[OFF] Interesting developers survey - Windows 10 Mobile

Hi guys, sorry for the offtopic, but this survey might be interesting for developers. My post isn't a spam (most of you know me very well), and "Developer economics" are not a spammers at all! These guys will provide you (as they doing it for me) a semi-annual statistics reports about current trends in the mobile (and not mobile only) development, mobile OS'es statistics etc. and so on. Unfortunately, I can't publish any of these reports because of NDA (and you will receive these reports with "do not publish" label). But trust me - these reports are interesting.
Also, these guys are providing some rewards or raffles for taking their surveys. I personally received (during a last three years) about $300 in Amazon cards.
As for this survey: it's kinda long but you may save your progress and continue any time later. But even a questions in this survey shows current industry state perfectly
P.S. Yes, this link contains reference to me (it's another "Dev. econimics" raffle, you'll get the same offer when you complete), I have nothing to hide. But please do not remove me from the link

Guys, a few more referrals are badly needed I'll promise to send you a free codes to any of my paid apps or games if you take dev survey by this link - just drop me a PM when you done.


XDA forum seems very slow with lots of double posts...

Hi Folks,
I am finding the forum very useful, but very slow....
Also I am finding that quite a number of my posts repeat so I have to edit them to remove the second with a "Double Post due to system" comment. I cannot find a way of deleting the extra posts.
The forum is slowing down, probably due to the high number of users and volume of traffic.
I'm sure they could do with the extra funding to help up the bandwidth, no matter how small it is.
Personally I think all new user accounts should have to make a minimum donation before being allowed to post. It would help keep the site going and also prevent the spammers from the advertising posts on all the forums.
Come on everyone, spare a few pennies and help XDA Devs by making a donation.
The link for donations is in the centre at the top of every page.
When you make a donation you also get a nice lttle star next to your username
OK.... Consider it done...
Double post due to system
must admit this is one of the slowest forums i've come across.
Is it hosted on a dedicated or using some kind of shared server? VB doesn't play well with shared of any kind, even VPS's are a nightmare.
I just shelled out a donation Someone has to pay for the traffic and this site is well worth it.
Well done Kork.
I have done the same this morning...!!!
Well some maintence has been done and it seems quicker to me.
The normal discussion for site performance issues is in the "About xda-developers.com" forum : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=531944
Thread Closed.

