Is there a single NFC tag which changes the content by physical key press? - NFC Hacking

I am not sure whether to post this here, but I take a leap and try it as you might have seen more tags than I did. Please bear with me....
A year ago I came by a local store and I saw NFC tags (mostly the sticker type) on display. I knew my next phone would have NFC so I tried to remember. But one NFC gadget - I got only a glimpse - impressed me:
An NFC pen! Wow, I said to myself, that I want to have. In my mind I saw huge possibilities that the pen would offer: every press on the pen, that inside tube, usually with advertisments, would turn one step. Not to reveal the next ad but to activate the next NFC tag, from my experience (with pens!) I guessed it must be at least 4, maybe 6 tags to cycle through.
Imagine... sitting in a lesson or lecture or meeting or whatever, holding your pen, pressing it a few times, holding it ontop of your Phone - especially while face-down - and silently and unnoticable trigger up to 6 different events... all in one pen, all in one hand.
Guess what, I came by today, very eager to buy and saw that NFC pen. It was a pen. WITH an NFC tag. A single one. What's that good for? If my tooth brush had an nfc tag, it would be of more use (keeping track) - at least to me.
So why the heck bother you with my unmature tech ideas? Did anyone stumble upon any device with a tag/gadget that would support switching tags by keypress? i couldn't find any hint.
Would it be possible with a designated hardware button? My guess is yes, but maybe not in a pen but in those "dogtags"/keyring ones.
If I look at those transparent sticker tags, solve it by using the same antenna and dis/connect the actual logic part. Maybe a little more resistence and noise on the wire switching part would be tolerable.
Or the chip itself could be given a multi personality either the NFC way (speak: is there any technique defined in the nfc specs) or by a contact which is measuring increasing electrical resistance.
Those all are WILD GUESSES. (i got shaky hands, soldering so small structures is not so... pleasant to me, so I won't give it a try)
My idea cannot be so unique, so it must be either technological impossible or economically improbable (say: to expensive to build and sell, not enough sales expected.)
Again, why bothering you? Because here might be so much Expertisé and experience that might yield a hint or two. And, maybe my expectation of a NFC toothbrush... Ahm pen might have amused you.
Nice to hear from you!
(PS: expensive Oral-B electrical tooth brushes do come with .... what? BLUETOOTH!)

Have a look at 'Air Button' and 'Dimple'.
Sorry, I can't post external links as a new user.

leroy30 said:
Have a look at 'Air Button' and 'Dimple'.
Sorry, I can't post external links as a new user.
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Thank you very much! I couldn't imagine so i didn't research properly enough. Dimple is my choice!


[Q] Magnetic Floatation Holder.

Hi there, I am currently making a magnetic floatation holder compatible with any android phone. I recently came across these threads and was wondering if anybody knew how I could shield the internal apparatus from magnetic interference? The phones are currently floating in mid air within the holder box but they refuse to function correctly due to the immensely powerful magnetic field surrounding it. Any advise at all would be greatly appreciated?
Have you tried a rubber lining? That may help...
Tried many linings
Hi, thanks for the speedy response. I have tried everything from Aerospace Aluminium, plastic, rubber and Titanium. The only material that currently works is lead and that has to be 3mm thick which makes it way too heavy. If there is maybe anyone you know that could literally coat each mechanism and distribution board within the device with lead that would be great but also impractical for multiple cellphone compatibility. I am sooo close but yet soo far. I have managed to adjust the magnetic frequency to allow minimal interference but it still leads variable damage in multiple areas. I have recently applied for a patent but I pray I can find an unknown material. I am just missing something but cannot put my finger on it. Anyways thanks for your kind response but I am 2 minutes away from burning everything......Sooo frustrating. If you come up with any ideas pweeez let me know, my brain is fried.
Thanks Guys and Dols
Thanks for your help KT, I managed to get in touch with one of the guys responsible for Maglev train magnetic composite technologies and he agreed to help me for a small percentage of total profits. It will be ready about March next year for initial testing, maybe you guys at XDA can use a few 1hundred units for testing? It seems to me this is the best arena to get a feel for the product? Thanks anyway, I will be looking into it.
I'm extremely confused to why u would need this... Even more confused about how u would market them...
Great Toy, Looks Alien.
