Phone was stuck on bootloop, now won't turn on or charge - HTC One X

Yesterday my phone got stuck in a bootloop (wouldn't go beyond the htc logo screen, recovery was still accessible) after turning itself off (from being too hot I think?). I turned it off via recovery as there was no other way and I wanted to look into the problem now, but the phone won't even turn on anymore. It doesn't seem to charge either (at least the LED doesn't light up).
It's running Android 4.2.2 I think (the latest officially provided) and is rooted. I did not change anything system related recently. The last "noteworthy" things I did were updating a game and "playing" it for maybe 30 minutes (I use quotation marks because I think I left the game running but stepped away from the phone for like 5-10 minutes, but I can't say for sure; it was turned off when I came back), until itself shut down.
The only suggestions I could find for phones that would not turn on or charge were trying different cables/power sockets and removing the battery. Tried 2 different cables on 2 different sockets and my PC; removing the battery it not really possible with this phone...
Any way to fix this?


Pixel xl is wierd, bootloop like symptoms, but can access the phone sometimes..

So a few months back, my phone had bootloop like symptoms, but i was able to access it for a few seconds, and after that it started freezing up and restarting, until it "bootlooped". I could enter the power + volume down menu, but rarely in the recovery mode. I hat to keep the phone OFF a few minutes/hours. I've reset it and tried multiple OTA's at that time, no luck
Now, after a few months, i tried again, booted up the phone, set it up like a new phone, it worked for a few minutes, after that it started freezing up again. The battery was 15%, than 4% than 32% (after every restart)
Now, i managed to sideload the latest OTA, the phone is in the previous newly setup phase, and ifi leave it charging (via laptop usb) and lockscreen it took about 5-6 minutes before it started restarting, and again, the battery indicator started to show 5%, 18%, 46% and back down to 14% after the last restart.
i've seen some similar topics here, that said that after a battery change it was usable again, but with no RMA possibilities, and on a tight budget, i would not like to invest in a new battery and service, just for it to be some other hardware malfunction. So if there is anyone able to help, i would really appreciate it.
Hey are you still around? I think this may be a issue caused by the emmc chip itself. I bought a pixel for $12 from a guy who was just trying to get rid of a phone (with almost same exact issues of yours). Some people are saying because power button is stuck but that's silly because power button works perfectly fine in bootloader mode.

Device won't charge anymore, just a flashing red led

For a while I didn't use my Nexus 5X. Recently however I wanted to use it again but it was in a continuous boot loop. No not the big core issue as both TWRP and the ROM installed had the appropriate fixes applied. I could only get it reliably into bootloader mode, but even then it would force reboot after about 5 minutes just to end up in the loop again. Plugging it in or letting it charge over night didn't help.
I then took the battery out, made sure there was no dust anywhere, put the device back together, and tried charging again. Now the screen doesn't turn on whatsoever, and I just have a red led flashing in seemingly the bottom speaker. Even over night it doesn't charge, neither via my pc or directly at the wall. Only by taking out the battery and having the device plugged into power I can get it into the bootloader again, but it still won't boot anything.
I'm not sure what is broken, as even without the battery attached it won't boot properly. What can I do to fix this?
Is there nobody that knows what to do?

S6 doesnt turn on anymore

galaxy s6 won't turn on after being off for 8 months and plugging it in earlier this month. After leaving it plugged in for a while, I came back to see the download screen. I left again and came back and it wasn't turning on. (this was the supposed story, didn't have any issues before it stopped turning on) now to what I have been trying. I have tried to launch into fastboot mode, recovery mode, power it on, basically anything that I could use to turn it on I have been trying. It does draw power from my chromebook and i can tell because when i plug it in the battery estimate jumps way down and when it gets unplugged it jumps back up. I am at a loss because usually I am able to fix tech, but I figured that before I give up I would ask you guys.
Can you boot it into recovery mode or download mode?
If not then the sceen is probably dead this is usually caused by dropping it, if you feel vibrations, sounds or other things it's still working and you might have to go to a tech store to get the screen repaired