Poll: Marketplace: Keep It Open or Close It

The Marketplace section of XDA has been only open for a short time. There are currently 8 potential users in our community who have been ripped off and may not be capable of receiving their payments back and/or punishing the people that scammed them. There also exist a number of buyers that await their devices to be received but the sellers have not contacted them.
There are several benefits of selling on XDA and there are many drawbacks. Please let me remind you that this is a developers (or those interested in the processes, aka users like me) forum. Please take the time to reflect the benefits and the drawbacks and vote.
I know the poll results will lean towards keeping the Marketplace open because those who visit this section on a regular would want to keep using it as a resource. Yet there are many on this site that still do not have any idea that this marketplace exist, simply because they bookmark their device's section.
Please vote after reading the Fraud Thread,Thank You.
If you have new guidelines that will help deter criminals from scamming our members please post. Please note, your suggestions may be criticized.
My vote to third option. I dont believe in throwing the baby with the bath water. Everything faces problem in the beginning, so is this marketplace. Let's make it a better place.
Just because the Marketplace isn't open doesn't mean XDA won't be used for transactions between users. With the Marketplace, the transactions are more public and I bet that being open and public actually cuts down on scams.
|Jason8| said:
Just because the Marketplace isn't open doesn't mean XDA won't be used for transactions between users. With the Marketplace, the transactions are more public and I bet that being open and public actually cuts down on scams.
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I completely agree with your opinion. What do you think about banning device sale transactions altogether?
Just like XDA bans warez but obviously users can PM each other regarding warez.
I would think that there is a way to keep the market section open, yet make it safer. I don't think it is XDA's responsibility to make sure every transaction is 100% safe, not even eBay can do that. I don't even think it is responsible to go above and beyond "buyer/seller beware". But I know this communitty and to simply leave it at "stock" isn't an option.
It has proven true that it is hard to identify a good scammer. Post counts, length of membership, and so forth have all proven indicators of trustworthiness, but not a guarantee. And while a guarantee surely isn't possible in reality, I know it is always the goal of those in this communitty to get it right and as close to perfect as possible.
I am currently trying to sell a couple phones, and half my worry is that people have enough trust and faith in me to feel comfortable buying from me. The other half is that I find a legit buyer. I can't even image being the actual buyer!
I feel that stricter guidelines and oversight will go a long way, although likely more time consuming as well. Perhaps making it so new listings have to get approved? And setting criteria for approval asking for photographic proof that the item exists? As well, maybe create an XDA paypal account, where the buyer pays XDA, and upon shipping confirmation/ receipt confirmation the funds are then transfered to the seller? This would put a lot of liability on XDA, which might not be plausable.
Ultimately, buyer and seller beware is and always will be the most important rule.
may555 said:
Although opening the market place means that many problems exist,which is seller make slow response to buying,I may strengthen to monitor.Opening the market place may improve the dynamic of the forum.
If you want to savvy more information about mobile phone, please come to [scamlink]
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And you give a link to a Kirf phone site... shakes head... maybe we can also look into strengthening membership requirements/ process?
XDA can't take guarantee for anything that happens in marketplace, that is something ebay doesn't take inspite of such a heavy fee amount they charge. I feel xda is the best way to share things like pocket pc phones in like minded people to get the get value for both buyer & seller. It would be there no matter you have the marketplace or not. Marketplace has provided outlet to all such dealings.
We can ponder over how to make it more secure, but giving marketplace an existential threat is not I am in agreement with.
Marketplace open!!
As I said before,
All transactions between particulars on the WWW have some risk.
If you are not willing to take that risk please do not use marketplace and go and buy to a regular store!
You should be aware that if you want to buy cheap there is always a risk!
Let´s continue with marketplace!!
I noticed that some other sites require you to have a certain post count before posting/viewing the market place. This could cut the scammers out as it would require them to first be active in the community before being able to post.
Keep the market place.. I have used it for purchasing more than 1 phone, and lucky for me, my experiance here has been fantastic... I think people should pay for their transactions using a credit card... even with PayPal.. You can pay with credit card there.. That way if you are scammed and do no receive what you payed for, open up a dispute with both your credit card company as well as paypal.. evne if paypal can not "collect" anything, you credit card can cancel the transaction all together and take the money from paypal... (which will, in turn, make them want to look for the money a little harder, and even possibley bring up legal action againt the fraud monger!) In closing, KEEP THE MARKET PLACE...
I totally agree with 'Teej53214' and have voted for option 1.
I don't see why XDA should shoulder any responsibilty, nor have to police the marketplace,
