Any other methods to turn the screen on?? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Is there is any other way to turn the screen back on other than pulling the stylus, hitting the power button or sliding the keyboard ?
I'm wondering if there is any software that turns on the screen by shaking the device or by any other means like holding it upright or tapping on screen you know??

The button on the top of the device?

well I'm still not used to holding it in one hand and try to reach the upper button with my finger, even the back cover slips off sometimes when I'm pressing the button. They should have picked another position like the call button maybe, something easier to reach.
I use a software to turn off the screen by putting the device in my pocket upside down, I found it so practical. but couldn't find a software turns on the screen yet

Maybe you could try this.


Wake from suspend without hardware key?

Hi guys,
Here is my dream situation:
- Double tap "Hang Up" button to lock the device (I understand this can be done with AEButton Plus, although I haven't tried yet)
- Screen will turn off after a while
- Unlock the device by swiping the finger
At no point are the hardware buttons pressed! My new cover makes touching the power button very hard
Is this possible???
They problem, as I am sure you've realized, is that once the phone enters suspended mode the digitizer is disabled (touch) and so are all other non hardware buttons.
I've always had problems with the power button on the HD being a pain in the neck to find and hit, so what I did to rectify this was cut a small hard plastic sticker to the size of the power button and stuck it on there. This helps a lot in not only finding the power button but also pressing it.
(Sticker was a liquid crystal thermometer sticker made by OMEGA: product number RCL-8050/150 I found this to be the perfect width, so I cut off a 1mm sliver off the end)
If you were really stuck on making this work exact as you described, you could prevent the phone from shutting down and just turn off the screen.
(I'm unsure of how the different screen off programs effect the digitizer, my guess it they all disable it at the same time, but I'm sure all that could be seperated.)
However since only the screen would turn off not the device, you'd drain the batter, and its short life would make this not worth it.
Alternate solutions:
Instead of doubletap hangup which you could do through AEButton Plus, but longpress end key can do the same thing just instead by holding the end call key
Also, you configure your phone to wake up at the press of any hardware key, IE the volume buttons on the HD.
Seen here
Also, you configure your phone to wake up at the press of any hardware key, IE the volume buttons on the HD.
Seen here[/QUOTE]
Could you please upload the Keylock Zip file?

Double tap screen to wake device up?

Would it be possible to configure our Rhodiums to wake from sleep mode upon a quick double tap on the screen? If possible it could be set that only a double tap (one tap followed by another no longer than half a second later for example) would wake the device to ensure accidental knocks in our pocket wouldn't wake it.
Any ideas?
anyone any ideas?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this isn't possible without seriously jeapordizing battery life, so it wouldn't be something plausible.
Consider that what you're asking means your device will always have to monitor the screen and thus never enter standby mode.
Perhaps you should look into applying the registry fix that will wake your device on any key press (not just the power button). Maybe that will work for you as well, while still letting your device go into standby.
What is wrong with the built-in power button again?
I would like that also (different button to turn on). With the diamond the centre round button would be a better button to turn on the pda than the current power button (which is a little too far recessed for my liking) The centre button is larger but recessed also which would stop accidently turning in on in your pocket.
Link to previous thread regarding pressing any key to wake...
ohyeahar said:
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this isn't possible without seriously jeapordizing battery life, so it wouldn't be something plausible.
Consider that what you're asking means your device will always have to monitor the screen and thus never enter standby mode.
Perhaps you should look into applying the registry fix that will wake your device on any key press (not just the power button). Maybe that will work for you as well, while still letting your device go into standby.
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yeah thats a fair point, ddn't think too much about the implications of it having to perhaps always be awake!
Spike15 said:
What is wrong with the built-in power button again?
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Nothing wrong with the power button, just thought itd be a cool feature to be able to do that, but ill stick with whats best!
I think HTC's placement of the power button is perfect. I've been using smartphones and PDAs for a while and that's just the natural spot I EXPECT a power button to be. In fact with my breif stay with a Blackjack II I kept hitting the power button to dim the screen, which on that phone would actually turn it off, like off off.
And as stated above, when your phone goes into standby, the screen turns off, it can't detect anything. In order to keep the sensor on, you would be draining power when your phone really shouldn't.
I'll throw my coin in the hat of "silly idea"
My first Tilt 2, which had a dud microphone, the power button was fine.. It was recessed but easily pressed. My current Tilt 2 I have to press holding the phone longwise.. if I'm holding the phone on the sides I can't press the power button... I'm thinking the screen moves slightly more or the button is more recessed. It's kind of annoying.
Personally I'd also like not have to use the power button all the time myself, although I wouldn't want to tap to do it.. One of the four hardware buttons would be just fine.
Yes, I know sliding and removing the stlyus turn it on too, neither thing I do often.

