[X51V] Oct2011 ~ Anyone want to help work on a new ROM? - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

Hi everyone, long time no see,
I have been away for a year or so and have just been having a look around to see if anything has changed. Looks like Makuu and Lenny have possibly stopped but all is not lost.
I have got hold of two modern ROM kitchens for the X51v of both WM6.1 (more recent than Lenny) and WM6.5.5 (I think).
I will put something together for my personal use. I am wondering if there is still interest from others to maybe put something together for the community?
I should be able to put something together by myself (would take me longer working by myself) but would like to put a team together if there is anyone that has previous ROM kitchen building experience (preferably X51v) and is interested in this project please post comment here or send me an email (or pm private message as a last resort).
If you don't have ROM experience but feel confident and are skilled in computing (I have 25 years experience) and think you can put time,etc into the project then you maybe accepted.
Note; I am not looking for beta testers or art/graphics/design people at this time. Looking for people that want to get there hands dirty in adjusting the ROM and will require people that can read/self learn/and think outside the square to solve any problems/issues.
I will first be getting the new WM6.1 finished first before the WM6.5.5 ROM.
I already have plenty of ideas to hopefully make the WM6.1 the fastest available due to my previous caching investigations, if you have read my previous posts from in the past.
Kitchens have already been designed for X51v use.
Most recent WM6.1 build (although not sure how compares to Makuu 523F).
Chance to increase the performance.
Chance to get in and customize the build how we want.
I think other kitchen is for WM6.5.5 from memory.
All from a reputable source.
Comes with manuals that are not in English but I will get them translated.
ROMs are English build versions.
***ROM building is risky same as flashing ROMs. It requires patience, double checking everything you do, and there is always the risk that you may brick your X51v if you are not sure/confident in your processes and steps. This is why I do not want anyone that does not respect this or acknowledge this fact.***
People may be required to put a minimum of 10 hours per week into this project. If you may not be able to commit this time then maybe don't respond.
I will also put this message at htcgeeks website and the chance to join the initial group will end at the end of 2011.


Further steps - after Vanilla and WXML v0.10

At first i would like to thank all guys in the community that worked for it and making this possible - you all are doing this for fun and not for a salary, you all are idealists.
But, especially to kyphur, how it will goes on now? Bug fixing or releasing the one we really wanted?
Almost everybody, me too, flashed a WM6 version either Vanilla or v0.01 and is now sreaming that this is and that is not working. Of course it is a little bit frustating but why you should give up the primary goal - the building of a stable and note beta based rom - for bug fixing?
Now the first WM6 rom is out, the issue with the unnamed source of the "real" in difference to the "beta" rom steps more and more in the background and the time for releasing the real rom, as you wanted to do it, comes closer and closer.
I think it would be a much bigger effort to work on the real rom and checking the dangerous items in it, than doing that bug fixing.
As more you concentrate on this as faster it will be there and, in the end, when we have it, nobody will uses the bugfixes anymore.
other opinions?
I have not abandoned the original Rom Base for WMXL. It is still there and I still want to release a version based on it or it's predecessor (such as an approved for official release carrier Rom).
kyphur said:
I have not abandoned the original Rom Base for WMXL. It is still there and I still want to release a version based on it or it's predecessor (such as an approved for official release carrier Rom).
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Great, thank you and in case that you did not not recognized my pm´s, just delete them.
You´re great!
I say head on to the final release. There are enough guru's here who can figure out how to fix those niggly little bugs, but there's only Kryphur with his finger on the crossbow ROM...
No other e.g. the same opinions?
I, too are anxious to see the original wm6 rom development coming around at some later stage. I can understand the recent hype though, since I also use my Hermes both as a tech toy and as a work system being torn between these both "system states" often enough. The advent of a stable productive version would surely make my day and I believe the original devt. was a better chance in this direction. For the time being, I am quite content with playing around with what is availeable as of now, knowing that I can always revert to my 'stable' HTC Test rom.
So many great possibilities have surfaced in just the last couple of days, that I am quite sure soon we will basically be able to find solutions for everyones different needs and priorities here.
I for one am definitely keeping an eye out for k's original rom project.
Thank you for your effort and support.
I agree with apokryphus's premise, which needed to be expressed. I am sitting back waiting for the "original" ROM that kyphur promised. I use my device for work and play, and don't have time or motivation to be squashing bugs all the time When I flash, I want to have a working system that I won't have to constantly return to the forum to find bug fixes for, and I know there are many out there like myself.