since with all online dealing it is the buyers responsibility, not XDA's, to take adequate steps to protect himself.
as such, using a credit card is far the best way.
Yes, but at what point? A spammer will get a couple hundred posts in a few minutes, where as a legit member might not in a couple years.
As well, one of the most infamous scams thus far was carried out by a member with over 1000 posts, and 2 years of community involvement.
I noticed that some other sites require you to have a certain post count before posting/viewing the market place. This could cut the scammers out as it would require them to first be active in the community before being able to post.
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there already is a post count limit, i.e 30+ Posts, a seller less than post isent allowed to sell, and his thread is deleted
Ather said:
there already is a post count limit, i.e 30+ Posts, a seller less than post isent allowed to sell, and his thread is deleted
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Can we not delete it? Someone may suggest a new guideline, which could be useful for both seller/buyer
I may be new here, but i feel i'll be around for a while. I feel the Market Place is a great idea for everyone, but some guildlines should be improved for everyoens experience.
I feel that the suggestions (option 3?) would to invoke a Post Count Requirement, but to add to this a review (to enter into the market place) must be made by an admin to make sure all posts to that post count are not spam to scam.
I also feel that the market place should incorporate some kind of market system. I know there's plugins for vBulletin that would allow such a thing, or better yet, force all users to mediate through another site for sales (eBay?). This way we'll know they're scammers...
ie if someone posts a acution on eBay for the sole purpose to sell an item (Buy it now at discolsed price in forum) and they're new user on eBay then more caution flags are thrown up... (Could use many other auction sites, etc).
Maybe enforce some kind of physical conversation about products as well, phone call, etc?
Just my $.02
Keep it open.
I agree with what has been said. Use Paypal with a Credit card. Ivé have to open a dispute (not here) via Paypal and in the end I just contacted my credit card holder that refunded the payment.
Force users to have X many posts, visits or time from registering+posts before they can post in the marketplace.
skuliaxe said:
Keep it open.
I agree with what has been said. Use Paypal with a Credit card. Ivé have to open a dispute (not here) via Paypal and in the end I just contacted my credit card holder that refunded the payment.
Force users to have X many posts, visits or time from registering+posts before they can post in the marketplace.
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As Ather stated, there is a 30 post count limit. I do not see it documented anywhere maybe I skipped over it. Anyhow, I am positive there is a vbulletin plugin or add-on that restricts users under a set limit of posts to be capable of accessing the marketplace section.
redbandana said:
As Ather stated, there is a 30 post count limit. I do not see it documented anywhere maybe I skipped over it. Anyhow, I am positive there is a vbulletin plugin or add-on that restricts users under a set limit of posts to be capable of accessing the marketplace section.
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Ok, instead of making this thread about something that's not right let's take this wonderful opportunity to make it work.
We are open for suggestions
Who would think being a non-junior member OR being an XDA member for more then one year is appropriate/enough? Remember we are trying to scare the scammers off not everybody
Feel free to add to the list,
12aon said:
Ok, instead of making this thread about something that's not right let's take this wonderful opportunity to make it work.
We are open for suggestions
Who would think being a non-junior member OR being an XDA member for more then one year is appropriate/enough? Remember we are trying to scare the scammers off not everybody
Feel free to add to the list,
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I would like to repeat my suggestions: I was once really involved at notebookreview and this is how we ran things
1. Require a set form for selling and buying. http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=243274
2. Require a picture with proof of ownership. (a photo of the item with a piece of paper containing the username and a dated newspaper)
3. Require feedback sources: Amazon, ebay, heatware.
4. Reference previous sales. (some sort of internal feedback system)
I think this can help make the Marketplace a bit safer to everyone involved.
12aon said:
Ok, instead of making this thread about something that's not right let's take this wonderful opportunity to make it work.
We are open for suggestions
Who would think being a non-junior member OR being an XDA member for more then one year is appropriate/enough? Remember we are trying to scare the scammers off not everybody
Feel free to add to the list,
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Both of those could be restrictive to real sellers, and not actually scare off scammers.
The spam guys will get a couple hundred posts really quickly. If you toss in a 1 year time limit type thing, then people that are active, like me, wouldn't even be able to sell because I haven't been a member for over a year.
I think we should ask sellers to post at least 5 pics, with their username and a newspaper pictured in one. As well, they need to send their contact info to the section mod. They also need to put a random word picked by the mod and PM to them on the piece of paper with their username on it. Only then would the post actually be made public.
As well, you can ask that they also have shown themself a member of this community, either through length of time here, post count, etc., but subject to the mods descretion.

