad that over 4 years after I first posted this we still don't have a unit with these features. I finally gave up and bought an AIM Solo 2 DL.
I'm looking for a newer radio though, since mine is older than this thread
Still waiting as well.
Looking forward for solution, we have also WIMOTION sensors in the market with sample android apk but I'm not a developser so, put things together is hard for me !
I think the hard job is try to mock the sensors in Android AS IF external accelerometer was factory embeeded (allowing apps to recognize it)
Nothing new about this project / idea ???
?? dead ???
mariodantas said:
?? dead ???
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Once you've figured out how to modify the kernel, you should be good to go!
Another option could be sensor to serial over USB, via a compatible adapter, write an app and there you go. Of course it won't be standard Android though.
Drivers are here
The problem is adding them to kernel !
You dont need to add them to the kernel. You will need to implement an Android HAL that can read the values of these sensors. Its not a trivial task but also not very hard if you have access to the source code

Aviation Heads Up Display (HUD)

Hey guys! I was paging through the forums and had what could be an awesome idea. I'm by no means a aerospace engineer nor a computer scientist, but I was trying to figure out how hard it would be to take a standalone Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) system like the iLevil 3 Sport, and display it on something like the EPSON BT-300. Im sure it would have to be a simplified display, but in theory couldn't we get something like a fighter jet HUD directly in front of your face?!
The reason I have chosen these two pieces of hardware (iLevil 3 Sport and EPSON BT-300) is to try and simplify the problem at hand. Through programs like ixGyro, AHRS Utility by iLevil, and Xavion, to name a few (all of which are compatible with the iLevel, and available to download directly to any Android system), you already have all of the information in tablet form.
The AHRS device has all of the hardware required and outputs the information via WiFi. These programs have already proven that this information can be successfully displayed. It seems as through that the only problem now is the GUI. I don't have either of these two products so I can't say for certain, but I'm willing to bet that the BT-300, running Android 5.1, can display this information almost the exact same as on your phone or tablet! I propose that we simply delete the background so you have a true augmented reality while you fly!

Question to all developers, modders, skinners,...