SMT700 Won't Boot correctly

Hi. I've got a SMT700 that I purchased new and have used for several years with only minor troubles(Having to reconnect the battery occaisonally) and recently I had a new issue come up I've no idea how to fix. My knowledge on this stuff has extremely large holes in it, so I may have missed something obvious. I've been poking around all week trying to figure it out to no avail.
Anyway, the issue: My daughter was using the tablet and it became unresponsive. I popped the back off and fixed the battery cable(It had come out) and after doing so it flat out refused to turn on. Wouldn't boot in recovery or anything else I could think of. So I plugged it in overnight and let it charge just to make sure, since I wasn't sure if it had had much of one when it turned off. Will not turn on. If you push the power button while it's plugged in, the status of the charge(Says 100%) will blank out and then it resets like I just plugged it in. I've found that if I try to boot it in Recovery, it will come up just fine - if I unplug it, it turns off instantly. If I reset it, it turns off and goes back to the charge status screen as if I just plugged it in. It just has the Samsung firmware installed, I believe fully updated(I rarely check it since the tablet is old and it's literally just used for Disney+ for the kid lately) I'm at loss for what could it causing it or what I can do to fix it. Anyone seen this and able to point me in the right direction? Thanks for your time.
Oh. And I have tried plugging it into the computer, but it doesn't even register as plugged in(Can't do recovery or anything) - that didn't really surprise me, it wouldn't charge that way before so I didn't think it would work.

Recover photos and videos from broken Nexus 5X

Hello friends,
I’m new to this forum (or, any forum, really) and in desperate need of help.
Hopefully I'm posting this correctly.
In 2017 (I think) my mom bought a Nexus 5X phone. All was well, until suddenly it broke in 2019 and she had to get a replacement. There were a lot of pictures and videos on there (no SD card was used) that we do not have a back up of. (I know, that’s a big mistake...)
What happened: it just suddenly turned off and didn’t turn on anymore. When I tried to figure out what was happening, the only response the phone gave when I plugged it into my PC was a blinking red led underneath the screen. I figured the issue must’ve been with the battery. After a while, it didn't even do that anymore - not a single response was given.
It took me until 2020 to try to replace the battery with a new one. I think I managed to replace it successfully, carefully using two YouTube tutorials. When I held the original battery in my hand, I could bend it easily, so I expected that would solve the issue. But the phone didn’t give a single response to my efforts.
I also tried heating the phone as instructed in this video (with subs):
Again, without any success.
Since I didn’t want to give up on the stuff that is on that phone (precious memories of my cat who passed away at the end of 2020, for example), I randomly tried tinkering with it again a few days ago.
When I plugged it into my computer again, suddenly the red led started blinking again... And a few moments later, the Android logo lit up. Then the screen turned black again.
I noticed that when the phone was plugged in, my PC made this noise that recognizes something is in fact plugged in. However, it didn’t recognize the device.
After trying multiple times to hold down a few buttons, I first managed to get a screen that said “Firmware update”. It disappeared after a while, and showed a Google logo. I don’t remember exactly, but I think the time after that when I pushed the on/off button, the phone actually turned on and I could use it.
I could see all pictures were still on there. I immediately tried to copy them onto my pc but before I could do that, the phone shut off again and connection with my PC was lost. Battery was charged to about 70%.
I managed to reboot it a few times, but the time it stayed on became shorter and shorter. I wanted to try the debugging method and recover data that way, but it simply didn’t give me the time to do so.
A few days later, I still get the red blinking light and sometimes the android screen or a battery loading screen. Other than that, I can’t turn it on or get into safety mode, or anything like that. It *does* still connect to my PC, but doesn’t recognize the device.
TLDR; Nexus 5X shows blinking red light, doesn’t turn on and if it does, it almost immediately turns off again even after replacing its battery. All I really want is a way to recover the photos and videos that are on the device.
If anyone has any leads or tips that could be of help, they are most welcome.