Time for a MP mod?

Lately we have seen many users been scammed over here,, and with the lack of stickies its really difficult to know if the trader was bad or good for scams( had that recently where a member had scammed another member, and then one day he PM'd me asking to trade, but i was aware of it, but others may not be.) no ppl are getting banned who cheat on this forum. We need a mod who has traded before and just for this section, i dont think its hard to have one mod here who can delete threads, ban users who misuse the MP, make stickies on threads which have disputes, he can also act as a middle man if the User's chooses to. if you support me along this road, then please reply so we can have one
I agree. I've done a couple trades both on Hofo and Xda and I feel at times it is really nice to be able to trade, but often worried if the deal will go bad or not. It'd be nice to be able to know if the other person is reputible and if I was talking to another scammer.
It'd be nice to have some sort of system to prevent all the inconsistancy of having shady sellers.
Cheeze[iT] said:
I agree. I've done a couple trades both on Hofo and Xda and I feel at times it is really nice to be able to trade, but often worried if the deal will go bad or not. It'd be nice to be able to know if the other person is reputible and if I was talking to another scammer.
It'd be nice to have some sort of system to prevent all the inconsistancy of having shady sellers.
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yeah we need it, he could also verify the IP address is not of a scammer or near by.
I agree aswell although I've only done two trades here both of which wer successful there's always a bad apple out there ready to scam some unfortunate person and I personally think we should be doing everything we can to prevent it
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
it wont happen, there is no reason for a 3rd party, or a member of xda community to take on that role, and then possibly be at fault.
why complicate it more than it needs to be.
A feedback system may work, but never a 3rd party.
37 transactions and counting, xda only.
it would be great ive wanted to offer on sum trades just have been kinda checking things out to see who is legit because we know everyone is not trust worthy
I think a Feedback system will be more helpful than moderators. Having feedback and mod will be even better.
Ya we need feedback, it will make checking someones transaction history very easy.
On my Suzuki Hayabusa forum you must have 50 posts to sell something - this is easily done with a simple vbulletin mod. The mod makes it possible for someone with less than 50 posts to browse and post in a thread in the "for sale" forums, but impossible to start a thread. I know you might think it's easy for someone to signup and post 50 times, but members notice that pretty damn quick - and we ban anyone who tries. We also have iTrader (another vbulletin mod) and once a sale is completed one of my Admins will post and ask the buyer and seller to post feedback.
The fact that people sell $6000+ motorcycles makes it a necessity to police and manage the "for sale" forums to the best of our ability for the protection of my members.
But people also sell $20 items, and we ban ANYONE who scams another member - this includes sponsors.
biggeorgef said:
But people also sell $20 items, and we ban ANYONE who scams another member - this includes sponsors.
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i deeply agree with this one , there should be zero tolerance , no posting suspension , no infractions , just insta-ban
pinstack.com has a "trust" meter, I've found it very useful at times. Plus this gives a better all-around feel for someone instead of just what's gone on in the marketplace.
How about for now, we try and get people to use HeatWare? You can build a rep that's damn hard to fake.
There is always someone willing to take the role and help out.
Furthermore we have a "thanks" system, so I don't see it being too difficult to add some sort of "trust" system as previously mentioned. Though if there is an acceptable volunteer for thread mod, that would be a good idea too.
I also vouch for heatware. Great service and have used it on many forum trades sections.
or post names of scammers until mods start banning them.
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using XDA Premium App