Don't you just hate scratched cellphone/tablet screens. Well now(4months time in S.A) you can simply throw your phone into the invisible magnetic field and when there is no contact with the ground your face cannot be scratched. When you get into your car, simply plug it into your sig lighter and your phone etc can be held in mid air. No more key scratches, no more make-up marks on your device. And it looks really space age, your glowing Android etc phone hovering in mid air. And it will also charge automatically while in the magnetic spectrum. Use it as a night clock/light and place it on(or rather over) your night stand table.
Well at least I hope people would use this because I have spent an infinite amount of time and energy, not to mention hard capital, on this adventure of mine. The ride has been great and tough at times but hopefully the law of thermodynamics will ensure at least a 60% return on energy invested. The guys at Maglev where ecstatic so I am sure they would not help me out as they have unless they knew it was a sure bet. Anyways, thanks for the constructive criticism.
chop007 said:
Don't you just hate scratched cellphone/tablet screens. Well now(4months time in S.A) you can simply throw your phone into the invisible magnetic field and when there is no contact with the ground your face cannot be scratched. When you get into your car, simply plug it into your sig lighter and your phone etc can be held in mid air. No more key scratches, no more make-up marks on your device. And it looks really space age, your glowing Android etc phone hovering in mid air. And it will also charge automatically while in the magnetic spectrum. Use it as a night clock/light and place it on(or rather over) your night stand table.
Well at least I hope people would use this because I have spent an infinite amount of time and energy, not to mention hard capital, on this adventure of mine. The ride has been great and tough at times but hopefully the law of thermodynamics will ensure at least a 60% return on energy invested. The guys at Maglev where ecstatic so I am sure they would not help me out as they have unless they knew it was a sure bet. Anyways, thanks for the constructive criticism.
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My 2c (worth even less )
It sounds very cool, and very techy and geeky, however I don't know if I see the mass market potential for this type of device?
Also I have a couple of questions:
Does the phone hold its position once placed in the magnetic field? Or is it able to rotate freely?
What about the potential effects on wristwatches and other non sheilded devices? I don't want to put my phone in a mag field and have my watch go blank.
That being said I wish you luck - hopefully I'm wrong and you can retire on this idea
Spot On
You are absolutely correct, containment, extrapolation, dispersion on a lateral effect and cross intensification are issues that are currently being worked on. As of yet nobody in S.A has the mechanical techniques nor tools that I require to enclose the radial disturbance, only one company in Germany can manage the calibration needed. And this has only recently been developed through discoveries made on the Large Hadron Collider. Fortunately, the guys at Maglev's, ITSC, have a ready made and diverse magnetic operating coil for my device. With ought going into all the technical babble, I have got a free travel package to Germany next month and they say my mind will be blown away when I see the solution they came up with. And, retirement, no way, my brain could not handle being idle for 5 seconds. These guys are brilliant, I gave them blueprints a week ago and they already have a model I need to sign off on. So I am sure all your devices will not be affected in any way. Gonna hit the waves now, have not surfed in 3weeks. I hope I can count on xda to distribute a few working units when I get back? When you guys O.K a device, it's future is certain.....
I'm a novice so this might be stupid. Your focus seems to be on insulation. Have you tried going the opposite way? Maybe construct some sort of golden faraday cage?
Also, If I got one of those testing units, that would be tits.
im not certian a faraday cage would work. but it would definately be worth trying, not gold though (gold wont conduct magentic flux very well), ferrite, iron, anything that conducts magnetism very well with very little remaining magnetic field when the source is removed (there is a property specified for that, but i cant remember the name). had part would be covering the screen and not being an eyesore. im not gonna watch the thread so OP can pm me for a bit more info if they wish.
any snap shots i know it might be a no but i really want to see this very intrested
Hey sorry, been out of town for a few days. No problem, as soon as I got the reworked casings in place I can send you a pic. Just a tad dicey at the moment due to copy right etc. Oh and brilliant, the Faraday cage worked perfectly in my initial testing +-1year ago but it blocked the entire device off and stopped easy insertion of the phone. All the kinks are pretty much sorted, you can throw the phone from 3metres away and the field will capture it. Received a vid from MGLEV tests, it was lank hilarious, I am so stoked my baby is almost sorted. thanks guys for input, how can I get in touch with xda management, want to organize initial releases for +- 1000 members? Just require delivery reception details and a few agreements, no cost to you at xda at all? Thank you, God Bless.
I think this guy is screwing with us. He sound like a back to the future movie.
And you waited all this time to tell us? (read the last date it was posted).
