Initial thoughts...possible BUGs. - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note II

Got mine at 08:58 or something on the 8th, FedEx overnight, preordered on the 25th.
Not rooted, not activated yet either (going to, this weekend)...just testing what I got so far.
My AT&T build has a kernel date of 4 Oct.
3.0.31-215287 kernel version
Some initial things that I quickly noticed...also, I had a major crash when using video recording...
As with the AT&T tester's unboxing on youtube (PhoneDog, I think?)...NO HEADPHONES/EARPHONES!! I need these for calls, especially LONG calls. This is not good. Other carriers must have contracted for them, since they had them. AT&T reboxed this as well.
I've seen my friends' Note2 Sprint model since the 25th, so some things I also noted as a difference so far:
- The AT&T model has the extended notification screen toggle options like the S3 has...Airplane mode, sound, etc. Sprint just got this with it's OTA -to arrive soon. I am not sure if T-Mobile had it (I forget).
- Cannot remove the AT&T bloatware, it seems. I am new to android (not computing, so yes, I know you can root it and remove it) but I think what is on here initially cannot be removed, and some can be disabled. Nuts when I have 11GB left of the 16GB and games like NOVA3 are 2GB! No app install on my nice 64GB SD card (unless I root) either. Anyone know if you can offload dormant apps or something? I may root this one in the future, but was just wondering for now (and for others asking).
- My Sprint friend noted that the S-Pen seemed slightly heavier/different...hard to say, I don't see why. If so, it's SLIGHTLY...very slightly. I also noted that I had no issue thus far with the pen making marks while hovering over the note, but that may be because it's a new pen. Will keep on that 'bug' and still looking around for a way to toggle sensitivity.
- Also, how do I know if my bootloader is unlocked/locked? (not trying to get too off-topic)
- DLNA is VERY choppy with the 8 second HD video my friend S-Beamed me. I am at home, using my Samsung 58" plasma C8000 model connected direct to my router (ethernet). VUDU, on my TV, requires 4Mbps for 1080p (it claims, but seems that is a floor min number)...havent tried wireless with my MBP, since i usually have it connected direct as well when doing DLNA that way. Not sure if this is just how it is with wifi and this device, but could that be useful at all? My upload speed is fine on my 5GHz n-band. Speedtest on the device shows 6.36Mbps upload and 21.44Mbps download wifi from my Note 2.
Ahh, but now for the real is my post on AC forums/ATT Note2 thread --->
Found a bug... My screen is all pink/purple hue after messing with the video recorder.
It is not restarting and not able to power off with long press of side key. Totally stuck!!!
I can't power it off hard (is that possible by the way, I haven't looked and I am new to Samsung devices).
Stuck. Purple/pink hue . See the image I took. Also took a video to show it in 'motion'. Kinda like a weird camera effect app, from hell! Not fun
The 'images' are tiled copies of what the camera sees in real time. It's stuck in messed up this camera/video mode.
Tried video recording and saw 'slo-mo' feature, and then a way to change from 1/2 to 1/4 and 1/8. Somehow, around then I hit record by accident. Then this just weird state of 'freeze' frame video started happening a few seconds later. I don't recall what details happened in between, if anything. Was going to leave camera app, that's about all i recall.
Opened it up and removed the battery. Popped back in. Restart, all is fine now. I'll test that Damn that was annoying as hell.
Took a pic and video with the iPhone. I think I attached the photo ok. The video is mov...what format can I send that in? I can email it if you want...short MOV to depict trying to shut off/restart and how it goes frame by frame in this 'pink tile' mode.
Pic looks blue...but it's purple/pink, not that that matters much.

I would maybe try a hard reset if you havent already...

yeah, thanks. If it happens again, I'll do that.
Do you mean 'master reset'? Or is there another way to reset, aside from taking out the battery.

You can disable bloatware in the built in app manager. Settings>Application Manager> Click the "ALL" tab.


Several issues and annoyances with Tilt2

My wife and I each purchased Tilt2's earlier this week. We both come from Windows Mobile 6.1 phones and are generally happy with WinMo products and comfortable with tweaking them.
We're both having some trouble with the Tilt2 and I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help.
1) Bluetooth sound quality - we each use Bluetooth headsets and have noticed lots of crackling unless the phone is turned with the back facing the headset. This didn't happen with our previous phones (same headsets) unless we got 15-20 feet away from the phone.
2) Dropped calls - I've noticed a ton of dropped calls when I'm talking on the phone and driving along my normal work commute. There are 1-2 holes along the route where my previous phone would drop, but this one drops 5-6 times. I found these radio updates in the ROM forum. Would that help?
3) General performance - The phone seems a little bit laggy and slow to react. Nothing like what we saw in demo videos on sites like My wife even reports that hers has completely locked up on her before. And I've noticed a severe lag waiting for the phone to come back after I've flipped the keyboard out. I assume that installing a custom ROM would help with this as it's helped on previous phones we've owned. However, there isn't a 100% working AT&T ROM to revert to yet (only one that appears to work is missing radio and bootsplash at this point) in case the custom ROM doesn't perform better, so I'm a little leary of doing it. Should I be worried? Or will the custom ROMs here help get rid of the lagginess.
4) Switching to landscape mode - My wife told me that her phone isn't always switching to landscape mode. She doesn't have any apps installed yet so I'm assuming it's in all of the default screens. Should everything work in landscape mode?
Thanks in advance!
e_dogg said:
My wife and I each purchased Tilt2's earlier this week. We both come from Windows Mobile 6.1 phones and are generally happy with WinMo products and comfortable with tweaking them.
We're both having some trouble with the Tilt2 and I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help.
1) Bluetooth sound quality - we each use Bluetooth headsets and have noticed lots of crackling unless the phone is turned with the back facing the headset. This didn't happen with our previous phones (same headsets) unless we got 15-20 feet away from the phone.
2) Dropped calls - I've noticed a ton of dropped calls when I'm talking on the phone and driving along my normal work commute. There are 1-2 holes along the route where my previous phone would drop, but this one drops 5-6 times. I found these radio updates in the ROM forum. Would that help?
3) General performance - The phone seems a little bit laggy and slow to react. Nothing like what we saw in demo videos on sites like My wife even reports that hers has completely locked up on her before. And I've noticed a severe lag waiting for the phone to come back after I've flipped the keyboard out. I assume that installing a custom ROM would help with this as it's helped on previous phones we've owned. However, there isn't a 100% working AT&T ROM to revert to yet (only one that appears to work is missing radio and bootsplash at this point) in case the custom ROM doesn't perform better, so I'm a little leary of doing it. Should I be worried? Or will the custom ROMs here help get rid of the lagginess.