Now, friend Kyphur, you are stuck with trying to field all the posts in the "Issues" thread, while at the same time working on the original goal. Did you guys see how heated the thread got at a couple of points?
A thousand thanks, Kyphur, I admire (but don't envy) you! Just don't let the furor raised by the "early release" sidetrack you, PLEASE! "
BZ" as we used to say in the Navy: "Bravo Zulu" (signal talk for "Well Done.")
Best regards to you and your collaborators.
Ben, deported from Chi-Town to Florida.
In according to duttys "rom koch" all we need at last is a stable and original rom then we will have all we need to cook our own specified rom with appz we want and without those we do not want.
I think when kyphur will release his genuine rom, we will have one of the best devices - with out gps - that we can have!

Uncoordinated ROM development efforts

hey guys,
don't know if this is the right place, but because Chefs should read this in first place, the general board seems not the right place either. But this is the same problem with application development either, so developers may read and post too. So not to bother you all furthermore, i'll start right through:
I wonder about
- 50 different ROM development projects (what could be a good sign, if this would not be)
- 48 concurenting projects which do not share know-how (reading statments like: "I will not tell you, what i did to the ROM to archieve...")
- 98 times uncoordinated simultaneous identical work is done(including, not concluding, tools, tweaks, apps, complete roms ...)
Why do we behave like the people because of which we've started this hole thing here? We do keep know-how secret like the builder and oem manufactorers do or did. Instead we should discuss our know how publically and organize our work and efforts as a community and not as individuals. There is enough space for every way of thinkin inside organized structures left (e.g. speed or stability optimized roms, ...) - but what the one project discovers or experiences should be known by the other projects too, that's what is called synergy. We all could profit. Thats the sence of a community. This feeling i miss here a bit to be honest.
And to get concrete i'd suggest further organizational investigations. Some guys did start some already good ideas like a complete guide to dumping, cooking, etc. or a thread where design stuff is listed and linked centrally, or for example the thread where ROM's get tested for speed and space independently. We should take this last idea further and add information to this comparison, about what was done to this ROM's to archieve the projects defined/assigned goals.
This way we could test RoM's concerning to manipulations and would be able to find out what is really happening in our systems (denpenency of [OEM]pakages) and what we can really do to improve a certain goal of tuning.
Furthermore we would not do identical work a thousand times, and so would be able to serve an easy diamond-click-kitchen to the community and last not least to ourself's.
There are not that many intentions possible in RoM development:
... ?
We should now start a thread (and maybe a database) to get our know how organized and start workin together instead of against each other. We (including, not concluding, me ;-) all do owe some guys here in the forums a debt of gratitude for their work and efforts. I'm happy to see that some people are donating, so some guys get a beer payed which is a nice honoration (but no payment). The more i'd be happy if not two developers do the same work simultaneous. Let's get that organized!?
So now i did state some philosophy, followed by some concrete input - now it's your turn to do so ;-)
Best regards
I totally agree.
I do agree with you but this behaviour is found NOT JUST HERE, but in almost all organizations regardless of occupation. Some of us work as a Team more then others but individuality and uniqueness is part of human natures need to be competitive. I really wish we weren't like this.
The purpose for me on this forum is to share my knowledge on to others. I believe most people like to do the same. I think if there are secrets here, then I believe they are kept secrets for branding purposes. To make a name for themselves and to distinguish themselves from the rest.
Based on the post that I have been reading from ROM Threads, I always see chefs thanking each other for sharing. So sharing is happening but maybe not in the most efficient way.
Hmm....hope all these feelings being shared are not taken the wrong way here. Just me thoughts from Psych 101 and my experiences.
band27 said:
So sharing is happening but maybe not in the most efficient way.
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I totally agree.
i have a little problem to understand your thread. 99% of not-understanding is my english and 1% is your long text without any .. ähhm .. development.
can you say me in one sentence and no more than 10 words what you want?
I'd like to take the opportunity to say thanks to the majority who do share. A couple of months ago, to flash meant only showing off, and cooking was just for a good meal. With the upgrading, cooking tutorials, wiki and dozens of helpful replies to questions, I'm on my way to cooking my first ROM. Just wish I knew more to contribute something more technical myself. This board has some of the most helpful threads I've found. Thanks once again.