wake screen using any of four touch buttons?

for a big phone isnt it a pain to have to press the top button to wake the damn screen? same thing happened to the nexus one ( has hack that wakes with trackball ) , incredible as well.
I would love this as well...hate hiting the power button...
Yea if someone makes an app that does this they should make the home button unlock it too
Yes, please that would be great. I hate having to use the power button to unlock.
Yea it would be nice if you could hit the home and search button at the same time to turn the screen on
Get the "No lock" app from market. Put the widget on your screen, choose unlocked. Now your phone will wake with the volume rocker. I keep the widget so I can lock it again when working (walking around all day).
yeah but I want to either tap the screen or a capacitive button to wake the phone. The mechanical buttons just feel like junk to me. I would like ot never even have to touch one of the mechanical buttons...
I'm with most of you, coming from my iPhone and having my Evo sit on my desk, I like pressed down on the face, so my phone doesnt move. Power buttons too hard to just tap.
Unfortunately, in order to wake the phone with a soft-key, the capacitive screen would have to be active, which means your phone would already be awake, thereby defeating the purpose of programming such a thing. Paradoxical.
Think along the same lines as a TV that you change the channel in order to turn it on... it'd have to already be on to change the channel in the first place.
Makes sense, I was just hopping for button on the front. I'll just need to adjust.
i wudnt mind having one of my vol buttons as a "wake" button... n then wen the screen comes back on it goes back to its default use as a volume key. this power button kills my shiznet >=|
I think I could get used to having to use the power button, altho I'm gonna side with most of you, being able to wake it from the volume rocker just seems more natural. Maybe once I switch cases the power button will be easier to press...
The power button hump on this silicon skin from Sprint isn't prominent enough, it actually makes it slightly harder to press imo. The hump doesn't protrude out very much and it's right on a mold or manufacturing edge on the skin which doesn't make it any easier to find.
Hoping the Amzer Luxe skin I ordered is better in this regard...
There is a app called menu unlock from team douche. It's available on the market [donate] or on xda for free. You'll need root for it but what it does is get rid of the swipe to unlock the screen. You'll still need to wake with the power button though. I'm trying to see if we can learn from the trackball wake on the nexus to port it to use the volume down button. With this the combo is press volume down then press the menu key and your going vs. swiping or the power button.
"No Lock" app in the market removes the lockscreen and wakes the phone with the volume keys. It was already mentioned in this thread but everyone seems to have ignored it.
dazabale said:
"No Lock" app in the market removes the lockscreen and wakes the phone with the volume keys. It was already mentioned in this thread but everyone seems to have ignored it.
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lol, seriously.

[Q] frustrating 'align screen'

this is one problem that annoys the hell out of me. occasionally ill have my phone in my pocket and when i pull it out im forced to align the screen. if i dont whip the stylus out (forcing me to use 2 hands) and do it properly it'll just repeat and no other action can be taken until it is complete.
how can i disable this?
the screen is already aligned but im guessing it gets interrupted sometimes when in my pocket thinking it needs an alignment
also while im here. any easy way to stiffen the power/screen button? i reassembled my TP2 the other day and ever since then it's slightly softer. i always bump the button when i'm holding the phone horizontally
It should never, ever go to the align screen unless you're pressing the key combo to enter it... Which I don't even remember what the key combo is for the RHOD. On my RAPH I think I had to hold a volume button and the middle button. I'll try to look it up, but basically there's probably a key combo you're hitting while the phone is in your pocket, that is causing that screen to come up.
Search is magical.
Seems if you hit both volume buttons and tap the screen it pulls it up? Sorry, I can't test this... I completely wiped WinMo off my RHOD .

[Q] Can you only use the power button to unlock the screen?

Can anyone unlock the phone using home button ?
it only works with the power button for me. The home button works when the screen is on but not when , the screen is turned off the phone flashes for brief second then screen goes off, i noticed this before i downgraded and after it has always been like this, its like I am double tapping it when I am not . I get the same response if i double tap the power button
Just to be clear. Are you asking if the screen turns on and stays on after pressing the Home button while the screen is turned off?
I'm on unlocked 3.6.8 and if my screen is off, I can press the home button and the screen turns on (still have to slide to unlock or enter PIN). However, the screen does stay on for a period of time and I can sit and look at the lock screen, view the dynamic perspective on it, etc until the timer eventually shuts the screen off again.
If the sensor located below the front camera is covered up with a screen protector or anything else then you can have problems turning the phone on with the home button or the camera button.
All screen protectors with a hole for the sensor should work on the phone. Screen protectors without a hole for the sensor may or may not work. My screen protector doesn't have a hole for the sensor but I don't have a problem turning the phone on with the home button. But if I cover the sensor with my thumb I can not turn my phone on with the home button.