I see what you mean though, kinda too good to be true or, at least, too expensive to buy commercially
This is not too good to be true. The magnetic levitation technique has been demonstrated even with living beings in lab. There are adornments in market that float in free air with magnetic levitation.
However, I guess it's far fetched to use it for cellphones since the inteference and damage to components will be too high. However, I doubt the authenticity of this post as MagLev trains have little in their design that'd help shielding a mobile phone.
If scratched surfaces annoy you, use a woolen holder.
hmmm any updates?
I'd love to do testing; got like 4 different phones to test with

Tetrax Magnet Mount for Galaxy Nexus

Has anybody tried the tetrax mounts yet with their galaxy nexus? Before I purchase one I'm curious of two things.
1. How well does the the magnet stick to the battery door since the battery cover is textured? I have an extra cover that I'll use simply for this.
2. Does the magnet interfere with the NFC and/or screen at all?
In case your not sure what I'm referring to:
I have used this on other phones, including my G2, MyTouch 3G and G1 and it worked very well on all those phones. However, due to the textured back on the Galaxy Nexus, the metal button that stick to the battery door does not stay on. I have tried replacing the double sided tape with stronger automotive 3M tape, but that doesn't work either. It'll stay on for a little while and come back off. The only solution would be to find a battery door that is smooth.
I can't answer if it interferes with NFC or the screen, but it shouldn’t. If anything, it might interfere with the magnet on the compass, but that has not been the case with my other phones.
MetalMessiah78 said:
I have used this on other phones, including my G2, MyTouch 3G and G1 and it worked very well on all those phones. However, due to the textured back on the Galaxy Nexus, the metal button that stick to the battery door does not stay on. I have tried replacing the double sided tape with stronger automotive 3M tape, but that doesn't work either. It'll stay on for a little while and come back off. The only solution would be to find a battery door that is smooth.
I can't answer if it interferes with NFC or the screen, but it shouldn’t. If anything, it might interfere with the magnet on the compass, but that has not been the case with my other phones.
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So you've actually tried it on the GNex and it don't stick very well? Did you by chance try holding it on there for several hours with a strong clamp or anything? I really want one of these but worried it's a waste of money with this phone
I have actually tried it, but not with a clamp. Just following the regular directions. On my other phones, it created a very strong bond and it takes a lot of effort to remove. With the Nexus, it stays on the first couple of times you mount it, but that's about it. It's not an issue with the weight, as the G2 feels twice as heavy as the Nexus, especially with an extra capacity battery. It's the texture on the battery door. It almost feels like it has a Teflon coating.
MetalMessiah78 said:
I have actually tried it, but not with a clamp. Just following the regular directions. On my other phones, it created a very strong bond and it takes a lot of effort to remove. With the Nexus, it stays on the first couple of times you mount it, but that's about it. It's not an issue with the weight, as the G2 feels twice as heavy as the Nexus, especially with an extra capacity battery. It's the texture on the battery door. It almost feels like it has a Teflon coating.
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Would you mind holding up one of the magnets to the battery door and test out the NFC to see if it interferes with it (if you have the ability to). This is my main question as I could always put the magnet on a case I guess.
I don't have another NFC device to try it right now, but my brother has the Nexus S and I can try it when I see him later tonight. The magnet doesn't go on the battery door though. What you stick on the battery door is just a piece of metal. The actual magnet is on the device that you mount to your dash or vent, so unless you plan on using NFC while it's on your dash, it should not interfere.
Plus, NFC uses low power radio frequency to transfer information (similar to Bluetooth). It does not use magnets. The only thing in the phone that could be affected would be the compass, as it finds your relation to magnetic North. Even then, I'm sure the compass works through software and is not an actual magnet, as it has never affected GPS. As a matter of fact, I have 2 Tetrax products, the one that mounts to the dash, which I have in my car, and the one that you attach to the vent for when I use a rental on trips for the sole purpose of Navigation. As you can imagine, I was very disappointed when I could not get the metal button to stick. I might have to try it with a case also.
MetalMessiah78 said:
I don't have another NFC device to try it right now, but my brother has the Nexus S and I can try it when I see him later tonight. The magnet doesn't go on the battery door though. What you stick on the battery door is just a piece of metal. The actual magnet is on the device that you mount to your dash or vent, so unless you plan on using NFC while it's on your dash, it should not interfere.