4) Switching to landscape mode - My wife told me that her phone isn't always switching to landscape mode. She doesn't have any apps installed yet so I'm assuming it's in all of the default screens. Should everything work in landscape mode?
Thanks in advance!
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As for #4: Not all programs have a landscape mode natively.
jlczl said:
As for #4: Not all programs have a landscape mode natively.
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Thanks. I figured that she might be using an app that doesn't work in landscape since I haven't come across it yet.
Also, regarding #2, I should have mentioned that I have as my current radio.
1) I use Jabra 2nd gen and mine is working great. A little crackling sound but nothing major.
2) Depend on the area you live and coverage, you might want to try different radio. I have stock radio and mine is working great. Better than my fuze was actually. I can get 1 or more bar than Fuze and call quality is super clear. No drop calls yet while I had like 2-3 drop calls with my fuze.
3) I am still running on stock rom and yes indeed it's slow and sluggish. I have to reset the phone physically sometimes. I am not too happy about moving the battery cover just to reset as well. With custom rom, the phone will be snappy since some people are running custom rom with their Tilt2 already. I am in the same boat as you. Waiting for the complete stock rom dump. Until then.
4) Not all the landscape work as you have already found out.
I use a BlueAnt and my BT reception is good.
I thought mine was slow at first but as I tweaked it a bit, turning off alerts and pop ups, it SEEMS to be more of what I expected.
Haven't had a dropped call issue.
But, I am thinking that I will flash the ROM when something comes along.
Thanks for the replies.
FWIW, my wife uses a Jawbone 2 and the crackling is noticable on both ends of the call. I use a first-gen Jawbone and have nocticed the crackling as well. It seems that it works better when the phone is on the same side of my body as the headset. I did not notice this crackling on my Dash and Blackjack 2 nor her Dash.
I think the dropped calls problem is definitely area related. My wife is currently out of town and it hasn't dropped her calls at all that I know of. And when I'm at home, it's no problem. It's just that on my regular commute, it drops 5-6 times where my previous Dash and Blackjack 2 only dropped once or twice occasionally. I've only made my commute once since I got the Tilt2, so maybe there were some coincidental network issues. That said, call quality has been very good.
I just turned off the new SMS notifications. I've also removed a couple of tabs that I know I'm never going to use (stocks, AT&T, and music) at that seems to have made things a little snappier too.
HAH! Not more than 1-2 minutes after I posted my last message (from my laptop), I went to use the internet connection on my Tilt2 and it locked up. A message appeared asking if I wanted to send error details to MS and then my phone turned off.
Another thing I've noticed is that Opera takes a *really* long time to switch from landscape to portrait. And it seems to be significantly slower than Opera Mini was on my Dash and Blackjack 2. Maybe because Opera Mini is Java-based on those platforms?
My wife is now reporting that her Tilt2 won't unlock unless she slides open the keyboard. Her Exchange connection requires the phone to automatically lock and require a PIN entry. I suggested tapping the power button but that doesn't wake it up, either.
Any suggestions? I'm thinking she might have a bum unit since mine isn't having nearly the trouble hers is.
As far as the lockups, I think there was a thread somewhere about that. Mine doesn't actually lock up but it hangs horribly. Give it 5min or so and it figures itself out, usually involves opening the keyboard at the same time it is launching something, sms in my case.
Suggestion? Hard reset hers and if it continues swap it out.
SoapDoctor said:
As far as the lockups, I think there was a thread somewhere about that. Mine doesn't actually lock up but it hangs horribly. Give it 5min or so and it figures itself out, usually involves opening the keyboard at the same time it is launching something, sms in my case.
Suggestion? Hard reset hers and if it continues swap it out.
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Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, she's out of town right now so I actually haven't seen the things she's complaining about first-hand (except for a couple of things that have happened on mine too).
I'll send her instructions for a hard reset and see if she's adventurous enough to try it on her own. The AT&T store near where she's at is exceptionally good - they really know Windows Mobile there and were a big help in getting the phone initially set up. So, worst case, she can go there and have them do it.
e_dogg said:
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, she's out of town right now so I actually haven't seen the things she's complaining about first-hand (except for a couple of things that have happened on mine too).
I'll send her instructions for a hard reset and see if she's adventurous enough to try it on her own. The AT&T store near where she's at is exceptionally good - they really know Windows Mobile there and were a big help in getting the phone initially set up. So, worst case, she can go there and have them do it.
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Don't run to fast with my advice, I'm a complete noob but hard reset would be the first thing I would try. It is a microsoft product after all and I'm pretty dman lazy to run to the store first.
FWIW- I have a Jawbone 2 and have cracking in the audio. Had it with my Fuze also and have always wondered if it was the headset or phone. I don't think I could keep my fuze in the holster because of the crackling.
I have some slight performance issues, but it's not to bad. Seems mostly relating to minimizing a program and starting a new one.
I have a strange problem with the TF3D photo tab. It's slow to get the image clear. I select an image and then try to scroll through them. It hangs on one, then flips it's orientation (I haven't moved the phone though). Anyone else have issues with the photo tab?
e_dogg said:
My wife and I each purchased Tilt2's earlier this week. We both come from Windows Mobile 6.1 phones and are generally happy with WinMo products and comfortable with tweaking them.
We're both having some trouble with the Tilt2 and I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help.
3) General performance - The phone seems a little bit laggy and slow to react. Nothing like what we saw in demo videos on sites like My wife even reports that hers has completely locked up on her before. And I've noticed a severe lag waiting for the phone to come back after I've flipped the keyboard out. I assume that installing a custom ROM would help with this as it's helped on previous phones we've owned. However, there isn't a 100% working AT&T ROM to revert to yet (only one that appears to work is missing radio and bootsplash at this point) in case the custom ROM doesn't perform better, so I'm a little leary of doing it. Should I be worried? Or will the custom ROMs here help get rid of the lagginess.
4) Switching to landscape mode - My wife told me that her phone isn't always switching to landscape mode. She doesn't have any apps installed yet so I'm assuming it's in all of the default screens. Should everything work in landscape mode?
Thanks in advance!
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#3 I am running NRG ROM Photon date 10/17 and it is insane on my tilt 2. No radio change either. Stupid fast, eye candy, and never a dropped call or sluggish issues. Link below (5k plus thread, really read the first page to see the versions and Faq's)
I'd like to add that I'm also having some issues with sound and response time.
My phone starts fresh with about 65% of resources used up. After regular phone/contacts usage for an hour I'm at around 70% and after Opera, the phone is done. I can browse or use file explorer or music but there goes the multi-tasking.