I'm currently owning a MTCE device. I'm a software developer (.NET). I'm a design and UX fetishist.
I see many folks of you have posted different apps, skins, mods, a.s.o. to get the best out of the headunit that is possible.
One problem I have seen is, that if I want to have a full working headunit, I will have to read thousand of forum-posts, try hundreds of software and then get stuck by a few apps that design is not fitting together.
Why isn't it possible, to join the forces to make a fully working ROM with preinstalled software that looks as if it was designed and made by the manufacturer? One design (maybe skinnable), one UX, selectable apps. So a newbie (like me) will get a fully functional headunit (including the basics like radio, DAB, mediaplayer, navigation, ...) that looks like factory-made with installing only the ROM.
Modern cars already have a well working headunit that has a seamless UI and UX between the different functions. Why shouldn't this be possible on our headunits?
I would suggest, that all of you developers, skinners, modders, should join your forces and create an experience for our headunits that will outreach the currently built-in headunits of modern cars.
What's wrong with hal9k or malaysk mod? They are fully working and in my opinion are better than original head unit from my car. You can even use google assistant, so you can control everything by your voice.
Maybe my mods will suit your needs?
Have a look at my channel:
RolandE1204 said:
I'm currently owning a MTCE device. I'm a software developer (.NET). I'm a design and UX fetishist.
I see many folks of you have posted different apps, skins, mods, a.s.o. to get the best out of the headunit that is possible.
One problem I have seen is, that if I want to have a full working headunit, I will have to read thousand of forum-posts, try hundreds of software and then get stuck by a few apps that design is not fitting together.
Why isn't it possible, to join the forces to make a fully working ROM with preinstalled software that looks as if it was designed and made by the manufacturer? One design (maybe skinnable), one UX, selectable apps. So a newbie (like me) will get a fully functional headunit (including the basics like radio, DAB, mediaplayer, navigation, ...) that looks like factory-made with installing only the ROM.
Modern cars already have a well working headunit that has a seamless UI and UX between the different functions. Why shouldn't this be possible on our headunits?
I would suggest, that all of you developers, skinners, modders, should join your forces and create an experience for our headunits that will outreach the currently built-in headunits of modern cars.
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I exactly know what you are talking about.
Whether malaysk nor Hal9k are the greatest thing since sliced bread and do not fulfill what I and you @RolandE1204 are expecting.
A common UI with same buttons and same background, coordinated in function and visibility would be awsome.
...but..... and now we have the main issue:
All firmware are made of apps from different developers and are just bundled in the firmware. This leads automatically to different UI for each single app.
You won´t get a navigation app which fits any other UI. You won´t get a player app fitting the UI of your launcher. If you would want this, each single app needs to get developed or at least adapted to a UI.... None will do that and as far as I know there is no possibility to create a common UI which adapts 3rd party applications. Each app has it´s own one.
This is one of the benefits of an OEM unit. There you have to pay a lot more and it is not configurable at all, because it is completely closed.... but with a common interface...
That's right ... but does it have to be like that?
@rigattoni You're absolutely correct. But does it have to be this way? Here at xda-developers are all the guys (and girls) that do the best work like malaysk, hal and many others that do very great work.
With a little more work together, there could be a complete solution that would not also work but also look great.
I may think too simple but there has to be a design and UX guideline, that has to be created and every application that will be developed using this guideline, will fit nearly seamless into the bundle of all other apps.
Also I'm sure that there are also som people like me, owning a slightly older car that hasn't built in a headunit with such functions. I like my car (Peugeot 308CC) and would buy it again but I wanted to add functionality that hasn't been in (rear drive camera, good working navigation, ...).
Just to clarify: I'm not searching for a free solution and I understand that this means a lot of work that can mainly be done by enthusiasts, but I'm also willing to pay for a solution that works and looks like a charm. So I think that even if we are talking about different applications that work together seamless, I am sure that there are people like me, who are willing to pay money for this.
I'm currently living with a mediaplayer (poweramp [blue]) that has a different behaviour and look like the radio (stock [black/white]) and a navigation app (magic earth [orange]) that also doesn't fit in. Other applications (TPMS, Bluetooth-Calling, Car-Status) are also looking very different.
I know that there are persons doing great work in modifying roms and apps but they all have their different design-language. So why not using a centralized design and UX language and creating a bundle of software that makes every owner of an android headunit as proud as he can be?
Do we get these devs together to work on one version with a common UI?
I would love everything to look similar, but I would settle for great looking apps that look different. Like that guy who posted the youtube link - nice radio app, but would look for a different music app
kmlnvm said:
What's wrong with hal9k or malaysk mod? They are fully working and in my opinion are better than original head unit from my car. You can even use google assistant, so you can control everything by your voice.
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Yes, confused, malysk and hal9k are already this way. Perhaps OP wants to define look and feel.
Perhaps too, OP might not understand that source code to the MTCD units has not been released and that to a large extent work is by reverse engineering?
---------- Post added at 09:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 AM ----------
rigattoni said:
Do we get these devs together to work on one version with a common UI?
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Sure, how would you do that?
@marchnz: It was just a question. Nothing else to be interpreted into this question...
I'm aware
@marchnz: I'm aware that reverse engineering is hard work. I've already done this by myself (as I said, I'm a .NET developer).
I'm not into developing android software but I'm sure it is a lot of work too.
As long as I do have the commitment of some developers that they want to follow design guidelines, I'm able to create some. What I don't want to do is, to create guidelines that nobody is considering. Also I do not want to patronize someone. So if someone commits that he wants to use guidelines and has a definitive app in mind he wants to work on, we can work out guidelines.
Maybe first of all invite some developers:
im sorry I didnt get your meaning
whats the plan?
i'm a developer I mean what are we going to do?
can you explain more clear?
What has to be done is to unify the UI and UX of all the major apps that are needed.
The best would even be to make them skinnable.
So there is a need to create a common UI for
- Radio
- Media-Player
- Bluetooth (Calling)
- Vehicle (Doors, Trunk, ...)
What I already can say is, that there will be a skinnable version of magic earth (navigation) in the near future.
Also it would be nice if during this process, some smaller issues of a software can be fixed. (ie. Radio looses the station-names on reboot and only shows frequencies)
Anyone who will contribute on this project, please leave a message or send me a PM.
RolandE1204 said:
What has to be done is to unify the UI and UX of all the major apps that are needed.
The best would even be to make them skinnable.
So there is a need to create a common UI for
- Radio
- Media-Player
- Bluetooth (Calling)
- Vehicle (Doors, Trunk, ...)
What I already can say is, that there will be a skinnable version of magic earth (navigation) in the near future.
Also it would be nice if during this process, some smaller issues of a software can be fixed. (ie. Radio looses the station-names on reboot and only shows frequencies)
Anyone who will contribute on this project, please leave a message or send me a PM.
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If you are interested in a radio player that runs over the internet then have a look here!
GitHub: https://github.com/jamal2362/URL-Radio
Download: https://jamal2367.org/downloads/?dir=Apps/URL Radio
You could install it on your mobile phone and use the app in landscape format and see what it looks like on the MTCE.
jamal2367 said:
If you are interested in a radio player that runs over the internet then have a look here!
GitHub: https://github.com/jamal2362/URL-Radio
Download: https://jamal2367.org/downloads/?dir=Apps/URL Radio
You could install it on your mobile phone and use the app in landscape format and see what it looks like on the MTCE.
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I've never written about a radio that works over the internet.