Plus guys get scammed when they do things in private. Keep as much as possible public and you are safer since everyone reads the posts and someone will know if one of the parties is bogus.
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using XDA Premium App
i suggest rules(vBulletin mod) to be able to use marketplace:
1.over 50 posts
2. member for atleast 6months
in addition to:
1.transparency-every single deal should be public, pm's allowed for chatting etc, but all conditions, offers etc will be sellers&buyers thing to do in their thread(go public if you don't wanna get scammed)
2.bans for people (proved)scamming-hasn't been on xda 1 week from bogus deal, didn't respond buyer's PM's, sent fake/empty product etc
3.more mods assinged to this part of forum-"too good to be true" offers will be removed/reported in short period of time, preventing anyone to reply, and could be reactivated when seller responds to mod's pm and proves he's legit and has item for sale(especially first few sales)
4. whitelist of members who made over 20 deals succsessfully in longer period of time, separate items, with higher value(not sending 20 e.g. batteries at once).
killster said:
it wont happen, there is no reason for a 3rd party, or a member of xda community to take on that role, and then possibly be at fault.
why complicate it more than it needs to be.
A feedback system may work, but never a 3rd party.
37 transactions and counting, xda only.
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Do those 37 count the ones you committed to and then backed out of killster? Seems mlee and i are not the only ones. Not the same as scamming but questionable nonetheless.
As per Marketplacer Rule #1:
The XDA-Developers.com Market Place, hereafter MP, is provided free to members with at least 8 posts at XDA-Developers.com. XDA-Developers.com, its moderators, administrators, owners and legal advisors do not warrant, guarantee or endorse any item offered for sale or trade on this forum.
SIMPLE ENGLISH: Trade at your own Risk.
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We have many Senior moderators who actively monitor the Marketplace forum We don't need anymore.
XDA will not get actively involved in a Marketplace dispute under normal circumstances. And we will never act as a "middle man". The above quoted rule underlines this.
Just to elaborate on what the_scotsman says above.
There are resource issues in providing checks on those trading in the Marketplace. We simply don't have these resources in terms of people to monitor trades, or systems to test or validate Users.
Equally, we do not have the resources to investigate when things go wrong. Inevitably in such cases, there will be conflicting accounts of what has happened and we have no way to prove or disprove the claims that are made by the parties in dispute. This is not an area with which we would ever suggest we can become involved.
Just occassionally we will disable the account of a member if there are repeated claims that purchased items have not been received, but Users should NEVER assume that we are checking sellers, because we are not.
We have no plans to bring in a checking system because with the resources we have, we simply wish to provide a basic noticeboard for sellers and a forum for threads where the transaction can be conducted in public. We do not Moderate the Marketplace except in a very cursory way, because it cannot be done reliably and more importantly it would give the FALSE impression that we were checking and validating the trades and sales in the Forum; in other words it might make buyers feel more secure in buying and yet the risk is ALL theirs.
It may be possible for us to implement some kind of User rating system whereby Users, not Moderators or Admin, can rate a Member according to how well or badly a sale/trade has gone. I understand this is being considered. Nevertheless, it would still be "buyer beware!".
If you are looking to buy and want guarantees and insurance if things go wrong, then our Marketplace Forum is not the place to buy! That said, if you are tempted to buy, then it may be possible for you to carry out some checks yourself, by looking at post history, previous sales if any and perhaps even a few checks using Google. You might also prefer to deal only with Members you have known over many months, even years!