I haven't flashed a ROM yet. I just wanted to see what AT&T did with this thing 1st.
One more thing, why did they switch the FN and Shift keys? My brain is having a hard time getting used to it, especially when the shortcuts that require the Fn key are on the bottom row.
I can't really help you out too much, but I haven't been experiencing many of these problems at all, and I'm still on the stock rom, just cleaned it up a bit. Spend some time on the forums and you'll find some good quick hacks to try before you try a new rom.
superrrguy said:
I'd like to add that I'm also having some issues with sound and response time.
My phone starts fresh with about 65% of resources used up. After regular phone/contacts usage for an hour I'm at around 70% and after Opera, the phone is done. I can browse or use file explorer or music but there goes the multi-tasking.
I haven't flashed a ROM yet. I just wanted to see what AT&T did with this thing 1st.
One more thing, why did they switch the FN and Shift keys? My brain is having a hard time getting used to it, especially when the shortcuts that require the Fn key are on the bottom row.
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Touch FLO 3D uses up quite a bit of RAM. I unloaded it and restarted, and my phone is down from 65% to 49%. Unfortunately, I'm kind of liking Touch FLO 3D
Linear2202 said:
FWIW- I have a Jawbone 2 and have cracking in the audio. Had it with my Fuze also and have always wondered if it was the headset or phone. I don't think I could keep my fuze in the holster because of the crackling.
I have some slight performance issues, but it's not to bad. Seems mostly relating to minimizing a program and starting a new one.
I have a strange problem with the TF3D photo tab. It's slow to get the image clear. I select an image and then try to scroll through them. It hangs on one, then flips it's orientation (I haven't moved the phone though). Anyone else have issues with the photo tab?
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Good info about your Jawbone issues. I have an old Plantronics headset that I'm not really using anymore. Maybe I'll give that one a try to see if it's just that Jawbones don't like these new versions of HTC phones (it worked great on her Dash).
As for the photos tab, it seems to work ok. Though the first "flip" through the pictures seems to be slower than subsequent flips.
I found that hiding tabs I won't be using like the "AT&T" tab seems to help speed things up. I think I have 3 or 4 hidden.
amurch said:
#3 I am running NRG ROM Photon date 10/17 and it is insane on my tilt 2. No radio change either. Stupid fast, eye candy, and never a dropped call or sluggish issues. Link below (5k plus thread, really read the first page to see the versions and Faq's)
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Thanks - good to hear of your sucess with the NRG ROM. That's the one I'm planning on trying since I really like the 6.5.1 changes.
redpoint73 said:
Touch FLO 3D uses up quite a bit of RAM. I unloaded it and restarted, and my phone is down from 65% to 49%. Unfortunately, I'm kind of liking Touch FLO 3D
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Yeah, Touch FLO 3D sure is purty. And, now that I have the tabs sorted and hidden the way I like, it's very easy to use.
Just an update...the Energy ROM seems to have cured the dropped calls. With the stock AT&T ROM, calls dropped about 5-6 times on my regular commute. With the Energy ROM, not a single one!
Something that has happened to me now a few times...I get a call on the phone. Caller ID and picture show up fine. Screen turns off..later i turn the screen on and the phone number is not accurate any longer and the picture is gone..
Anyone had this happen to them?
Linear2202 said:
Something that has happened to me now a few times...I get a call on the phone. Caller ID and picture show up fine. Screen turns off..later i turn the screen on and the phone number is not accurate any longer and the picture is gone..
Anyone had this happen to them?
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Yep - happened quite often with the stock AT&T ROM. I don't recall seeing it after switching to the Energy ROM.

WP7 Bugginess?

Been playing with my HD7 (TMo USA) for two days now. Main problem's been that it's highly buggy.
I left it overnight to charge, and when I turned it on in the morning, everything was disconnected (no updates from Internet) as the Wifi connection was off. Went to the settings app, and only the first three options (ringtones & sounds, theme, and airplane mode) were even present. The entire rest of the menu panel was not even visible for some reason, so I couldn't enable Wifi.
I then restarted-- it connected to Wifi, slowly loaded one webpage, then when I returned five minutes later, it was in a weird state. Wifi could not be turned on (attempting to turn it on in settings had no effect). Opening IE would load a grayed-out version of the tab selector then crash back to the home screen with any click. Pretty much all apps would load an initial page but then crash whenever any input was submitted (e.g. email address/password for setting up accounts).
Pretty poor so far-- the UI is smooth and hasn't locked up per se (as Windows Mobile always inevitably does), but the inconsistency and random crashes make this feel like alpha software.
Actually it kind of feels like what'd result if you were to put a GPU-accelerated GUI on top of WM 6.x and then forced it to either act in a few seconds or abandon the task. Sometimes things work, sometimes they don't, and the GUI just glosses over as if nothing's wrong.
Anyone else having similar issues?
Hmm...the OS has crashed (causing a reboot) three times today so far-- once when downloading email (in inbox screen), once when loading a particular message, and again when trying to open the Marketplace (froze with one highlighted app, Need for Speed, shown, then 10-15 seconds later, phone restarted).
Wifi's also only intermittently connecting with a strong signal in the area (toggling it on/off doesn't seem to fix it).
There is the possible chance of just having a faulty device, (or simply a faulty MicroSD card which is used for memory. Have you tried a Hard Reset on the device and seeing if the problems resurface? Most people who have used WP7 for the most part so far have not mentioned issues like yours on the vast scale you have.
I've had mine for a couple days now also and it has been perfection as far as operation goes. I did have a bug in IE when I tried to respond to an XDS PM. I tried to delete the accumulated text and it funked up. Couldn't back out to a previous window so had to reboot WP7 to be able to use IE. I was able to tap the windows button and go to the main screen, but I couldn't use IE till after the reboot
had my samsung since launch the 8th
I have not had any problems what so ever!! and i have installed a 32gb class 2 card in connection with the 8gb internal and it runs great no problems to this time never had to reboot or lock ups nothing... most likly you have a bad sd card...
yea i can also report the same, mine is smooth as. what i have been doing of late is leaving my pc on at night, and my phone connected to wifi (charging as well), and it would sync with my pc throughout the night. get up the morning and videos are ready to go for me to take on the train. haven't experienced any difficulties at all yet.
i would report the issue to your carrier and get a replacement handset, or hard reset first to see if it's not just some dodgy build on your phone.