Plus, NFC uses low power radio frequency to transfer information (similar to Bluetooth). It does not use magnets. The only thing in the phone that could be affected would be the compass, as it finds your relation to magnetic North. Even then, I'm sure the compass works through software and is not an actual magnet, as it has never affected GPS. As a matter of fact, I have 2 Tetrax products, the one that mounts to the dash, which I have in my car, and the one that you attach to the vent for when I use a rental on trips for the sole purpose of Navigation. As you can imagine, I was very disappointed when I could not get the metal button to stick. I might have to try it with a case also.
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Awesome so yea I don't think it'll interfere because I was thinking the part you stick to the back of the phone is magnetic, but if your saying it's not all should be well. Either way I went ahead and ordered it yesterday anyway so I'll figure out a way to get it to stick to either the door or a case. Thanks for your insight!
Nope, it's just a metal button. It actually comes with 4 or 5 different ones of all sizes and styles.
I have this installed on my nexus, I put the mount on my dash and the NFC sticker on my knob for the ac that get covered up. Everytime I put my phone on the mount, the nfc changes it to car mode, volume up, full brightness and launches sirius xm very well, sometimes I have to move it a bit to get to read the nfc, but thats only cause i have the nfc a little too far at the bottom of the phone and it mounts at a slight angle, not due to any interference at all. I have NFC chips all around and never have problems reading them at all, probably a good idea not to mount the metal chip right in the middle of the battery area, just in case. I also used a clamp to hold it on for about 3 or 4 hours and has had little trouble sticking to the texture.
I have had a few incidents if I pull off the phone, rather than slide it off the backing will actually unclip a single clip.
@ejkeebler what do you mean by NFC stickers all around? Did you make stickers to automatically change your settings on your phone? That's brilliant! How did you do it?
I might also have to try a clamp. I don't really want to put a case on my phone.
MetalMessiah78 said:
@ejkeebler what do you mean by NFC stickers all around? Did you make stickers to automatically change your settings on your phone? That's brilliant! How did you do it?
I might also have to try a clamp. I don't really want to put a case on my phone.
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I also have NFC stickers everywhere. have them when I walk in the front door of my house, one in my office at work, one in each vehicle, one in my wallet LOL. They are awesome. Set them to change settings or do tasker tasks and you can rewrite over them if you ever want to change anything. One of the best phone features I've ever used. That's why i was concerned about the magnets interfering with the NFC!
dcoy82 said:
I also have NFC stickers everywhere. have them when I walk in the front door of my house, one in my office at work, one in each vehicle, one in my wallet LOL. They are awesome. Set them to change settings or do tasker tasks and you can rewrite over them if you ever want to change anything. One of the best phone features I've ever used. That's why i was concerned about the magnets interfering with the NFC!
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Where can I get / how do I 'program' these NFC Stickers?? This sounds awesome.
raing said:
Where can I get / how do I 'program' these NFC Stickers?? This sounds awesome.
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A quick search came up with this:
Seems like this could open up a whole line of fun options. Would love to hear how others have done it, though.
raing said:
Where can I get / how do I 'program' these NFC Stickers?? This sounds awesome.
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Click to collapse to purchase the tags. Tell him DCoy82 sent you! The 30mm ultralight c circle NDEF formatted seem to be the only ones I've bought that work with the nexus so far.
Once you get them you can download program called NFC Task Launcher off the market to program them.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
dcoy82 said: to purchase the tags. Tell him DCoy82 sent you! The 30mm ultralight c circle NDEF formatted seem to be the only ones I've bought that work with the nexus so far.
Once you get them you can download program called NFC Task Launcher off the market to program them.
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
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That is so awesome. This is my first phone with NFC so I'm barely starting to learn all the cool things that you can do with it. I tried Android Beam for the first time with my brother on Tuesday and it works great, though I wish you could beam other things such as pictures. By the way, the metal button does not interfere with NFC. I will let them know that you recommended me. Thank you!
If your interested in NFC, here's a few spots that got me started
and the tags I bought were from here:
I got them cause i liked the having the android on them, i think they are a tiny bit less expensive elsewhere, and these are a little thicker than I'd like (like a puffy sticker, about the same thickness of a penny) but you can get many in other places.
by itself i'm not sure nfc task launcher does it for me, but in combination with tasker, it's ridiculous how much can be done....would still love to see what others have come up with.
I love those stickers with the Android! Thanks for the links. I will need to read up on it more. I am definitely interested. This is a lot more exciting stuff then what Google showed off at the I/O last year!