I agree, but there are a couple of problems with this.
1.) some people just don't want to work in a team.
2.) today, those who flash on a daily basis know all (or at least their favorite) Chefs by name, and what their ROM contains. This would be lost.
3.) continuing the previous thought, Chefs would lose motivation, if their name was one of 38 people who made the ROM, in the "credits".
4.) donations. would you spare 5-10$ each chef who contributed? that'll be one pricy Rom
I'm sure there are other problems with this as well, these are just of the top of my head..
but, I do support the idea, the development looks unefficient. At least from a users' point of view..
I've just reread your post, maybe i didn't quite get it. Do you mean something like a thread where all the new knowhows would be listed (though, WIKI is probably better).
slovoflud said:
though, WIKI is probably better
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That's exactly what I thought after reading the opening post
A wiki doesnt force anyone to do anything, but those who want to share their knowledge do have one central place to do so. Probably would reduce the amount of 'stupid' questions as well, or am I the only one who doesnt feel like searching through a ****load of topics for answers
I really like this idea
I hope that rom developers starts working together, providing even better roms for the users
that would be great!
yes shure, wiki would be the right place to centralize know-how, the problem with the wiki is that most information doesn't get there. I mean, there is no board around containing this know-how that xda does. but this know-how must be searched first in thousands of threads and millions of posts. and that is hard work,guys.
i just changed from a Mteor to a Diamond and had to invest several days (or have it been weeks?) to get the story in the diamond wiki/boards. one problem is that a lot of outdated information is found and second that information is split that hard. and likewise know-how is split apart.
then i realized most times when i searched for some information, i found hits in kaiser or raphael or somewhere else forum. too there seems to be organized projects workin together in those places.
In Diamond board only few kitchen are found, and not really a lot information about them either. I tested some, but only one was able to build a RoM out of the box. And i remembered Kaiser kitchen and wondered why this is not possible here likewise. While searchin for information i had to realize that here is no kitchen found documented enough to start building my own RoM in a nutshell nor in 3 days, possibly in a week but realistic it'll be in a month maybe. all that just because i wanted my next device to be theftsafe (because providers do everything to keep that thing running as nobody does something [what shure would/and was possible] against stolen devices - no, they do not get excluded from networks (except very few providers) - nor do they get excluded international or worldwide. You may think now, okay then let your device be trackable through services like PiCO. Even that is ratted or hindered by providers, but that is another story.
About the money mentioned above: I was lost in the opinion i would be surfin a community here, which is something where money does not exist really. I am glad that people did donate for a bricked chefs device for example, and i appreciate donations to well doing developers and chefs, but this can't be a point in discussing a communities life or behaviour. But if you are thinkin this way (and i still don't know what you want here then), then please think a step further and realize that: If you offer (maybe as xda-organization or other) a workin kitchen for daus, where contents and trimming can get selected, licence information can get added and that all gets build in a "personalized" RoM, MAN a thousands of people would be even willing to pay a hundred bucks for that. And i bet even on donation basis there would be enough money to share. But back to community.
Some ingenious anonymous teacher did ask me above, what i'd want then, in one sentence. I can tell ya - i want a snicker right now. Thanks for your contribution to the community development. It's that helpful as those "you should use the search" statements of people tired of tellin people same info twice, while not gettin tired of tellin people that they would be tired of them askin tiring questions. Ey guys you really bore, ääh get me tired ;-)
But to get concrete again, i think because of the wide range of device configurations and languages it would be good to develop ONE kitchen together, where it is possible to select a source for building freely (e.g. your own RoM, a Chefs RoM, a providers RoM, or whatever), then give possibilty to change language, select tec. specs like pagefile, etc., select packages to exclude, apps and licences to include, select design patches, CFC and other tweaks, select tweaks and last not least burn your RoM.
That'd be kickin ass guys doesn't it?
I know it would nice to have just one ROM developed, but then again this is reality, people have different preferences. I am sure Chefs share their recipes between themselves.
anyway, u guys may wanna check this out
ervius have done a fine job there.
I completly agreed with your point. Ive seen a lot of ROMS from wanabe cheffs and others that are from great chefs which enhance the OS deaply. Its sad to see comments that not help in the evolution of our devices. Ive not many Mods around, perhaps most of them got their hands on the HD.