Ive been using my device for 3 days. I've only encountered 1 or two odd problems
1. when i was connected to the uni's wifi and visited it kinda borked out (i think it had to do with my uni re-directing to a login page to verify identity)
(or it could have been loading some scripts (didnt see it as a mobile device)
2. i develop for wp7 and sometimes after i deploy an application to my phone, the back button wont work. (sometimes meaning it happened once )
No crashes or anything of that nature though..
Can anyone agree that the shutter speed on the camera is really slow? I am assuming its a windows software issue as the cameras in almost all wp7 devices are the same.
It really sounds like a faulty hardware. 3 crashes in a day? Wow, even my Fuze never did that with XDA builds. From the reviews and experiences from other users here. I'd say you are either alone or one of very few in that experience.
I handled a Focus for few mites yesterday side by side with iPhone 4 and Captivate. Android felt like beta, iphone4 as final RC build and WP7 as RTM in terms of usability. I like and still use my iPhone 2G so nothing against iPhone really.
microhaxo said:
Ive been using my device for 3 days. I've only encountered 1 or two odd problems
1. when i was connected to the uni's wifi and visited it kinda borked out (i think it had to do with my uni re-directing to a login page to verify identity)
(or it could have been loading some scripts (didnt see it as a mobile device)
2. i develop for wp7 and sometimes after i deploy an application to my phone, the back button wont work. (sometimes meaning it happened once )
No crashes or anything of that nature though..
Can anyone agree that the shutter speed on the camera is really slow? I am assuming its a windows software issue as the cameras in almost all wp7 devices are the same.
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yea, the auto focus and shutter do take their time. it should be really snappy. it should auto focus and take phone pretty much instantly... sadly it isn't the case. hopefully it picks up, though i don't seem them doing this till like WP8.
The main thing is, MS will be doing the updating and that means quality updates for each and every handset out there. But the latest news has me a bit concerned, Balmer selling off so much stock in MS. So far he has sold 49 million shares of MS and is said to sell a total of 74 million eventually. I'm wondering if it's related to WP7 and if there is something we all should be concerned about.
MartyLK said:
The main thing is, MS will be doing the updating and that means quality updates for each and every handset out there. But the latest news has me a bit concerned, Balmer selling off so much stock in MS. So far he has sold 49 million shares of MS and is said to sell a total of 74 million eventually. I'm wondering if it's related to WP7 and if there is something we all should be concerned about.
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Very interesting indeed. That's a lot of cheese. You got me wondering too.
he has a few hundred million shares if not billions in MS... i believe what he's selling is a mere few percent if that of his shares. Bill Gates sells off that many regularly to support his charities... i wouldn't take much note of it.
Tried hard-resetting, to no effect. It's bad enough that at this point I hope it's an isolated hardware problem, as I wonder what my not so tech-savvy friends/family would do if they bought a WP7 phone and encountered this.
It's been crashing out of apps, freezing at the shutdown "Goodbye" screen, showing UI issues in IE, giving DRM errors in Netflix (and restarting every time Netflix is closed), sometimes not turning the screen off (pressing power key would just lock the phone), etc.
Hopefully T-Mobile can swap this out tomorrow.
(oh and this is attempt 2 at writing this post-- tried it on the HD7 the first time, and after I pressed Submit Reply, the phone dropped Wifi, IE went to an Action Cancelled page, and then the OS crashed)
1toadfacedfrump said:
Very interesting indeed. That's a lot of cheese. You got me wondering too.
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There is also a change in capital gains tax, he maybe wanted to take advantage or needed some liquid cash. I doubt very much it is anything else!
amb9800 said:
Tried hard-resetting, to no effect. It's bad enough that at this point I hope it's an isolated hardware problem, as I wonder what my not so tech-savvy friends/family would do if they bought a WP7 phone and encountered this.
It's been crashing out of apps, freezing at the shutdown "Goodbye" screen, showing UI issues in IE, giving DRM errors in Netflix (and restarting every time Netflix is closed), sometimes not turning the screen off (pressing power key would just lock the phone), etc.
Hopefully T-Mobile can swap this out tomorrow.
(oh and this is attempt 2 at writing this post-- tried it on the HD7 the first time, and after I pressed Submit Reply, the phone dropped Wifi, IE went to an Action Cancelled page, and then the OS crashed)
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That definitely sounds like a rogue habdset, I have the HD& and have had hardly any issues.
I really don't think MS is betting the farm on WP7, sure it's important to their lineup, but it's never going to be the money maker like the iPhone is for Apple.
MS makes it's break and butter off OS's(Server and Desktop), Office Suite and XBOX Live.
Everything else is just a plus.
Just to follow up, went and swapped out the phone, and now it's all fine. Guess HTC/T-Mo's quality control needs some work.
When I described all my issues to the people at the T-Mobile store, their response was "it's a Windows phone-- all Windows phones freeze and do things like that" . Finally was able to get them to swap it out though.
Incidentally they had a bunch of HD7s sitting around-- apparently I'm the only one who's actually bought one from the store (and this is in New York) .
i have been using WP7 since it came out in UK, untill yesterday there has been no siginificant issues, couple to times accelrometer didn't work properly but yesterday
marketplace app wouldn't launch
couldn't buy apps on marketplace, can get free apps
twitter app errored out
scrolling in marketplace app got stuck for few mins
had to reboot it twice, back or windows button wouldn't work.
MrAlchemist said:
I really don't think MS is betting the farm on WP7, sure it's important to their lineup, but it's never going to be the money maker like the iPhone is for Apple.
MS makes it's break and butter off OS's(Server and Desktop), Office Suite and XBOX Live.
Everything else is just a plus.
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I kind of disagree...from what I've read they are betting on this as they know the future is mobile to a large extent. I believe they will force WP7 to be a success, similar to what they did with Xbox...
lip said:
I kind of disagree...from what I've read they are betting on this as they know the future is mobile to a large extent. I believe they will force WP7 to be a success, similar to what they did with Xbox...
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And I'm hoping you are 200% correct. Because it means our mobile platform of choice will only get better; will only improve. That means MS will listen to the market (general public, not customizers) and give it what it wants.
Speaking of wants, what the forecast for Angry Birds on WP7?

Can you offer a run down on what I should do with my new 10.5?

So, I just found out my girl got me a Tab S 10.5 for Valentine's Day (best girlfriend EVER!).
She got me the SM-T800NTSEXAR, which is the 32GB version from Best Buy.
I am coming from an iPad, which I use to watch movies on, use Alien Blue to read Reddit, play light games on, and read comics and books. I plan to retire this iPad, and use suitable Android apps to replicate my use.