Thats a good idea. Being in IT, we have dead Hard Drives laying around that have awesome magnets in them. They're real slim. I bet I could superglue one to my nexus's battery cover for under the TPU case that would hold. They're thin so it might not screw with the case (but it might).
ejkeebler said:
I got them cause i liked the having the android on them, i think they are a tiny bit less expensive elsewhere, and these are a little thicker than I'd like (like a puffy sticker, about the same thickness of a penny) but you can get many in other places.
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Yeah, it looks like it's $8 for 2. I just picked up 5 over at for the same price and found 10 for $13 over at
Hopefully you guys are all having good experience with the guy at tag stand. His customer service was great for me and I'll definatley be going back there in the future.
Oh and by the way, I got my new tetrax magnet set in today and not having any issues with the magnet at allowing necessary nor with the metal part sticking to the stock battery door. Only real issue so far is you have to slide it off just right or the battery door just pops off the nexus lol. Highly recommend though!
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk

(Question) NFC Transmission Distance

Really sorry if this post offends anyone. I have checked this section of the forum plus google search to answer my query without any luck.
My question is: Is there any way to extend the NFC Transmission Range? I have recently bought a battery case for my HTC One X and it adds half a centimeter to the phone which NFC can't transmit through (I understand this could be interference with battery if the battery if located behind NFC Sensor. I only need an extra centimeter (maybe even half a centimeter. I've looked in app market and can't find any NFC signal/transmission/booster app. Don't even know if possible. But just thought I would ask my good friends at XDA. If not no big loss.
As far as I'm aware, there would be no way to extend the range other than adding your own antenna extension. This would obviously require taking apart your One X.
OK, thank you very much for your answer.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Why would this offend someone? j/c
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
The battery case (which has metal in it) is likely acting as a shield.
NFC transmission distance is highly variable. When reading smartcards it's only a centimeter or so. When in card emulation mode it depends on the reader - most payment terminals only have 1-2cm range. However, a larger reader (such as the ones at the gates where I work) have 1-2 foot range.
I thought that it could be because of the battery but wasn't completely sure. Great piece of information though. Thanks
@Irish.iolar I'm pretty clued up with many things technology wise, but there are still millions if not billions of things I'm either totally clueless about or unsure off. And everything I have learned has been through reading, searching (self-taught) or thanks to the great people on this forum. I have tried searching the usual places for this bit of information and was surprised to find so little on it to be honest. The reason I usual start when asking such a question like the one in this topic is because I have seen countless people being flamed etc for similar questions. And I'm not talking about "billy" I no nothing about tech but got my new device and I'm gonna just ask something we deem silly. I'm talking about other guy/gals with some experience getting slammed. "But if you don't ask?"
I would have thought the top of the phone would have been a better place for the NFC chip but maybe space re-straights. Will just have to take phone out of case when I need to NFC something.
Thanks for all your help and useful comments.
Your friendly XDA member.
On the HTC One X, where are the antennas? Are they built into the battery, the phone, or the back phone cover? On my Nexus S, they're in the phone's back cover. If you buy an extended battery for the Nexus S, you have to make sure the battery cover has NFC antennas, or your range is really, really bad.
You can use nfc on the screen side of the phone

Hate the Bamboo Stylus FEEL; is there an S-Pen alternative that writes accurately?

At first, I liked the Bamboo Stylus FEEL and simply adjusted LectureNotes for the offset (approximately 6-7 pixels for me). However, the pen kept creating "tails" or "trails" or "squiggles" nearly every time the pen was lifted from the screen (which you kinda have to do when you are writing letters in print). This drove me crazy but I suppose I adjusted by developing a quick eraser-finger or hitting the "undo" button with reckless abandon.
I had grown so used to the Bamboo Stylus FEEL's quirks that I had forgotten how amazing the included S-pen is (but I quickly remembered when I forgot my Bamboo at home the other day). It felt strange NOT to hit the "undo" button every few seconds. However, the Bamboo spoiled me because it was much more comfortable to hold; the s-pen felt tiny in my hand.
As far as I can tell, the two main contenders for full-sized pens for the 10.1 (besides the Bamboo Stylus FEEL) are the official Samsung S-pen (listed here:
and the Samsung Series 7 Slate Pen (listed here:
Can anyone comment on their experience with these pens? My main priority is accuracy; as long as it's even somewhat bigger than the included s-pen, I'm sure I'll be happy.
Or feel free to suggest a different pen, if there's a better one out there.