On the other hand everyone must be able to post any Cooked ROM they want, but they have to make sure that something is different about othe developements, like Language, or included APPS or particular tweaks.
the way i see it - MOST chefs don't do cooking for public... they cook for their own need and according to what they like - then they share with the public... there's nothing wrong with that... and they don't need to share anything...
and i have noticed they always help you out if you send them a private message.
my two cents
cloudedhopes said:
the way i see it - MOST chefs don't do cooking for public... they cook for their own need and according to what they like - then they share with the public... there's nothing wrong with that... and they don't need to share anything...
and i have noticed they always help you out if you send them a private message.
my two cents
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I used to think like that too, not anymore.
Vise versa.
If you read any thread with a 'popular' ROM, it's easy to see that it's not made for Chefs personal use( perhaps it was originally, but then it becomes a project).
hi all,
first i have to state that i shure do not want to force anybody to nothing. but i see too much people doin identical investigations. therefore i wanted to ask for others opiinion.
somebody sayed, that people might not want to work together wich sounds kind of weird in a community while shure nobody gets forced to share, equal if know-how or work. and somebody said that chefs want to read their name above their work or thdy would loose interest to do something. if those peoples interest or motivation is only to distinguish themselfes it would be sad, but no prob-let them do so on their own.
me would like a ROM without my name, but which is realy coool a lot more.
so first point would be, that all chefs write their know-how down in the wiki, so we can see which way we should start making a universall ROM which can then get tweaked and ppersonalized individually but the base is always the same for all. if the base is really good, all people could profit from that BaseROM!
at the moment i cant see which packages are corresponding to others and cant get removed easily. tooo it would be nice if nataly chef would tell us how he did free that much space, e.g.
maybe some chefs are willing to join, so we start a real universal RoM-Kitchen?
i red ervuis thread only short, but that sounds in the right direction, i'll contact him and ask for support.
the main thing first would be to get real good structures (like ervius started) to build a minimum basicRoM which then can get extended - and we need some more input about flash/nand/rom/pagefile/etc use and manipulation.
lets do this organized and structured not to do the same things a hundred times, and to avoid all those incompatibilities between apps found here (in comination a lot even common apps do interact and the result over both/all is a non working configuration. therefore a "standard" should get found for tweaking, cooking and applications too.
how about that?
i have a little problem ...
i asked you what you mean and wish the answer with less than 10 words.
you want so much from other people but you give nothing. if i read your thread at first time, i think about you, that what you write is not that what you really want. i think you have problems with cooking and you hope on an easy way become solution.
one kitchen means, one way to extract, one way to cook ... like a one way with no return. if you have trouble with this one kitchen, nobody can or will help you.
i flashed my first pda three years ago, now i have pda number 4 and i cooked my own roms. the reason, why i dont share it, i used original buyed software by softmaker, coreplayer and sktools with integrated registration-keys/methods. this was orig.software and cant be for sharing.
i dont think, that i can learn this things with one kitchen, with one group, with one project. i have to thank for so much people, who spend nights of nights alone for cooking and sharing.
and if i can help somebody, so i do it. but in xda-developers it was not so easy to help someone, because there so so much people who was faster than me ... much much fuster. god safes the "aloning".
Well, okokur, you have a point, but only to a certain degree. You say about bought licenses, that shouldn't be shared. Fair point, but be consequent, and look further. From the legal point of view, 99% of cooks don't write the code - they only manipulate dumped software - and it's hard to say if this is legal. Sooooo... what I'm pointing at?
That this way or the other, everybody is to him/herself. I only don't understand why some chefs are locking their roms against uncooking - it's like you stole a car, and put an alarm on it against thieves.... Ridiculous.
All cooks should take example from people liek CT or mondilv, who share openly their develpoment. And that's the way. If you are just a bit inclined, you can start cooking yourself. If you are not, you will lazily wait for a rom done for you, and complain about what is in rom, what isn't, etc..
So - my advice/opinion - you will never get cooperation like you wish, because that's human nature. But it would be enough, if cooks would leave their roms open - then people who want to learn, would learn.
I can only agree... for what I can do due to lack of time I always publish the full kitchen source in my/our repository, so the rom isn't just opened but I publish the full kitchen tree with all scripts almost commented and/or other useful stuff
If I can help in other ways please just write down a line
mjaxa said:
Well, okokur, you have a point, but only to a certain degree. You say about bought licenses, that shouldn't be shared. Fair point, but be consequent, and look further. From the legal point of view, 99% of cooks don't write the code - they only manipulate dumped software - and it's hard to say if this is legal. Sooooo... what I'm pointing at?