I also have a Note 4. for my everyday phone I will use DataSync to replicate my saved games that Google doesn't mirror automatically (I play mostly Arc: Redux, Sky Force, Zombie Gunship, and Galaxy On Fire 2 HD), MightySMS Tablet (to send SMS from my tablet to my phone), SideSync to actually view my phone screen, Google Books to read ebooks (I wish they allowed folders in that app), and MX Player to view my 1080p MKVs. Oh, and I am using Nova Prime as my launcher and Google Chrome Remote Desktop to RDP into my home server.
I purchased a 128GB microSD to save all the movies and comic (CBR) to (I still have to figure out which comic viewer to use, that allows you to read comics easily off external SD).
Lastly, I have to figure out what is the best method to wirelessly tether from my T-Mobile Note 4 (rooted and ROM'd) using my unlimited data plan, and not my tether plan.
What my question for you fine folk, is which ROM would you guys recommend to use off the bat for this model Tab S? I want to keep it TouchWiz so I don't lose any features like multiwindow, so no Cyangenmod.
Also, any apps or other suggestions you may have?
The rom I would recommend is Iron rom. It has all the touchwiz features and all that. Its smooth and way better than stock. It can also help with battery life (if you tweak the kernel).
Some apps I would suggest is titanium backup for backing up app data on your internal storage or sd card. Another app I would use is greenify. It can hibernate apps that open for no reason which can also save battery. Other than that, I dont know any other apps.
Enjoy your tablet!
Sidesync is a great addition for Samsung devices. I also have the Tab s 10.5 and Note 4 and use both all the time. Its nice to use the tablet to send and receive text messages when away from the phone, like in the kitchen, cooking.... I can only recommend the stock roms, and the newest one from Sam Mobile (T800 - firmwares) which is from Hong Kong (Most are multilingual) and its been the best one so far. I can idle this tablet for days or perhaps weeks and not lose crazy battery. Of course you'll need root (please, with the Knox warranty hardware repair fable...) since Samsung likes to improve the user experience by having dozens and dozens of applications running leading to the lag some mention.
Mine usually has like 5-6 apps running making the tablet insane with no lag and a beautiful screen. I'm using this thing like mission control! Its a remote, I have a Plex server so I can view and stream movies to my various devices around the house (Chromecasts, WD Lives, Samsung TVs), playing music and games, surfing the web, and an excellent book reader (check out Moon Reader Pro)... Oh also my shopping lists (Out of Milk) synced across devices when out in the field. Its a great tablet if you know what your doing with it, and take the time to tweak it a little. And Lollipop is coming soon......
Itchiee said:
Sidesync is a great addition for Samsung devices. I also have the Tab s 10.5 and Note 4 and use both all the time. Its nice to use the tablet to send and receive text messages when away from the phone, like in the kitchen, cooking.... I can only recommend the stock roms, and the newest one from Sam Mobile (T800 - firmwares) which is from Hong Kong (Most are multilingual) and its been the best one so far. I can idle this tablet for days or perhaps weeks and not lose crazy battery. Of course you'll need root (please, with the Knox warranty hardware repair fable...) since Samsung likes to improve the user experience by having dozens and dozens of applications running leading to the lag some mention.
Mine usually has like 5-6 apps running making the tablet insane with no lag and a beautiful screen. I'm using this thing like mission control! Its a remote, I have a Plex server so I can view and stream movies to my various devices around the house (Chromecasts, WD Lives, Samsung TVs), playing music and games, surfing the web, and an excellent book reader (check out Moon Reader Pro)... Oh also my shopping lists (Out of Milk) synced across devices when out in the field. Its a great tablet if you know what your doing with it, and take the time to tweak it a little. And Lollipop is coming soon......
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Nice. I have a Plex server as well (I have 84TB in my server at my place), but will also copy movies to the external SD so I don't kill the battery.
How bad is the battery drain using SideSync? For the phone and the tablet?
Are you using the Note 4 as a wireless tether for LTE data when you are out? If yes, how bad is the battery drain? What software are you using for that tether?
Does Moon Reader Pro put books that are in a collection in 1 folder? Say I have a bunch of Tom Clancy books, can I put them in order in a folder? (this is one of the things Google Books doesnt allow you to do)
Thanks again.
Moon reader has a file manager so you can put them anywhere. I don't usually carry my tablet around outside, but I can tether from my Note 4 to the tablet if needed (Galaxy Tools v3.0.4). Sidesync creates a WiFi direct network between your phone and tablet so it can drain, but the phone takes a bigger hit then the tablet.
Also you'll never find a better case then the Samsung Tab S Book Cover (You can find a deal on them from time to time)... I've had many tablets with various cases and none were even close... Its nicely textured, closes completely, has 3 different angles, and access to all ports and buttons, without much additional weight.
Itchiee said:
Moon reader has a file manager so you can put them anywhere. I don't usually carry my tablet around outside, but I can tether from my Note 4 to the tablet if needed (Galaxy Tools v3.0.4). Sidesync creates a WiFi direct network between your phone and tablet so it can drain, but the phone takes a bigger hit then the tablet.
Also you'll never find a better case then the Samsung Tab S Book Cover (You can find a deal on them from time to time)... I've had many tablets with various cases and none were even close... Its nicely textured, closes completely, has 3 different angles, and access to all ports and buttons, without much additional weight.
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Can you link Galaxy Tools? I am finding too many other apps on Google with the same name
Its in our own forum!
Although it might be limited to Sprint devices, the creator proclaims "IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER CARRIER PLEASE MSG ME TO ADD SUPPORT!"
So there's that then....
Itchiee said:
Its in our own forum!
Although it might be limited to Sprint devices, the creator proclaims "IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER CARRIER PLEASE MSG ME TO ADD SUPPORT!"
So there's that then....
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Yes, this is for Sprint only. But thanks.
Wrong thread
EvanWasHere said:
I am coming from an iPad, which I use to watch movies on, use Alien Blue to read Reddit, play light games on, and read comics and books. I plan to retire this iPad, and use suitable Android apps to replicate my use.
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Give Reddit News a try. It is about the best Reddit app for tablets.
Earth&Moon Pro is a cool 3D live wallpaper. I usually get a "wow" when people see it.
nicholb said:
Give Reddit News a try. It is about the best Reddit app for tablets.
Earth&Moon Pro is a cool 3D live wallpaper. I usually get a "wow" when people see it.
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I have Reddit is fun, Reddit News, Reddit Now, Reddot Sync, Red Reader Beta, Bacon Reader, Flow, and Pro Reader for Reddit all on my phone. Still haven't picked a favorite yet... Need to get used to something different after spending thousands of (wasted) hours on Alien Blue on my iPad.