@drdoombot: To get rid of the strange `tails´, enable the pressure filter in the LectureNotes' input settings with a threshold of 5% or so (whether you enable `enforce lifting´ is a matter of taste, most user disable that).
acadoid said:
@drdoombot: To get rid of the strange `tails´, enable the pressure filter in the LectureNotes' input settings with a threshold of 5% or so (whether you enable `enforce lifting´ is a matter of taste, most user disable that).
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I did this and it fixed those tails right up.
Now the only problem is that I hit the button on the stylus ALL THE TIME. I wish the button was a bit higher up to be honest.
acadoid said:
@drdoombot: To get rid of the strange `tails´, enable the pressure filter in the LectureNotes' input settings with a threshold of 5% or so (whether you enable `enforce lifting´ is a matter of taste, most user disable that).
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Thanks for the tip, but I tried going from 5% to 30% stepwise (it took a few hours) and even though it got better, it still happened regularly enough to be frustrating. Using the original S-pen, it's much rarer.
@apallohadas: I agree, the S-pen button is indeed somewhat misplaced. Personally, I decided not to use the button at all and I wrapped a piece of tape around it to avoid to unintentionally press it.
@drdoombot: Actually, 5% should be sufficient. Maybe your S-pen is somewhat too sensitive, have a look at (which is a rather extreme example, I admit).
I have the official Samsung S-pen and love it. I can't compare to the Bamboo Stylus FEEL since I don't have one. It is as accurate as the included S-pen but full size. It has not left me wanting for another stylus.
I ordered the SPen holder kit yesterday, hopefully it's as good as I expect it to be! The choice was between the samsung "Pen with eraser for Note 10.1" and the one I ordered, but this one seemed alot more solid so I thought I'll give it a try. It only has a button though, but I couldn't find a official Note pen with two and the pen for other tablets seems to all have some precision issues.
Sent from my GT-N8010 using xda app-developers app
I received a S pen with eraser this morning and its awesome! In my eyes its just the right length, as its long enough to be used like a normal pen but isn't that obtrusive. The eraser at the end also works really well totally worth the tenner I paid for it, the Note 10.1 is now like a normal notebook!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
drdoombot said:
As far as I can tell, the two main contenders for full-sized pens for the 10.1 (besides the Bamboo Stylus FEEL) are the official Samsung S-pen (listed here:
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I have both the Samsung S-Pen and the Bamboo Stylus FEEL and here, I cannot confirm the problems with the FEEL.
The S-Pen from Samsung is ok, the rubber function is good. But with that, I have the problem of hitting the button. And it is very lightweight.
I bought the FEEL and keep the Samsung S-Pen at work in case I forget the FEEL at home.
The button of the FEEL is aligned with the surface and (at least for me) difficult to push accidently.
Neither with Lecture Notes nor with MyScript Notes Mobile I observe writing after releasing the pen from the surface.
Wacom suggested this
Hi all,
I have the Stylus Feel, and I've been mainly using it with S-Note (though I am trying LectureNotes based on the good feedback from these forum.
Like a lot of you, I'm getting the "squigglies" and hate it. I contacted Wacom, and here's what they said:
Bamboo feel pen only works on Galaxy Note 10.1 if the factory Samsung pen is removed from its holder.
On the Galaxy Note 10.1, select Settings, and then click on S Pen. Once here, you can toggle the option for “Battery Saving”. When this is turned on, the digitizer is not active unless the pen is out of the dock, so if the Samsung pen is in its holder, no active pen will work on the display. Slide the pen out of its holder, and Bamboo Feel and the Samsung pen are active.
Solution: If Battery Saving is un-checked in the S Pen settings, then it doesn’t matter if the Samsung pen is docked in the device, the Bamboo feel pen will work fine at all times.​
I hope this helps. Let us know if we can be of further assistance.
So then I thought: this stylus technology uses magnetized stylus and sensors - maybe the S-Pen staying in the tablet is causing the issue. I checked the power check box (above), mainly to remind me to take out the internal S-Pen, and it seems like the squigglies are mostly gone. I'd be curious what others think.
socaldrummer said:
So then I thought: this stylus technology uses magnetized stylus and sensors - maybe the S-Pen staying in the tablet is causing the issue. I checked the power check box (above), mainly to remind me to take out the internal S-Pen, and it seems like the squigglies are mostly gone. I'd be curious what others think.
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Actually no, it doesn't have any magnets in it even if that's a common misunderstanding. Not really sensors either, even if I guess that depends of what you define as a sensor.