That this way or the other, everybody is to him/herself. I only don't understand why some chefs are locking their roms against uncooking - it's like you stole a car, and put an alarm on it against thieves.... Ridiculous.
All cooks should take example from people liek CT or mondilv, who share openly their develpoment. And that's the way. If you are just a bit inclined, you can start cooking yourself. If you are not, you will lazily wait for a rom done for you, and complain about what is in rom, what isn't, etc..
So - my advice/opinion - you will never get cooperation like you wish, because that's human nature. But it would be enough, if cooks would leave their roms open - then people who want to learn, would learn.
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you are right.
i think, i can share my rom without buyed software ... but for diamond there was so much roms, thats no needed share a rom without any interesting features.
recooking roms not possible ... for flasher only its enough. for cookers exists a trash-folder on desktop
cooperation like my wish ... i am to old for other oppinnions so i respect other oppinnions for 100%. (its reading like type mismatch error )
if i start with flashing and later i want cooking but that was to much infos and to much rules for cooking ... that i wish ONE KITCHEN with GFX-USING by klicking "KLICK-KLCK" and NO-ERRORS and NO-BLACK-SCREENS ... And if i read this thread the first time, i see me three years ago
i understand peetx for 100%

Epix (I907) Rom Irony

It is remarkable that we cannot get a custom ROM for the Epix.
The only non ATT Rom I have access to that I could put on my Epix is a Beta Windows Mobile 7 build which cannot easily be rolled back and is not completely functional.
It is Ironic that Microsoft is using the Epix and the T8285 (Touch HD with 850 UMTS) as the prototype devices for WM7, yet no one has built native custom roms for these phones.
(The Touch HD Roms are designed for the T8282 which kills the US 3G support)
pidsw said:
It is remarkable that we cannot get a custom ROM for the Epix.
The only non ATT Rom I have access to that I could put on my Epix is a Beta Windows Mobile 7 build which cannot easily be rolled back and is not completely functional.
It is Ironic that Microsoft is using the Epix and the T8285 (Touch HD with 850 UMTS) as the prototype devices for WM7, yet no one has built native custom roms for these phones.
(The Touch HD Roms are designed for the T8282 which kills the US 3G support)
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WM7 ?! Care to share? If the Epix is more or less similar to the i780 maybe something will be possible.... but I need an EXE updater or BINARY of the PDA..... what's worse I cannot test it....
edit: Sooooo... not interested?
Isn't it typical that cooked ROMs don't show up until after an "official" one has been put out there? I'm guessing once ATT does an update (if they ever do) there will be a bunch that are born shortly after.
I've also read that the Epix actually has more in common with the Omnia than the i780, although obviously has aspects of both.
My big question is whether or not the Epix will get the 6.5 upgrade. It has the specs to handle it for sure, and now that Microsoft has greenlighted phones that meet minimum specs it's up to ATT. Unfortunately I have little faith they'll go to the trouble of doing it instead of just releasing new phones that already come with 6.5. You'd think that support for phones would last as long as the contracts (2 years), but the real cycle seems more like 9 months!
Cascade2 said:
Isn't it typical that cooked ROMs don't show up until after an "official" one has been put out there? I'm guessing once ATT does an update (if they ever do) there will be a bunch that are born shortly after.
I've also read that the Epix actually has more in common with the Omnia than the i780, although obviously has aspects of both.
My big question is whether or not the Epix will get the 6.5 upgrade. It has the specs to handle it for sure, and now that Microsoft has greenlighted phones that meet minimum specs it's up to ATT. Unfortunately I have little faith they'll go to the trouble of doing it instead of just releasing new phones that already come with 6.5. You'd think that support for phones would last as long as the contracts (2 years), but the real cycle seems more like 9 months!
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Actually the dump from the Epix that is available is cook-able, however I would like to try the WM7 ROM that is mentioned in the first post... the poster hasn't replied to my PM yet
I appologize for the delay.
I work at microsoft and it turns out that my name and employee info is in there in various places (I have to key in to get a build and it modifies various bits so that if I "loose" the phone, they know how to remotely wipe + hard reset it. it. If I were to share the file and someone were to find out about it, that would be a bad thing.
I would love to share it, but I don't want to take the personal risk.
pidsw said:
I appologize for the delay.