As for wallpapers, I have Tornado 3D on my Note 4.. I can't wait to see it on my tablet
But I will try Earth&Moon as well as Reddit News. Thanks!
LOVING the tablet. So much faster than my iPad 4.. Screen is crisp... music sounds louder (due to the 2 side speakers).. and soo much lighter.
As of right now, I am using stock ROM and Reddit News for Reddit. My girl is spending the weekend, so no time to nerd out and root and get my tablet totally customized.
One issue though, is the soft keys. When viewing Reddit or on websites, we always use it portrait style.. Every time my girl uses it, she hits the soft keys with her finger. Because of this she has decided she does not like the tablet (which is great as this means she wont keep grabbing it out of my but this is an issue.
I saw this for disabling the softkeys and using on screen keys But I am hoping someone has figured on how to disable the keys when it is portrait and re-enable when it is landscape, which makes a lot more sense.
Wrong thread
Rooted and installed IronRom last night.. then used Titanium to restore apps and data from my phone to my tablet. It is working GREAT.
One thing I should mention, is that I thought the wifi in my apartment sucked because of my iPad low wireless speed. In my bedroom, I would only get 1MB-2MB of speed., so I installed a repeater, and only got 10MB-20MB using that. Now with this tablet, I consistently get 20MB speed WITHOUT using the repeater. My 1750AC wireless router just arrived today, and I can't wait to see the speed I get with that.
One more question.. I've had two "crashes" so far. Once when closing tabs on Samsung Web Browser and once when closing a game. The screen just hung for 1-2 minutes (with the game, the game play sound kept going). I tried hitting the menu key, the power key, etc but nothing happened. Finally after the 1-2 min, the screen and menu's would pop up really fast as they finally caught up to my button mashing. I was playing the game during a break and when an associate came by, i hit the home button to get out of the game, and the fact that the sound kept playing, and I couldnt kill it, was not great.. and I couldnt lower the sound volume either. Is there a control-alt-del similar button sequence on this tablet so I can kill anything running?
EvanWasHere said:
Rooted and installed IronRom last night.. then used Titanium to restore apps and data from my phone to my tablet. It is working GREAT.
One thing I should mention, is that I thought the wifi in my apartment sucked because of my iPad low wireless speed. In my bedroom, I would only get 1MB-2MB of speed., so I installed a repeater, and only got 10MB-20MB using that. Now with this tablet, I consistently get 20MB speed WITHOUT using the repeater. My 1750AC wireless router just arrived today, and I can't wait to see the speed I get with that.
One more question.. I've had two "crashes" so far. Once when closing tabs on Samsung Web Browser and once when closing a game. The screen just hung for 1-2 minutes (with the game, the game play sound kept going). I tried hitting the menu key, the power key, etc but nothing happened. Finally after the 1-2 min, the screen and menu's would pop up really fast as they finally caught up to my button mashing. I was playing the game during a break and when an associate came by, i hit the home button to get out of the game, and the fact that the sound kept playing, and I couldnt kill it, was not great.. and I couldnt lower the sound volume either. Is there a control-alt-del similar button sequence on this tablet so I can kill anything running?
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Hold Power,home,volume up and down buttons at the same time for about 20 seconds. Then it should force a reboot and not run the game.
EvanWasHere said:
Rooted and installed IronRom last night.. then used Titanium to restore apps and data from my phone to my tablet. It is working GREAT.
One thing I should mention, is that I thought the wifi in my apartment sucked because of my iPad low wireless speed. In my bedroom, I would only get 1MB-2MB of speed., so I installed a repeater, and only got 10MB-20MB using that. Now with this tablet, I consistently get 20MB speed WITHOUT using the repeater. My 1750AC wireless router just arrived today, and I can't wait to see the speed I get with that.
One more question.. I've had two "crashes" so far. Once when closing tabs on Samsung Web Browser and once when closing a game. The screen just hung for 1-2 minutes (with the game, the game play sound kept going). I tried hitting the menu key, the power key, etc but nothing happened. Finally after the 1-2 min, the screen and menu's would pop up really fast as they finally caught up to my button mashing. I was playing the game during a break and when an associate came by, i hit the home button to get out of the game, and the fact that the sound kept playing, and I couldnt kill it, was not great.. and I couldnt lower the sound volume either. Is there a control-alt-del similar button sequence on this tablet so I can kill anything running?
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Did you do a clean flash or dirty flash?
Comic rack hands down best comic viewer and also get MxPlayerPro to replace the stock movie viewer. You can thank me later
uf21 said:
Did you do a clean flash or dirty flash?
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I did a clean flash.
The tablet is running amazing. Only having 3 issues.
1.) The keyboard that came with Iron Rom from the Note Pro, when typing in emails, would not show suggested words, and auto suggest itself the wrong words constantly. I fixed this by installing Google keyboard.
2.) I set the tablet to use my AC wifi in my house. Using app, I successfully tested my speed to hit 150Mb/150Mb (the max of my Verizon FIOS speed). But for some reason (and of course when I was showing it off to a friend), when I tested it, the max speed I could achieve was 20/20. I disabled the 2.4Ghz and made sure the 5.8Ghz was the only one on, changed the channel, etc.. nothing worked. Only when I rebooted the tablet, did I have no issue. This has so far not repeated, but I am not continuously testing my network speed either.
3.) I've had another freeze up. Doing the vol up/down menu and power button reset the tablet. This is the third time this happened.. At first it gets really slow.. my animated wallpaper slows to a crawl or completely stops, and then the buttons stop working. I've installed a CPU task monitor app so I can see what is eating the CPU at that moment as well as a catlog app so I can log it. I have a LOT of apps installed (that I Titaniumed over from my Note 4), so this could be the fault of one of the apps and not the ROM or hardware of the Tab S.
Even with the 3 issues above, I consider this tablet 5 stars and think it is MUCH better than the iPad it replaced. I will try and make a video later of what I can do with it, especially against the iPad. The ONLY concern I have is if Samsung announces their new tablet on March 1st, so I am keeping the receipt in case of that.
Ccieslin said:
Comic rack hands down best comic viewer and also get MxPlayerPro to replace the stock movie viewer. You can thank me later
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Yup. Using both.. But thanks!
Wrong thread

1 Month with the PD - thoughts

It has been a month since I got the PD.
Some brief thoughts based upon my experience with the phone.
I was an Apple user since they launched the iPhone in 2007. Nothing to do with the perpetual Apple vs. Android debate, just iOS suited my purposes, that's all.
I was using the HTC 10/BB DTEK50/Priv for a while, as a second phone.
I got fairly used to the operating system and to be honest, they are all very similar. But carrying 2, sometimes 3 phones was becoming a right pain, so looked for a good dual sim phone that would run two What's app accounts simultaneously.