But who cares really, if it solves the problem The pressure filter in LectureNotes has helped me alot removing those "squiggles" with the stock pen, maybe you should check it out!
Sent from my GT-N8010 using xda app-developers app
Technology of Wacom Stylii
Axel_ said:
Actually no, it doesn't have any magnets in it even if that's a common misunderstanding. Not really sensors either, even if I guess that depends of what you define as a sensor.
But who cares really, if it solves the problem The pressure filter in LectureNotes has helped me alot removing those "squiggles" with the stock pen, maybe you should check it out!
Sent from my GT-N8010 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks for the response Axel - I got to thinking - how does it work then. It's clearly not pressure only, otherwise we wouldn't have the hover features.
Looked at a "WACOM Technology" link on Wikipedia, and there's a wealth of info (can't post link). Seems there's a triggering device in the pen, as well as an ID chip. The tablet has the electronics that make an electromagnetic connection to the pen, and there are pressure sensors in the tablet face. Amazing that they make this totally transparent to the tablet design.
So theoretically, if the tablet is triggering the pen, and there's more than one pen, it could cause an issue, hence Wacom's suggestion.
On your suggestion and from reading other posts, looks like LectureNotes may be better all around. I've started using it, so we'll see.
socaldrummer said:
Thanks for the response Axel - I got to thinking - how does it work then. It's clearly not pressure only, otherwise we wouldn't have the hover features.
Looked at a "WACOM Technology" link on Wikipedia, and there's a wealth of info (can't post link). Seems there's a triggering device in the pen, as well as an ID chip. The tablet has the electronics that make an electromagnetic connection to the pen, and there are pressure sensors in the tablet face. Amazing that they make this totally transparent to the tablet design.
So theoretically, if the tablet is triggering the pen, and there's more than one pen, it could cause an issue, hence Wacom's suggestion.
On your suggestion and from reading other posts, looks like LectureNotes may be better all around. I've started using it, so we'll see.
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Actually, you're not all wrong with your magnet theory and that is indeed how many similar products are working. But the note (and all other Wacom's products) use a kind of electromagnetic waves that are transmitted from the tablet. The wave is then picked up by the pen, first to generate a small amount of electricity in the pen (kind of like an induction stove) that runs a small chip inside the pen that finally will transmit a modified version of the wave back to the tablet. There's a pressure sensor in the pen that gives the chip information about how hard you press and the button is somehow connected to the chip as well. Due to some algorithms the tablet can compare the received wave with the transmitted wave and get a really accurate position of the pen and its conditions (button pressed or not and pressure level).
A simple but quite accurate description is a "piano fork" (you know, the tuning device for a piano). The tablet is the string and the pen is the fork, when getting close to the tablet the pen starts to oscillate. The tablet then picks up these oscillations and depending on the frequency of the wave and phase shift (how much after in time the oscillations are) it can determine the position.
Hope that made somewhat sense
For note taking LectureNotes is outstanding, if there's something you don't like about it there's a great chance there's a setting that fixes it!
Sent from my GT-N8010 using xda app-developers app
I second the vote for the S-Pen with eraser. Have been using it for two days now and wouldn't go without anymore. Good size, could do with a bit more heft (that's probably where the FEEL has the advantage), but the button is well-placed and the eraser end is just so convenient to have.
Can't comment on the FEEL as I don't have one and being happy with the S-Pen with eraser I don't think I'll order one anytime soon.
EDIT: forgot to add that it's (unsurprisingly) just as accurate as the original included S-Pen.
Sent from my GT-N8010 using Tapatalk HD
I have a Samsung 7 Series slate and when I try it's pen on my Note 10.1, the offset is horrible. It has an eraser and it's longer and thicker than stock pen, but the offset is every disturbing. Both the stock Note 10.1 and Slate pen feel nice on the Slate.
The wacom feel just, well... FEEL right. It is as accurate as the stock pen; I have the carbon one so it is heavy and writing notes with it is fantastic, I get no squigles, and the button is flush to the pen, so it is actually very hard to press (even when you want to press it).
You can try one of the Axiotron pens, but these are near impossible to get these days. These pens are very nice. The pen for any Wacom-IT enabled slate or convertible PC should work as well. I don't have any experience with any other pen other than the Axiotron and S7S pen, and I can tell you that at least on my case the S7S pen had some serious offset on my Note 10.1.
