Help needed for mixer_paths.xml editing to solve broken mic problem. - Nexus 5X Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Recently I have my Nexus 5x antenna repaired. But the guy messed up some other things during the process. I sorted out other problems but one still remains. The mic used during handsfree talk broken I guess. It works without problem as a handset. But when I open speaker other party can't hear me. It wasn't working with whatsapp calls neither. At the moment my N5x runs DP4. After some search I found a solution: forcing phone to use other mics by editing mixer_paths.xml. this way I was able to get it work on other apps. now I can record videos with sound, can speak handsfree mod on video and voice calls in whatsapp. But normal phone still doesn't work. What I did was to change the default value "dmic3" of "speaker-mic" with "dmic1" of "handset-mic" this way I think it uses the mic that which is used in handset use. But I couldn't figure out how to achieve the same result with normal voice calls. Anyone familiar enough with mixer_paths.xml to indicate me correct paths to edit?
Thanks in advance.



[Q] No one can hear me in call

No one can hear me talking on my phone.
It does not matter if I call someone or they call me.
I know my microphone works because it works in sound recorder.
Noise cancellation is turned off.
I have searched the forum and found a few threads but most are about noise cancellation and just a registry edit or cab to disable it.
I used energy rom and then switched back to the default rom and it still has the problem.
I do not know if it is a problem with the dialer or what but it has been about 2 months and I can not for the life of me figure out what is wrong.
Any help would be appreciated.
when you use the recorder it sometimes block the mic. , if you uninstall the recorder you will be fine i guess.
Thank you for the response but I do not thing the recorder is the issue. I feel like it is a problem with the dailer or the network since the mic is working in other programs.

HTC One M8 Low microphone gain in-call.

Hey Guys,
In short, the in-call microphone gain is terrible. I sound very muffed, very quiet. In speaker mode, it works well. Same if I use any voip app, or just plain voice recorder.
It would seems my phone is another victim of noise cancellation mic acting out. Since my phone is past the warranty, I was hoping for some solutions to disable that mic.
I've been searching through forums for ways to do so, but haven't found one yet that would work for my phone.
I've looked into build.prop editing - but have no clue what needs to be edited/added. Same goes for playing with xml files in system/etc/.
Your insight would be very much appreciated.

LG G4 mic volume incredibly low on whatsapp voice messages

So this has been an issue for a long time and I can't seem to find a solution. Whenever I send an audio message on whatsapp the volume on it is pretty low even if I literally put my mouth on the mic, using an external mic (the one that comes with the handsfree headset) seems to somehow fix the problem, but I don't use them a lot so I find myself just speaking really loud and with my mouth as close as possible to the mic which is annoying. Is there any way to fix this?
Can you tell me what did you do?
I'm having the same problem now
I've had the phone for about 20 months and i never experienced this till today
I would like to know too if there is a fix.

Nexus 5X Microphone

So here is the problem. I have tried talking to Google Support and also LG Support. Not under warranty anymore. I have heard several different people mention problems with their mics in calls, be it incoming or outgoing. I have done several things to try to fix this problem; flashing stock firmware and upgrading thru OTA's, clearing cache, rebooting every day, flashing custom roms, modifying the build.prop, opening the device and checking for physical damage. To my knowledge this phone has 3 microphones that are used for actual speaking and background noise reduction. When I opened the device everything looked ok on what I assumed were the mics (the tiny square bits soldered to the logic board at the top and the bottom). I assume these were just going bad and finally gave out on me. Has anyone had any experience getting these fixed or repaired? Is there any software based approach I can look into? I am really tired of using my speakerphone in every call. I assume I am not the only person with this problem.
If anyone can shed some light on this or help in anyway I would appreciate it
I would start by describing the mic issue you are experiencing during voice calls.
Haven't had any myself.
No one can hear me using the microphone, as soon as I switch to speakerphone the other party is able to hear me.
I've read mics can stop functioning if you try and clean the phone with compressed air. As far as fixing or replacing a mic I am unable to provide assistance.
Well rats. Hopefully someone can shed some light on getting this fixed. I do have some soldering experience but I don't even know how this translates via the logic board. Anyone that has more information the help would be awesome. Thank you for your time though previous posters.
statikrage said:
No one can hear me using the microphone, as soon as I switch to speakerphone the other party is able to hear me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have this problem as well, but also all media volume can't be heard through the speakers. I've personally cleaned and replaced the unit and nothing works, I just have to choose speaker and start talking, else use a headset or a bluetooth mic
Same problem, no solution yet.
Think that is a software/driver/app combination bug.
When Iam in call hardly can anyone​ hear me, if I cover top mic - then im heard again (proof that bottom mic is working).
Top mic is used to cancel background noise, phone interpret your voice as background noise and volume it down. That way nobody can hear you.
When I cover top mic - no background noise detected and my voice is heard again.
Question is why top mic detect legit voice as background noise?
Same problem here. Can't use microphone normally on any sort of voice call. I have to change to speaker for people to be able to hear me. I'm not sure if I still have warranty so if it's a software problem I might be able to fix it by myself.

Is there any way to disable the secondary microphone?

Hello Guys!
So, I am using AEX 5.2 and from what I have noticed, the phone's mic doesn't work in speaker mode. During calls and WhatsApp video calls, the party on the other side doesn't receive my voice.
It works fine with the earpiece for both normal calls and Whatsapp voice calls. I believe the secondary microphone is gone.
So I was wondering if there's any way of disabling the second mic during calls and force the phone to use the bottom mic?
I have seen some people with LG G5s having the same problem and they solved it by editing the mixer_paths_tasha.xml file (don't quote me on the exact name of the file) But I didn't find anything with that name on my phone.
Any guidance here? Please. Or am I missing something here? I really hope this is a software problem but unfortunately, the same problem remained in the safe mode.
Audio mods I have installed- Viper, Sauron, DualShox
stock kernel
Thanks in advance.