Enter the PD. Easily love at first sight. I said this was my "jumping off point".
Wasn't very easy to get hold of, where I live, so had to wait almost a month and PAID-A-LOT-!! LOL
What a truly beautiful phone. I have used every Apple phone ever made, every BB phone made, 2 Vertu's (UGHH), and hand on my heart can say, I still cannot stop looking at it.
I had a major issue after setting it up, which is discussed in another thread.
I had no home screen icons or apps visible, only a blank screen that allowed calls and messages to come through in the status bar, could enter settings, but that was it.
The eventual solution, after almost suffering a heart attack, was to load both sims in, and then ejecting the sim tray. The apps just popped up instantly. Very strange, indeed.
After that, everything has been super easy.
-Stellar Battery (and I am a heavy user)
-2 whatsapp accounts running - awesome.
-What a lovely screen!
-No complaints with the camera. I like it. Even the slightly synthetic "Leica" look in the Wide Aperture Mode.
-The Fingerprint sensor is absolutely instant.
-EMUI is easy and nice to navigate
-The ability to edit the quick launch(?) icons in the pull down menu is excellent.
Now the bits that are bugging me.
1) No firmware updates. The last one was, I believe, in December, and I still am on B138. This is something that Huawei needs to look into post haste. I have written to them 5 times, till today. No response whatsoever.
2) Notifications - this is the elephant in the room. They are random at best.
All the Settings - Unlimited data Access, Battery Optimizations, Battery Ignore Whitelists, Priority Notifications, etc. are all on, as is oft discussed, and checked, but whatsapp and emails sometimes still do not give me a notification, until I open the app. This IS an issue for me. I am missing time constrained messages all the time. If anyone has a fix or solution for this, I will be very grateful.
3) Keyboard, Sometimes, the keyboard will freeze if the screen sleeps whilst the keyboard is open in an app, and I reopen it.
I have to collapse the keyboard and bring it up again. Not a huge deal, but an annoyance, none the less. Maybe a GBoard thing?
4) Screen Auto Brightness - Takes an age to organize itself. In the dark, it will blind you, before thinking to itself, that it is, indeed, night, and the screen should be a wee bit less bright. The exact opposite in the day - Very dim and then will eventually get off its backside and decide to brighten up the screen. Very annoying.
5) How do I change the name of my phone. It's not the Bluetooth and Wifi name. My car still picks it up as Huawei LON-L29, as do apps like Photosync and whilst connecting to my Mac.
6) Photos. Now this may not be a PD Specific issue, but when I transferred my 22,000 images across, they all came as a big jumbled mess. No date-wise organization. So looking for specific images, is well, impossible.
7) Music - No equalizer settings in the stock music app. For my specific purposes, unusable, because in my car's bluetooth radio, the bass is overwhelming.
So, apart from these minor points (and 1 big one), I love the phone. I wonder how they could possibly improve it...Firmware, Huawei! Firmware!
For photos delete the cache. That'll sort the jumbled up mess.
For Music Player Google removed the EQ option a few months ago, I hate Play Music now. I use Captune. It has its shortcomings but its the best EQ.
Keyboard - I use Swift with no problems.
My worst issues are the crappy screen protector (GG3) and the lack up updates. I'll be selling it shortly.
I'm enjoying my phone,the only gripe I have with it is the UPDATES.
As for keyboards Try downloading Blackberry Keyboard or Google Keyboard.
Thank you for your suggestions, guys.
I tried clearing the cache, but no joy there. I tried an app called Quickpic, that is apparently supposed to deal with this. Didn't help either.
I was wondering, even if I had to reimport all my image and video files, is there any way they could be sorted by date taken?
This is turning out to be as big of an issue as the notification one, as I depend on images and videos, to send and discuss with my clients. And needless to say, I can't find anything. So am relegated to carrying an iPhone 6s+ just for my media, so I can send the required files via email or WhatsApp. Really, Not an ideal situation.
I will try the BB Keyboard.
Regarding the packaged screen protector, agreed, it is appalling. Before I buy the 2.5/3D tempered glass screen protector, has anyone had any experience with it?
Bonerp, Captune works for me, Thank you.
Have any of you'll worked around the notification bug?
For example, WhatsApp notifications sometimes do not wake the screen, but when a second or third WhatsApp message comes through, it may wake...Or not.
Seriously, if this is such a widely publicized bug, why is Huawei not looking into this?
ap10046 said:
Thank you for your suggestions, guys.
I tried clearing the cache, but no joy there. I tried an app called Quickpic, that is apparently supposed to deal with this. Didn't help either.
I was wondering, even if I had to reimport all my image and video files, is there any way they could be sorted by date taken?
This is turning out to be as big of an issue as the notification one, as I depend on images and videos, to send and discuss with my clients. And needless to say, I can't find anything. So am relegated to carrying an iPhone 6s+ just for my media, so I can send the required files via email or WhatsApp. Really, Not an ideal situation.
I will try the BB Keyboard.
Regarding the packaged screen protector, agreed, it is appalling. Before I buy the 2.5/3D tempered glass screen protector, has anyone had any experience with it?
Bonerp, Captune works for me, Thank you.
Have any of you'll worked around the notification bug?
For example, WhatsApp notifications sometimes do not wake the screen, but when a second or third WhatsApp message comes through, it may wake...Or not.
Seriously, if this is such a widely publicized bug, why is Huawei not looking into this?
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I tried a curved tempered glass protector and it was awful so binned it. It had tape on the edges and just didn't look good and lost sensitivity.
Have you tried clearing cache at the boot screen or from settings/storage? Might help with the notification bug.
I've sent Huawei several things to fix and just had a 'thank you' response and nothing more. I'm not aware of a notification bug though. I definitely had one on the mate 9 until the first pre release fix was received, but not on this one.
Only other thing I can suggest re pics is delete data, or delete google account, delete cache then add your account again.
How do you guys work around the copy-paste thing?
I mean to having to bring out a paper and pen for copying an email address, phone number, passage from a message or an email is just unacceptable, when this is a widely utilized convenience on other platforms and, I believe, some Android UI's too?
I have tried a few apps that claim they can do this, but no joy.
Also, sharing contacts from the contacts app, only allows vcard, text message and attach to email, no What'sApp, Outlook or any app, for that matter. Can this option be changed somewhere?
quick question
I am looking to get the mate 9 pro; which is the same phone as the PD, just without the fancy branding..
Are any of you on Tmobile in the USA, and, do you get 4G/LTE?