I work at microsoft and it turns out that my name and employee info is in there in various places (I have to key in to get a build and it modifies various bits so that if I "loose" the phone, they know how to remotely wipe + hard reset it. it. If I were to share the file and someone were to find out about it, that would be a bad thing.
I would love to share it, but I don't want to take the personal risk.
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"The Internet"...were 55 year old mans are 15 year old kids....and 9 year old's are FBI agents.....saying your from a company that your clearly not...priceless
AT&T and Samsung website does not release "firmware updates" to the public. These updates are released strictly to Service Providers
Please help me download new firmware for I907. Im not user AT&T Service
inertiax3 said:
Actually the dump from the Epix that is available is cook-able
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I have an i907 and want to cook a basic ROM for it. My goal for a first ROM is to remove some of the AT&T crapware, add the new notification style (à la showthread.php?t=513924), and flash it back. I'll share any working ROMs here.
Heads up: this is my first attempt at cooking anything for WM so please bear with me. However, I've been reading the forums and I think I have a reasonable understanding of the process of cooking.
If someone can help me with a few questions to get me started, that would be greatly appreciated. Once I get going, I should be able to learn the rest on my own; I promise not to post 1000 annoying noob questions at every step of the way.
+ inertiax3, which kitchen tools work with the Epix? I read some speculation that the i780 kit could work. Can a resulting ROM be flashed to the Epix?
+ Should I use the ROM dump from this forum or would it be better to dump my own?
+ Do I need to flash any special loaders/etc before I can flash a cooked ROM?
Thanks loads! I really hope that we Epix users can finally have custom ROMs.
THANK YOU! Happy to help out however I can. I don't know anything about ROM cooking, but I know the Epix pretty well and am really glad to see someone taking this on!
pap3rw8 said:
I have an i907 and want to cook a basic ROM for it. My goal for a first ROM is to remove some of the AT&T crapware, add the new notification style (à la showthread.php?t=513924), and flash it back. I'll share any working ROMs here.
Heads up: this is my first attempt at cooking anything for WM so please bear with me. However, I've been reading the forums and I think I have a reasonable understanding of the process of cooking.
If someone can help me with a few questions to get me started, that would be greatly appreciated. Once I get going, I should be able to learn the rest on my own; I promise not to post 1000 annoying noob questions at every step of the way.
+ inertiax3, which kitchen tools work with the Epix? I read some speculation that the i780 kit could work. Can a resulting ROM be flashed to the Epix?
+ Should I use the ROM dump from this forum or would it be better to dump my own?
+ Do I need to flash any special loaders/etc before I can flash a cooked ROM?
Thanks loads! I really hope that we Epix users can finally have custom ROMs.
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pap3rw8 said:
I have an i907 and want to cook a basic ROM for it. My goal for a first ROM is to remove some of the AT&T crapware, add the new notification style (à la showthread.php?t=513924), and flash it back. I'll share any working ROMs here.
Heads up: this is my first attempt at cooking anything for WM so please bear with me. However, I've been reading the forums and I think I have a reasonable understanding of the process of cooking.
If someone can help me with a few questions to get me started, that would be greatly appreciated. Once I get going, I should be able to learn the rest on my own; I promise not to post 1000 annoying noob questions at every step of the way.
+ inertiax3, which kitchen tools work with the Epix? I read some speculation that the i780 kit could work. Can a resulting ROM be flashed to the Epix?
+ Should I use the ROM dump from this forum or would it be better to dump my own?
+ Do I need to flash any special loaders/etc before I can flash a cooked ROM?
Thanks loads! I really hope that we Epix users can finally have custom ROMs.
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EFN's tools should work pretty well..
It's up to you if you wish to use the already available dump or create your own, the latter would be especially useful if your device shipped with a newer release. To cook a ROM you also need the XIP from your device and I think the dump someone posted doesen't include this
No, you don't need to flash anything, but make sure you device can enter the BOOTLOADER mode and has a HARD RESET key combo

Wishing to cook up his own version of a ROM... few questions though.

Hey there,
I'm another guy who's been creeping around the board for the last month and have been eager to modify a ROM to my own needs.
Basically it comes down to that i would love to have the ability to take a modified ROM and rip out some of the parts i do not want or use or for whatever reason.
For like the past two hours i've been trying to google tons of sentences and i heard the term "kitchen" dropped alot, but alas. I could find no more info then the plus-member-kitchen-deal from modaco...