I am using the Bamboo Stylus Feel for drawing on the LayerPaint app. I forgot you can handwrite notes
The pressure sensitivity is waaaay better then the first Galaxy note Pen. AND it just survived a trip in the washing machine since I forgot it was in my shirt pocket when doing laundry. Two days later and it is working great again.
I felt the button was way to stiff. But it is broken in a bit now and seems pretty good. I keep it under my thumb or pointer and it seems like a fine spot.
I do have a lot of trouble with registration on the GN1 if I rotate it with the screen orientation locked. I have to hold the pen vertical. But if you are taking notes, I guess this isn't and issue.
vs SPen with eraser?
Is there anybody that has the Bamboo Feel and the SPen with an eraser that can provide input? I'm a college student and I'll use the stylus almost exclusively for note-taking. (On paper, I write with a Uniball Signo DX 0.38mm, pretty thin pen). I'm torn between these two. Thanks!
I have both and prefer the Feel for the size, diameter and weight. If the eraser is the major criteria, then the Feel is no option. But all programs offer a quick eraser by selection and the button could also be used.
akxak said:
I have both and prefer the Feel for the size, diameter and weight. If the eraser is the major criteria, then the Feel is no option. But all programs offer a quick eraser by selection and the button could also be used.
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Thank you, one more thing: How is the precision compared between the two? I remember reading in another thread about an annoying offset that had to be calibrated in LectureNotes with the Feel. Thanks again for your response :good:
Both pens are accurate, I did not see any offset.
Gesendet von meinem Note 10.1

Auto - sleep...

Have had bad experiences with cases where the magnets haven't cooperated and the auto-sleep feature has been less than convenient. The s pen hasn't worked correctly and sometimes the tablet has gone to sleep without me touching the power button... just because the case has been folded so that the magnet has been pressed to the back of the tablet. Cheap cases? I confess... yes they have been. But after the first one I didn't really want to risk buying a more expensive one just to end up sitting with the knife and cutting out the magnet again. So l bought another cheap one... to see if the first one had been a "bad luck buy". Well, it wasn't and the second one behaved the same way... and the third one too. Is this a typical "cheap case thing" or is it something you can expect also with the more expensive ones? The best thing would of course be if this was an optional feature... that you can disable. On my iPad it's optional with a switch in the settings. I haven't found something on the Note 10.1 though. So my questions are...
• IS this a typical "cheap case syndrome"?
• IS the function optional on the Note 10.1 2014? (Or can it be done in another way?)
/ Nick
Runarsson said:
Have had bad experiences with cases where the magnets haven't cooperated and the auto-sleep feature has been less than convenient. The s pen hasn't worked correctly and sometimes the tablet has gone to sleep without me touching the power button... just because the case has been folded so that the magnet has been pressed to the back of the tablet. Cheap cases? I confess... yes they have been. But after the first one I didn't really want to risk buying a more expensive one just to end up sitting with the knife and cutting out the magnet again. So l bought another cheap one... to see if the first one had been a "bad luck buy". Well, it wasn't and the second one behaved the same way... and the third one too. Is this a typical "cheap case thing" or is it something you can expect also with the more expensive ones? The best thing would of course be if this was an optional feature... that you can disable. On my iPad it's optional with a switch in the settings. I haven't found something on the Note 10.1 though. So my questions are...
• IS this a typical "cheap case syndrome"?
• IS the function optional on the Note 10.1 2014? (Or can it be done in another way?)
/ Nick
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Firstly I have a book cover and have no trouble. I think it is a cheap case thing. Samsung official book cover has magnets in it and from what people say they have no issues with them. In settings there are an options for the book cover in accessories section try play with those settings.
BTW: the name of my case is Snugg it was $18.
Sent from my SM-P600 using XDA Free mobile app
Funny thing... maybe something I should keep to myself. But what the heck. Noone here knows me anyway. I found the option now... and not only that. I had actually turned it off. I must have done it by mistake while looking for it, because I sure can't remember ever finding it. Blind or senile. I must be at least one of them. LOL
But out of curiosity. I gather it must be some kind of sensor in that area since l was moving the cover's magnet area around and when it came close to that area it turned off without the screen being covered. Does that setting control the function or does it control the sensor itself? (If it only controls the function, the S Pen would still have behaved weird. around that area.)
Well, thank you anyway. Now I don't have to wonder about the setting anymore. Now I'm more worried about how come I never found it myself. l thought I had looked everywhere... including that area. But now I found it instantly. Far from hidden (even in a settings group with the NAME 'Book cover'). Maybe time for the annual doctor's checkup.