Switching away from GoDaddy

I saw the posting on the portal about switching off of GoDaddy, and first of all I want to say THANK YOU!
From all of us who don't have a website they can switch off of GoDaddy, we thank you. Putting your money in the pockets of companies you approve of is GREAT. I only wish I could do more to help.
The article did leave me wondering if you had your domain registered with them, or also used them as the host for all the content. After I pondered that, I wondered if there would be any outages due to the swap. I would certainly not complain if there were, I am just curious if there might be.
Again, thank you for doing this, I hope that large communities continue to pull their money from companies their members do not approve of.
I would have seen it on my RSS reader at some point, but thanks boardsportsrule for posting this and bringing it to my attention. I've only got 1 domain registered with them, but I've just cancelled the auto-renew.
More people need to be made aware of the small things they can do that can make a large difference, together.
boardsportsrule said:
I saw the posting on the portal about switching off of GoDaddy, and first of all I want to say THANK YOU!
From all of us who don't have a website they can switch off of GoDaddy, we thank you. Putting your money in the pockets of companies you approve of is GREAT. I only wish I could do more to help.
The article did leave me wondering if you had your domain registered with them, or also used them as the host for all the content. After I pondered that, I wondered if there would be any outages due to the swap. I would certainly not complain if there were, I am just curious if there might be.
Again, thank you for doing this, I hope that large communities continue to pull their money from companies their members do not approve of.
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It is merely for domain registration. The site is not hosted on godaddy, and the actual dns resolving is done by xda servers.
Archer said:
I would have seen it on my RSS reader at some point, but thanks boardsportsrule for posting this and bringing it to my attention. I've only got 1 domain registered with them, but I've just cancelled the auto-renew.
More people need to be made aware of the small things they can do that can make a large difference, together.
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Happy I helped!
pulser_g2 said:
It is merely for domain registration. The site is not hosted on godaddy, and the actual dns resolving is done by xda servers.
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Gotcha, thanks for the information. I was secretly hoping it was fully hosted on GoDaddy. That'd be a blow to their wallet!
BBCNews said:
GoDaddy has courted controversy earlier in 2011 because its founder and former boss, Bob Parsons, shot and killed an elephant during a hunt in Zimbabwe and posted a video of this online.
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I didn't need any further reason to end my custom with them, but if I'd have known that then I would have done it long ago.
Golf Clap for XDA
Here is the statement from XDA, i hope many others will follow suit...
Website Update: We’re moving from GoDaddy
Posted December 29, 2011 at 4:30 pm by Russell Holly
Website Update: We’re moving from GoDaddy
As many of you may be aware, we here at XDA-Developers occasionally stand in support of our members. All of you feel that you can submit things on the forums, knowing that the information is appreciated, used, and shared. We have members all over the world, and we know that the rules aren’t always the same when it comes to what you are “legally” allowed to do. I think I can speak for a great many by saying that while our unified voices are strong, there is nothing stronger than action. In keeping with that, we have decided to move XDA-Developers away from GoDaddy entirely.
This won’t surprise many. GoDaddy’s original support of the Stop Online Piracy Act, followed by their frankly cowardly flip-flop when that stance showed unpopular was enough for the decision to be clear. If SOPA clears, The very existence of a site like XDA would be at risk. For the record, SOPA would allow:
The US Government to selectively censor the web based on requests made by organizations who disapproved of content
Deny the owners of a site due process of law by blacklisting a DNS based on just a claim of copyright infringement
Force sites like XDA to aggressively monitor and filter all content
Hold site owners accountable for everything users post, with consequences like jail time and heavy fines
If SOPA passes, XDA would be forced to switch to a review system, where the forum moderators would have to inspect and approve every post on every subforum. The result would seriously decrease activity on XDA, and it wouldn’t be very long after that we’d likely be forced to close our doors. Obviously this is a “worst case” scenario, but it doesn’t change the fact that this could be a reality if SOPA passes.
Over the next few days, we will be moving all XDA assets away from GoDaddy. In the mean time, we encourage you to head over to the EFF, where they have created a page for how you can do your part to oppose this legislation that would allow the US to firewall content from their own citizens.
---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------
found this from searching lol
Hello, SONY.
We are Anonymous.
It has come to the attention of the Anonymous activist community that you have chosen to stand by the Stop Online Piracy Act
I decided not to move my domains from godaddy. Reason being is that im letting those domains expire on them, so they take the cost of maintaining them. They aren't getting any more money from me.
It's not /just/ the elephant for me, it's their SOPA support, too. Thank you, xda.

Want to have your SIM-locked device unlocked?

You came here, and I immediately disappoint you because I'm personally unable to assist you in this task. I sincerely apologise for that. But you'll find other members here who are glad to be able to assits you in getting your SIM-locked device unlocked FOR FREE!
That brings me to my two requests, recommendations, suggestions or how you want to call it; however, it all depends on YOUR personal choice:
To SIM-unlock your device will make it necessary that you provide personal information like your last name or your phone number. Please do NEVER post these data publicly in a thread! If you decide to want this kind of support, please provide this information ONLY BY PERSONAL MESSAGES (PM)!
Those reputable XDA members who live the spirit of XDA do offer their service and support for free and will never ask you for a donation during any step of the process. Although, if you satisfied with the final result you're certainly free to donate whatever you believe is desired.
If any member asks you to donate etc. before the support is provided, please use the report function that is also available for PM's and report such a request immediately without a further reply or reaction to the PM. Same applies to any suspicious post in a thread.
Thanks very much for listening - and we hope that you got your devices soon unlocked without any problems.