So now i'm wondering, How -does- one modify a rom. Are there any tools available for my wishes. (If yes, can you name any? If no, what skills are required?)
I need a good shove in the right direction, but i dont feel like pm-ing a random rom developer, just because im a whining ***** about some usually small aspects of the otherwise great rom(s).
Removing apps/widgets from a rom really isn't difficult.
If you PM me with exactly what you'd like to remove, I'll explain in full
Cooking ROMS
Annihlator said:
Hey there,
I'm another guy who's been creeping around the board for the last month and have been eager to modify a ROM to my own needs.
Basically it comes down to that i would love to have the ability to take a modified ROM and rip out some of the parts i do not want or use or for whatever reason.
For like the past two hours i've been trying to google tons of sentences and i heard the term "kitchen" dropped alot, but alas. I could find no more info then the plus-member-kitchen-deal from modaco...
So now i'm wondering, How -does- one modify a rom. Are there any tools available for my wishes. (If yes, can you name any? If no, what skills are required?)
I need a good shove in the right direction, but i dont feel like pm-ing a random rom developer, just because im a whining ***** about some usually small aspects of the otherwise great rom(s).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can't go wrong with using the CKDroid ROM if you are just looking for a custom ROM, however, Villain's ROMS are updated regulary and there is loads of support in the forums, it's not as hard as you think.

[Canceled] Recruiting Beta Testers...

UPDATE: 6/21/2010
Sorry, all, I've looked in to what I was 'trying to do' - and while my overall goal worked, it had no benefits. Thus, there's no reason to do it. What I was doing: the goal of this 'custom build' was to combine the latest COM3 and COM5 benefits. The concensus out there was that build 28232 had an updated and faster Internet Explorer and build 23569 had an updated interface. My goal was to merge IE from 28232 into 23569.
Unfortunately, there was no real way to prove there was an updated Internet Explorer, and even a mobile browser test between several builds of WM6.5 all had the same results and showed the same version number.
There genuinely appeared to be no benefit to all of this work, even though I did get a succesfully working build with the Internet Explorer from 28232 into 23569, but I've decided to give up on this current project since there was absolutely zero detectable benefits.
Thanks for the interest, and the willing beta testers out there! See you around!
Original post:
I have a new ROM I'm cooking up - right now it's fairly barebones, I'm not planning on putting a lot of things in the build, since most people can download and install something they want later.
I don't want to go in to a lot of details as to what makes this ROM unique - I haven't even tried it myself, yet (and I'm NOT going to send it out to anyone else until I do so, just in case it's a cement-mixing brick maker!!). But if it works out for me, and I can get a few beta testers to give me feedback, I'd really like to go public with this ROM.
I plan on testing my concepts out tonight, will look in this thread the next few days for any volunteers.
If this thread belongs in the QA, I'm very sorry - feel free to lock it - and if it's locked, please just PM me for details about the build. This ROM won't change the world or anything, but if it works, it could be a fun experiment!
Over 50 thread views and no brave souls, so far? I successfully flashed my first test ROM, but I'll consider this still quite in the "alpha" phase of the project... quite a few bugs to work out.
If I have time to work on it more tomorrow (err... today? it's 4 AM), I will, but might not get to this one until later in the week.
good luck with your ROM NuAngel.
I only have the one "working" vogue and it's my daily phone atm. so I'm not super keen on beta testing with it.
hope to hear some more on this ROM of yours.
If I am not breaking something... I'm not having fun!
I'm in for the beta testing!
Sending a PM also!
I'm down for testing also
Hook me up too!
I can't test data but I will give you some feedback!
Also If you need anything let me know, I'm always willing to help out a fellow cook!
Happy Cooking!
I sent you a PM too for beta testing earlier......
Spare Vogue
I have a spare Vogue... I'm your huckleberry.
I'll test as well. Although, I have no service in it (changed carriers to TMO), but will be glad to take it for a spin.
i appreciate all of the interst, folks!
I've been extremely busy this week, with work, and some of my other obligations, not to mention I'm trying to finish reading a book!!
Still, I'm making progress, but my next two weekends are jam packed and who knows what else... plus, I'm trying to find a way to "prove" that what I'm doing is actually... doing something. Luckily, I haven't bricked my phone, yet, so I'm confident that there will be SOMETHING for ya'll to test in the future.
Thanks for your interst, everyone!