The reseller I have been emailing with on Amazon says you do NOT get 4GLTE on Tmobile in the USA with this phone, but I have read that you do.
Thanks if you can help with this! :good::good:

5 Issues with Lineage OS on Samsung Galaxy S6

Hi All
First time really contributing to this but I feel like some super-duper hacker (not that I know anything!). I'm smart and can play around with things. I actually trained as a lawyer, went into recruitment but am now considering moving into computing! This is fun and you can be involved in projects. However my eye has developed a nasty twitch... Recruitment is dead now anyway. (Any tips on how I can begin getting into programming/app development/ XDA work etc whatever it is would be appreciated, (I literally have no idea where to go but I'd like to!)).
Anyway, back on topic:-
So...I've been up for the past 24 hours with a new laptop and at first rescuing my Samsung Galaxy S6 which got caught in a bootloop with no recovery, (had to hard reset, lost all data), upgraded Android to Nougat. It all started when I went to do a recovery boot to get Magisk to work but it all went haywire. :crying:
Happy to give you a system specs - models - builds etc, if there's a good way of doing that let me know and I'll post so you techies can take a look and see what might be the reasons behind the issues. I'm running a 'bug report' through Developer Options at the moment and can post this if useful? I have a Bug Report that I've generated if this is useful to anyone in getting to the bottom of these issues, let me know and I can send...
Ok, so with no further waffling, the issues I've seen so far in the short time I've had this lineage-14.1-20170307-UNOFFICIAL-Nexus7420-zerofltexx-2 (this is the Zip file that I found for the Samsung Galaxy S6 which I understand is only developmental at the moment, it doesn't have its own one yet?)... (in descending order of importance):-
1. Fastcharging - this is very important to me. This seems to have stopped working. How can we get this back? Potentially a dealbreaker with the ROM if this can't be sorted quickly.
2. EE I should be receiving 4G++ super duper speeds on EE. This is really impressive and is very important again. However, since flashing the ROM etc, it's only connecting to T-Mobile (a connected network to EE but doesn't benefit from their 4G++ network, EE bought T-Mobile in the UK ages ago). I've contacted EE about this as I thought it may just be a settings issue. They sent me settings though it's still not working. Potentially a dealbreaker with the ROM if this can't be sorted quickly.
3. Whatsapp VoiceNotes - I use WhatsApp voicenotes all the time; it's a crucial part of my day. Since upgrading there are two issues I can see with this:- a) there is an interference noise that ruins the clarity of each recording sent, it's there the whole time; and b) the recording itself sounds like it's slowed down and doesn't sound normal or right. At the moment this is unusabule and it's massively important, I'd imagine to most people too. Potentially a dealbreaker with the ROM if this can't be sorted quickly.
4. Magisk - The reason for embarking on the entire debacle of the past 24 hours has been to be able to hide my root. That's why I wanted Magisk in the first place so I could use the apps like banking apps and SnapChat and Virgin TV that in draconian fashion refuse to let one use them when it sees it's a rooted device. Magisk to the rescue (in theory). So when I load up Magisk Manager now under SafetyNet Check Success, the basicIntegrity option is sometimes fine though now it's showing 'X'; and 'ctsProfile:false' is permanently showing. I've hidden Google Play Services and Google Play as I read this can cause issues. It does show #superuser in the dropdown and I'm not sure if this is a legacy from SuperSu I had before (don't think so as I did a complete reboot) or if this is part of the app?
5. Torch - torch option on settings panel doesn't seem to yield any torchlight at all. I wonder if other apps work or if there's anything the techies can do here?
Thanks so much for reading and I look forward to helping or assisting in solving in whatever way I can.
bestfootie said:
Hi All
1. Fastcharging - this is very important to me. This seems to have stopped working. How can we get this back? Potentially a dealbreaker with the ROM if this can't be sorted quickly.
2. EE I should be receiving 4G++ super duper speeds on EE. This is really impressive and is very important again. However, since flashing the ROM etc, it's only connecting to T-Mobile (a connected network to EE but doesn't benefit from their 4G++ network, EE bought T-Mobile in the UK ages ago). I've contacted EE about this as I thought it may just be a settings issue. They sent me settings though it's still not working. Potentially a dealbreaker with the ROM if this can't be sorted quickly.
3. Whatsapp VoiceNotes - I use WhatsApp voicenotes all the time; it's a crucial part of my day. Since upgrading there are two issues I can see with this:- a) there is an interference noise that ruins the clarity of each recording sent, it's there the whole time; and b) the recording itself sounds like it's slowed down and doesn't sound normal or right. At the moment this is unusabule and it's massively important, I'd imagine to most people too. Potentially a dealbreaker with the ROM if this can't be sorted quickly.
4. Magisk - The reason for embarking on the entire debacle of the past 24 hours has been to be able to hide my root. That's why I wanted Magisk in the first place so I could use the apps like banking apps and SnapChat and Virgin TV that in draconian fashion refuse to let one use them when it sees it's a rooted device. Magisk to the rescue (in theory). So when I load up Magisk Manager now under SafetyNet Check Success, the basicIntegrity option is sometimes fine though now it's showing 'X'; and 'ctsProfile:false' is permanently showing. I've hidden Google Play Services and Google Play as I read this can cause issues. It does show #superuser in the dropdown and I'm not sure if this is a legacy from SuperSu I had before (don't think so as I did a complete reboot) or if this is part of the app?
5. Torch - torch option on settings panel doesn't seem to yield any torchlight at all. I wonder if other apps work or if there's anything the techies can do here?
Thanks so much for reading and I look forward to helping or assisting in solving in whatever way I can.
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So in addition to these I've also discovered a further three issues:-
6. WhatsApp camera not working - you can take a photo within WhatsApp but it doesn't progress to the launch screen to the next screen to send the photo. Strangely, video clips do seem to work...
7. Bluetooth headset doesn't seem to be working anymore
8. Sky Sports App once you get past permissions and everything to watch the show it freezes on the loading step. I imagine this is something to do with the modified ROM/Kernel?
bestfootie said:
So in addition to these I've also discovered a further three issues:-
6. WhatsApp camera not working - you can take a photo within WhatsApp but it doesn't progress to the launch screen to the next screen to send the photo. Strangely, video clips do seem to work...
7. Bluetooth headset doesn't seem to be working anymore
8. Sky Sports App once you get past permissions and everything to watch the show it freezes on the loading step. I imagine this is something to do with the modified ROM/Kernel?
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9. I'll also add in here that call volume and volume in general seem really low.
As a result of these nine bugs I'm going to have to revert back to an older version, quite possibly Stock Android, unfortunately... :crying:

